Enska 103 Saga 1 Flashcards
Who is the story teller?
Genevieve, Zofia’s grandchild
Describe Jakes look
Tall, cute
What is the Garment District and why does the Genevieve go there so often?
A huge vintage clothing warehouse, she goes there to look for the feary handbag
Describe how the faery handbag looks
It is black and furry, Zofia said that it was made of dog skin
Describe what is inside the faery handbag
If you open it the wrong way you will enter a black space with the skinless dog. If you open it right you will go to the people of Baldeziwurlekistan
Describe Zofia’s look
She had long black hair, large blue eyes, very tall
Describe Zofias personality
She never acted her own age, she rode a bike everywhere, played a lot of scrabble and told a lot of stories
Describe Zofia and Genevieve’s relationship
They were good friends, Genevieve believed her stories about the handbag and they played a lot of scrabble
What is Baldeziurlekistan?
The place were Zofia was born.
What is it like in Baldeziurlekistan?
The people under the hill= can’t cook, if you spend the night there you might not wake up for a really long time. To avoid an earthquake they made a handbag that could fit the whole town
Why did Jake get expelled from school the first time?
Because some 6th graders had been picking on him so he released a skunk in the boy’s locker room
Why did Jake get expelled from school the second time?
Because of his Houdini project
Who was Houdini?
Harry Houdini was a stage magician and a stunt performer. He was born on march 24 1874 and died October 31 1926. He handcuffed himself and more
What was Jake’s Houdini project?
He went inside a school locker handcuffed and chained up, then he made his friends push him into the school pool
Who is Ruston?
Zofia’s husband
Describe Zofia’s husband
Rustan was a Russian deserter. He was curious about the handbag and opened it, he went inside and didn’t come out for 20 years
Why did Genevieve fall in love with Jake?
Because he said yes to her family and friends coming with them to the movies. Because he told stupid knock knock jokes to Nataly and told Natasha that he liked her jeans
What happened to Zofia?
She died
What is Genevieve’s plan at the end of the story?
She was going to keep looking for the bag and eventually find Jake