BIOPSYCHOLOGY - Divisions of the Nervous System Flashcards
fWhat is the Nervous System
specialised network of cells in the human body
our primary internal communication system
What are the two main functions of the Nervous System
- collect, process and respond to info in the enviro
- co-ordinate workings of diff organs and cells in body
What is the Nervous System divided into
What does the CNS provide
complex processing
What happens in teh brain
conscious and most unconscious processing
the brain is the centre of
all conscious awareness
what is the outerlayer of teh brain called
cereberal cortex
cereberal cortex only found in
the brain is what in humans
highly developed
the brain distinguishes our ….. from
higher mental functions from those of other animasl
onlya few living creatures dont have brains name three
brian is divided into
two hemispheres
Descrobe spinal cord
What it recieve and trnasmit,
what does it connect
what is it repsonsbibel or
-recieves and transmits info to and from brain and body
-connects nerves to PNS
-responsible for reflex actions e.g puling hand from a hot plate
What does PNS do
transmits messages
via millions of neurons
to and from CNS
sensory neurons are also now as
afferent neurons
Motor neurons are also known as
efferent neurons
What do sensory neurons do
carry info from sensory receptors to the CNS
What do motor neurons do
transmit info away from the CNS to muscles of the body
The peripheral nervous ysstem is spilt inot
Somatic NS
Autonomic NS
What does teh Somatic NS do + describe it
what does it control
what does it recieve and from where
what type of system is it .. so
-controls skeletal muscles for movement
-recieves info from sensory receptors
-voluntary system so under conscious control e.g you decide to move your arm
What does the Autonomic NS do
what does it control
what does it govern
what type of system is it… so
-controls internal organs and glands
-governs vital functions i.e heart rate
-involuntary system,not conscious i.e don’t decide to increase your heart rate/
What is the ANS split into
parasympathetic NS
sympathetic NS
What are features of Sympathetic ANS
when does it activate
what does it release
what does it in/decrease
Activates in stress resposne (i.e flight/fight)
releases noradrenaline
increases bodily activities e.g HR
What are features of the Parasympathetic ANS
when does it activate
what does it release
what does it in/decrease
Activates in rest (rest&digest e.g)
releases acetycholine
decreases bodily activities e.g HR,
regulation of the internal environment
in homesotatis , normal conditions how are teh para/sympathetic systems
in balance and this is maintaining homeostasis
What does the endocrine system workalongside
nervous system
define endocrine system
one of bodys major info systems
that instructs glands to release hormones directly into the bloodstream
what is a gland
organ in the body that synthesises substances such as hormones
what are hromones
biochemical subtance that circulates in the blood and affecs target orgnas