Pleural Effusion-Pneumothorax-Asthma Flashcards
What is Pleural effusion
build up of fluid in the pleural cavity because the rate of fluid production exceed the rate of removal or it cant be removed
What are the different types of pleural effusion s
transudate or exudat e
purulent (pus)
sanguineous (bloody)
hydrothrorax (clear)
What are the causes of hydrothorax
congestive heart failure
renal and liver failure
What are the causes of exudate pleural effusion
infection of pneumonia and pulmonary infarction
What are exudate effusion characteristized
proteins or elevated levels of LDH
What is an infection that results in exudate effusio n
What characterizes empyema
What causes empyema
rupture of a lung abscess
What is chylothorax
effusion of lymph when the lymph system can transport chyle from the throacic duct into central circulation
What can cause chylothorax
congenital malformations of the thoracic duct or lymph channels
complications from surgery
What is hemothorax
blood in the pleural cavity
What causes hemothorax
surgery complications
vessel rupture like an aortic aneurysm
How are plearual effusions usually treated
What are the manifestations of pleural effusions
Cough Dypsea dullness to percussion diminished breathing sounds pain mediastinal shift
How is Pleural effusion diagnosed
CT scan
How is pleural effusions treated
What are the manifestations of empyema
What a pneumothorax
air or gas in the pleural cavity that distorts the pressure, causign the lung to collapse
What are the two types of pneumothorax and explain
injury of chest or major airways
What are the two types of spontaneous pneumothorax and explain them
primary- thought to be caused by a rupture of a bleb on the surface of the lung- risk factors are smoking and being tall and thin
secondary- occurs in people with lung disease like emphysema
What is a traumatic pneumothorax
most common cause are dislocated or fractured ribs puncturing the pleura
What is a tension pneumothorax
pressure in the pleura exceeds atmospheric pressure causing mediastinal shifts, compression of the vena cava because of too much pressure
What are tension pneumo’s more related to?
traumatic pneumo’s more than spontaneous ones