Research Methods : Research Issues : EXTRANEOUS VARIABLES! Flashcards
What are the three types of research issues
extraneous variables
confounding variables
demand characteristics
What is the key to any experiment
changing IV to see how this affects DV
What is the only thing that should influence the dependent variable
Any variables that may interfere with IV (or DV) should be
controlled or removed
Define extraneous variables
nuisance variables that vary systematically with the iv
variable other than IV
that may affect DV
if not controlled
If possible when are EV identified
At the start of the study
EV are identified at the start of then study by who
the researcher
EV are identified at the start of the study by researchers who do what
take steps to minimise their influence
True or false most Extraneous variables are straightforward to control
Give an example of EV that are easy to control
age of the particpants
lighting in the lab
EV are described as nuisance variables that do not …
done delete
EV/nuisance variables may do what to the experminetal water
muddy it
EV/Nuisance variables muddy the experimental water but do not what
confound the findings of the study
Overall EV/nuisance variables make it harder to
detect a result
what does control mean
actions taken to minimise effect of Extraneous variables on the dv