In any investigation ther are small steps researchers can take to
one of them’s randomisation
minimise effect of extraneous/confounding variables on the putcomes
what is randomisation
the use of chance methods to reduce the researchers unconscious biases when designing an investigation
randomisation inshort is an attempt to
contrl investigator affects
give me an exmaple of randomisation in teh following scenario:
a memory experimetn may involve pt recalling words from a list
order of list should be randomly generated so the position of each word is not decided by the reserarcher
how can we do randomisation in an experiement where participants are involved in a number of diff condiitons
the order of these conditions should be randomly determined
for example if all participants were to take part in all 4 condiitons of speed up energy drink experimetn
the order in whihc the conditions are completed would need to be randomised for each pt
randomisation is an alternative to