105. Well-baby Care (24%) Flashcards
Modifiez la routine du calendrier de vaccination pour accommoder certains besoins particuliers. Nommez des examples.
- les immunocompromis
- les allergiques
À chaque rencontre, donnez aux parents vos conseils sur certains éléments importants.
Nommez des examples (6)
- habitudes alimentaires
- développement
- immunisation
- trucs utiles pour les parents
- posologie antipyrétique
- sécurité
Informez-vous de l’adaptation de la famille à l’enfant. Nommez des examples. (3)
- interactions entre frères et soeurs
- changements au niveau des rôles des deux parents
- implication de la famille élargie
Lorsque les parents sont réticents à faire vacciner leurs enfants, discutez des éléments suivants afin qu’ils puissent prendre une décision éclairée … (3)
- leur compréhension de la vaccination.
- les conséquences de ne pas faire vacciner (p. ex. rubéole congénitale, décès).
- la sécurité des enfants non vaccinés (p. ex. aucun voyage dans le Tiers Monde).
When are routine visits ?
- Recommended at 1 week
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 12 months
- 18 months
- 4-5 years
Describe measurements if baby born pre-maturely
Correct percentiles if born <37w until 2-3yo
Describe weight fluctuations of newborn
- Max 10% weight loss by 4-5d, regain birthweight by 2w
- 30g/d until 3 mo, 20g/day until 6 mo, 10g/day until 12 mo
- Double BW by 4mo, triple BW by 1y
When do fontanelles close ?
- Posterior closed by 2mo
- Anterior closed by 18mo
Exclusive breastfeeding recommended until when ?
for first 6 months and continued into second year of life
Describe doses of vitamin D
- Breastfed babies should receive Vitamin D 400 units PO daily
- Vitamin D 800 units daily if high risk (limited sun exposure, darker skin, obesity)
Express breast milk can be stored for how long ?
Express breast milk can refrigerate up to 3d and freeze up to 6mo
When to switch to milk ?
- Switch from formula to homogenized milk at 500-750 mL/day at 12 months
- Discontinue bottle by 18 months
- Transition to 1-2% milk (500mL/day) at 2-3 years
Describe steps to introduce food
- No evidence to delay food beyond 6-12 months
- Introduce foods one at a time q3d (monitor for reactions)
- Avoid solid round smooth dry/sticky foods risk of choking
- Avoid sugary food/drinks
- No beets, carrots, spinach, turnips before 6 months (nitrates)
- No honey in first year
- Inquire about vegetarian diets
- Iron-containing foods should be encouraged when introducing solids
Describe risk of Swaddling
- Avoid beyond 2 months
- Hip safe swaddling
Use Rear-facing car seat until when ?
Infant must use rear-facing car seat
Use a larger seat once baby outgrows infant seat, and keep rear facing until at least 2 years of age or reaches the maximum weight or height limit of the rear-facing seat, as stated by the manufacturer
Describe doses of acetaminophen
10-15mg/kg/dose q4-6h
Describe screen use for kids
- No screentime <2yo
- Limit use and encourage meaningful content (educational, active , social)