31. Domestic Violence (33%) / 43. Gender (and Sex) Specific Issues (1%) Flashcards
Dans le cadre des soins des femmes ayant des inquiétudes au sujet de leur de santé, considérez la possibilité d’un problème de quoi?
de violence conjugale.
Quand les hommes et les femmes manifestent des inquiétudes au sujet de leur état de santé lié au stress, évaluez la contribution possible de problèmes liés à l’équilibre entre les rôles.
Nommez des examples.
- équilibre travail-vie personnelle
- partage des tâches entre partenaires
Établissez des politiques et des pratiques au travail pour vous assurer que les patients se sentent à l’aise et peuvent faire des choix, en particulier lors d’examens délicats.
Nommez des examples.
- positionnement pour le test de Pap
- chaperons pour les examens génital ou rectal).
Interprétez et appliquez pour vos patients les données probantes fondées sur la recherche en tenant compte du biais sexiste présent dans les études cliniques.
Nommez un example
recours à l’AAS chez les femmes
In a patient in a suspected or confirmed situation of domestic violence, what to assess and advise ? (4)
- Assess the level of risk and the safety of children (i.e., the need for youth protection).
- Advise about the escalating nature of domestic violence.
- Develop, in collaboration with the patient, an appropriate emergency plan to ensure the safety of the patient and other household members.
- Counsel about the cycle of domestic violence and feelings associated with it (e.g.,helplessness, guilt), and its impact on children.
Name : Risk Factors for Victimization (4)
- Young female (<24yo)
- Low SES
- Pregnancy
- Disability
Name : Risk Factors for Both Victimization and Perpetration (4)
- Unemployment
- Witnessing or experiencing violence as a child
- Substance abuse (alcohol/drug use)
- History of mental illness
Describe : Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST)
- 90% sensitivity with first two questions
- In general, how would you describe your relationship? No tension, some tension, a lot of tension?
- Do you and your partner work out arguments with no difficulty, some difficulty, or great difficulty?
(1) Do arguments ever result in you feeling down or bad about yourself?
(2) Do arguments ever result in hitting, kicking, or pushing?
(3) Do you ever feel frightened about what your partner says or does?
(4) Does your partner ever abuse you physically?
(5) Does your partner ever abuse you emotionally?
(6) Does your partner ever abuse you sexually? - Listen
- Acknowledge the injustice
(1) “This is abuse”
(2) “I am very sorry this is happening to you” - Frame the violence due to perpetrator’s behaviour and not the survivor’s
(1) “You do not deserve this, and it is not your fault” - Respect autonomy and patient’s decisions
(1) “I want to help you through this in any way I can.”
Name elements/questions to assess for safety (10)
- Violent outside the home
- Violent to children
- Threatening to kill
- Escalating threats
- Drugs, alcohol
- Abusive during pregnancy
- Obsessive, controlling relationships
- Serious prior injury
- Owns weapons, especially handguns
- Threatened others (family/friends)
Describe : Emergency plan (4)
- fety planning, resources, community services including local shelters
- Emergency kit with important documents, keys, money, essential items - stored outside the home
- Place to go (friend, family shelter)
- Signal to alert others (children/neighbours) to call 911
Mandatory reporting may be required in what instances ? (4)
- Abuse involving children. Contact Youth Protection
- Abuse of elderly (in retirement home)
- Abuse of disabled persons
- Weapon use