ATTACHMENT : Learning theory DOLLARD X MILLER Flashcards
Why is the learning theory aka CUPBOARD LOVE THEORY
it emphasises on the importance of the attahment figure providing food
What is the learning theory put simply
children learn to love whoever feeds themq
What is CLASSICAL CONDITIONING learning theory
learning through association
of unconditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus
to get a conditioned response
What is the unconditioned stimulus in the learnign theory
Why does food provide an ucnonditioned repsonse in the learning theory
being fed gives us pleasure which we don’t have to learn
What stimulus does a caregiver start as
neutral stimulus
When/how does the neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus
caregiver providing food overtime casues them associated with food
when baby sees adult now expectation of food
What happens once conditioning has taken place
sight of caregiver
produces conditioned response of pleasure
To a learning theorist what is this conditioned pleasure respones
to a learning theorist this conditioned repsones is love therefore ?
an attachment formed
caregiver becomes an attachment figure
What is operant conditioning
learning from the consequences of behaviour
if a behaviour produces a pleasant consequence what will happen
it’s likely to be repeated
if a behaviour is likely to be repeated again what do we say has happened
it has been reinforced
if a behaviour produced an unpleasant consequence what happens
less likely to be repeated
Operant conditioning can explain why babies cry for comfort - crying for comfort is an important
an important behaviour for building an attachment