Psychopathology - biological approach to EXPLAINING OCD Flashcards
What are the 2 forms of explanaitons
genes are involved in indiviudal vulnerability to
what are gentic explantions of ocd
2 points
Genetic explanations suggest OCD is inherited and
individuals inherit specific genes which cause OCD
what study shows us genes invlved ing enetic vulerability of OCD
Lewis observed of his ocd patients
37% got parents with OCD
21% got siblings with OCD
what does LEwis study obsv of ocd in his patients suggest
OCD runs in families
but whats porbably passed on from one gen to next
is genetic vulneerabliry not cetainity of OCD
according to diathesis stress model for OCD
certain genes
leave some people more likely to developn a menal disorder
but its not certain
some environmentla stress(experience) is necessary to trigger condition
what are candidiate genes in terms of OCD
particular genes which create a vulnrabiity for OCD
What are candiate gens inovled in in terms of ocd
regulaitng the development of serotinin systems
What are candiate gens inovled in in terms of ocd
+ give an example
some involved in regulating development of serotonin
e.g gene 5HT1-D beta is implicated in transport of serotinin across syanpses
OCD is a certain type of adjective used to descire genes
OCD is a certain type of adjective used to descire genes
ocd being polygenic means
ocd is caused by a combo of genes that together significantly increase vulnerability
rather than one single gene
OCD POLYGENIC - taylor analsyed
findings of previosu studes
OCD POLYGENIC - taylor analysed findings of previosu studies what did he find
eviednce up to 230 differnet genes may be involved with OCD
OCD POLYGENIC - Genes studied in relation to OCD include
those assocaited with actions of dopmaine and serotonin