MEMORY: Research into Coding Flashcards
how is info stored in memeory
in different forms
info is stored in memeory in different forms depending on
the memory store
define coding
format in which info is stored in the various memory stores
Who did research into coding
What did Baddeley do in coding research
gave diff lists of words to four groups of ppt to remember
Describe the four type of words the different geroups fot
1&2- acoustically dis/similar
3&4- semantically dis/similar
What were pt asked to do with the 4 groups of words
recall in correct order
What happened when pt did task immediatley they were recalling from ?
What hppened when pt recalling words from STM
did worse w acoustically similar words
recalling words after 20 minutes is recalling from where
What happened when pt recalling from LTM
Did worse on semantically similar words
What do findings from research suggests
info coded acoustically in STM
sematically in LTM
Strength of Badelleys research on coding ?
identified clear difference between 2 memory stores
Explain strength of b coding research - showed clear differences between two memory stores
but test of time
important in understanding of …. which led to
strength - showed clear differences between memory stores
later research shown exceptions to b’s findings
however idea STM uses mostly acoustic coding and LTM uses mostly semantic coding has stood test of time
this was an important step in our understanding of the memory system which led to creation MMM of memory
Limitiation of B coding research
lacks mundane realism becasue used artificial stimuli opposed to meaningful material
Explain limitation of baddeley research
baddeleys study used quite artificial stimuli
rather than meaningful material
e.g word list- no personal meaning to pt - this is low mundane realism and reduces external validity of experiment
therefore findings dont tell us much about coding in differnt memory tasks, esp in everyday life
when processing more meaningful info people may use sematic coding even for STM tasks
this therefore suggests findings have limited application to memory in the real world