45. Headache (43%) Flashcards
Name red flags of headaches
* Systemic - fever, weight loss, HTN, myalgias, scalp tenderness
* Neuro - confusion, decreased LOC, papilledema, visual field defect, CN asymmetry, extremity drift/weakness, reflex asymmetry, seizure
* Onset - Sudden
* Older - New onset or progressive >50yo
* Pattern change/progressive - Different or new
* Papilledema
* Postural aggravation
* Precipitated by valsalva (cough, sneeze)
* Secondary risk factors- HIV, malignancy, trauma, early morning/nocturnal
Name DDX of headaches (categories) (4)
- Primary
- Secondary
- Intracranial
- Extracranial
Name PRIMARY headaches
- Migraine
- Tension
- Cluster
If ≥15d/mo for ≥3mo
* Chronic migraine
* Chronic tension
* Medication overuse headache
* Hemicrania continua
* New daily persistent headache
Describe Migraines
- 4-72h (untreated)
- 2 of unilateral, pulsatile, moderate-severe pain, worse with or avoid routine physical activity
- 1 of nausea/vomiting, photo/phonophobia
Describe : Tension headaches
2 of Bilateral, non-pulsating (pressing), mild-moderate intensity, not worse with or avoid routine physical activity
No N/V, no more than one of photo/phonophobia
Describe : Cluster headaches (4)
- Severe unilateral orbital
- Supraorbital and/or temporal pain
- 15-180mins (untreated)
- One symptom/sign ipsilateral (Conjunctival injection, lacrimation, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, eyelid edema, sweating, flushing, ear fullness, miosis, ptosis)
- Sense of restlessness or agitation
Describe : Medication overuse headache (3)
- usually present on wakening
- ≥15d/mo simple analgesics (acetaminophen, aspirin, NSAID)
- ≥10d/mo ergotamine, triptan, opioids
Describe : Hemicrania continua (5)
- Strictly unilateral
- persistent with exacerbations
- cranial autonomic symptoms
- restlessness
- responsive to indomethacin
Describe : New daily persistent headache (4)
- Abrupt onset
- daily
- unremitting from onset (or within 3d of onset)
- typically in patients without history of headache
Name SECONDARY headaches (3)
- Infection: Meningitis, sinus, mastoid, dental
- Hypertension: Preeclampsia
- Systemic illness, Carbon monoxide
Name types of intracranial headaches (2)
Vascular and nonvascular
Name examples of intracranial vascular headaches (5)
- Hémorragie sous-arachnoïdienne (coup de tonnerre)
- Artérite temporale
- Thrombose des sinus veineux,
- Hématome sous-dural (aggravation avec le temps)
- Dissection de l’artère cervicale (AIT/déficit neuro chez le jeune)
Name examples of intracranial non-vascular headaches (3)
- Eye disorder (refractory errors, glaucoma)
- Carotid dissection
- Articulation temporo-mandibulaire
Describe physical exam : Headaches
- Vitals including BP
Neurological exam - Mental status
- Cranial nerve (including fundoscopy)
- Unilateral limb weakness, reflex asymmetry, coordination in arms
- Gait, heel-toe walking
- Consider neck and oropharynx exam
Describe investigations of headaches
- Neuro exam
- Fundoscopy r/o increased increased intracranial pressure
- CT if red flags or risk of intracranial pathology
- Lumbar puncture if symptoms of secondary cause
- Consider Taux de sédimentation des érythrocytes (ESR)/CRP if suspect artérite temporale
- Consider CT/LP to rule out hémorragie sous-arachnoïdienne (HSA)
Name symptoms suggestive of secondary cause of headaches (3)
- Valsalva/exercise
- systemic illness (fever/rash/neck stiffness/meningismus)
- neuro sign (papilledema/seizure)
How to r/o increased ICP?
What exam to do if symptoms of secondary cause of headache ? (1)
Lumbar puncture
What exam to do if suspect of arthérite temporale ?