Psychopathology - cognitive approach to explaining depression Flashcards
What did Beck do
ttok cogh approach to explaining why some people more vunerable to depression than others
What did Beck says creates vuenrability to depression
a persons cognitions i.e the way tehy think
What are the three parts to cognitive vulnerabilitu
Faulty Information Processing
Negative Self - Schema
Negative Triad
What is faulty information procesing
when depressed people atenD to negative aspects of a situation and ignore positives
Give an eg pf faulty information processing
win 1 mill but focus on fact last wek someone won 10million
instead of all the good i could obtain/do with a milly
what type of thinking do depressed people think
black and white thinking
What is black and white thinking
something is either all good or all bad
What is a Schemas
package of ideas and info developed thorugh excperience
acts as a mental framework for interpretation of sensory info
What is self schema
pack of info people have about themselves
People use schema to
interpret the world
If a person has a negative self schema how do they interpet all infotmation about themselves
in a negative way
what did beck say causes a perosn to develops a dysfunctiomal view of themselves
becuase of the 3 types of negatove thinking that occur automatically regardless of reality of what’s happening at the time
What are the three elements that make a person develop a dysfunctional view of themselves called
the negative triad
When a person is depressed what thoughts are uppermost
negative thoughts about
world ,
the self
State the negative triaf
negative view of the world
negative view of the future
negative view of the self