ATTACHMENT : Types Of Attachment Flashcards
Strange Situatio developped by
Ainsworth x Bell
Aim of teh strange situation
observe key attachment behaviours
to assess quality baby’s attachment to a caregiver
What type of observation is teh strange situation
controlled observation
PROCEDURE : Describe the setting of which attachment takes place
room with controlled conditions e.g lab
two way mirroor /cameras
- psychologists can observe babes behaviour through
State behaviours used to judge attachment
proximity seeking exploration and secure base behaviour stranger anxiety seperation anxiety response to reunion
How many episdoes does the procedur ehave
How long did the episodes last for
3 minutes
state the 7 stages
baby encouraged to explore
stranger comes in talks to caregiver , approaches baby
caregiver leaves starnger and baby alone
caregiver returns and starnger leaves
caregiver leaves the baby alone
stranger returns
caregiver returns and is reunited with the baby
What does stage 1 babby being encouraged to explore test
exploration and secure base
stranger comes in , talks to caregiver and approaches baby
What does the stranger coming in , talking to the caregiver then approaching the baby test
stage 2
stranger anxiety
What does stage 3 caregiver leaves baby and stranger alone test
stranger and seperation anxiety
What does caregiver returning and stranger leaving test stage 4
response to reunion behaviour
exploration/secure base
What does stage 5 : caregiver leaving baby alone test
seperation anxiety
What does stage 6 : stranger returning test
stranger anxiety
What does stage 7 of the caregiver returning and reuiniting with teh baby test
repsonse at reunion behaviour
what is proximity seeking
how close does infant stay tp caregiver
what is exploration and secure base behaviour
does infnat explore but use caregiver as a source of security
what is response to reunion
behaviour shown towards caregiver when they return
what is stranger and seperatino anxiety
stranger - distres xp when unkonw adult enters room
seperation - distres experienced when caregiver adult leaves
Secure Attachment is aka
Type B
How are secure babies’ proximity seeking and attachment behaviours
explore happily
regurlarly go back to caregiver
How bad/good is Type B kids seperation/stranger anxiety behavior
moderate seperation anxiety/distress
moderate stranger anxiety
At the reuinion stage what do Type B/SA kids require and accept
comfort from the caregiver
What percentage of British Babies are classified as Securley Attached
Insecure Avoidant Attahcment aka
Type A
How is the IAA show exploration/secure base
explore freely
dont seek proximity
don’t show secure - base behaviour
What reaction do Insecure Avidant Attachments show when their caregiver leaves
little to no reaction
How much stranger anxiety do Insecure Avoidant Attahcments show
What happens with Insecure Avoidant kids when caregiver returns
make little effort to make contact when caregiver returns
may even avoid such contact
What percentageof british babies are classed as insecure avoidant attachment
strength -= good reliability
good inter reliabilty
bick et al found 94% agreement btwn observers
could be due to obsv taking place under strict and controlled methods - including vide reocording
using pre determined behavioural categories that were easy to obsv
e.g seperation anxiety
high irr means findings are more meanignful and as we can be confident attahcment type ID in strange situation dont depend on subjectivity
limitation = culture bound
developed in britian and ys and therfore may be only valid for certain cultures - mostly infidivualsitic
cause diff babies got diff experiences in diff cultures
which may affect repsonse to strange situation
takahashi foun d in japan study babies displayed increased levels of seperation anxiety and were therfore dispraportionaltey classified as insecure resitant
however takahsahsi suggest this not due to attahcment security but cause of unsual xp in japan where mum and abbies rarely seperated
therfore difficult to know what strange situation measurig when used outside europe and us
good predicitve validity
attach types detemrined by ss highly predictive of future outcomes
babies type b go on to have better outcomes than insecure babise in msmy areas
e.g better ahcieveemt in shcool and less involvement in bullying
suggesting it measures something real and meanignful in a babys development
good predictive vaiidty cp
whilst it cleatly measure sutting importnat associated w later development not all psych belieive its attahcment
kagen suggesed genetically infleunced anxiety elvels could account for variations in attahc behaviout - make baby more anxious or chilled otu
which is the temperament hypothesis
therifre not measuring attahc qual but rather anxiety elvels whihc are more gentically infleunced
and these anxiety levels go on later in life to affect persons bhaviour trahter than attahc