biopsycvhology - structure and functions of a neuron Flashcards
how msny neurons are there in the human nervous system
100 billion
there are a 100 billion neurons in the nervous system 80% which are located in teh
neurons transmit signals
elcetrically and chemically
by transmitting signals electrically and chemically what do these neurons privide the nervous system qith
its primary measn of communciatino
what are te 3 types of neurons
what are sensory neurons 3 points
carry messages form the PNS to the cns
they have long dendrites
short axons
what is the relay neruon 3 points
connect sensory neuroins to the motor or other relay neurons
they have short dendrites
short axons
what are motor neurosn
connect the CNS to teh effectors such as muscles and glands
short dendrites
long axons
what are the 5 bits of a neuron we need to be able to label
cell body (nucleus bit)
myelin sheath
nodes of ranvier
neurons vary in sixze from
less than a mm to up to a metre long
what does cell body /soma include
nucleus - whihc contains genetic material of the cell
what are dendrties
branchlike structures that protrude from teh cell body
what do dendrties carry
nerve impulses from neighbouring neurosn towards teh cellbody
what does the axon do
carries impulses away from cell body downt he length of the neuron
what is a mylen sheath
covers axon in a fattu layer called the myelin sheath
it protects the axon
speeds up electrical transmission of the impulse