Chronic Kidney Disease Flashcards
What causes chronic kidney disease
Progressive loss renal function over years
What unique about chronic kid disease
It’s a Spectrum
What are the usual causes of chronic kid disease
40% diabetes, 30% hypertension, 10% glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus
because of the progressive decline renal function, what happens
decreased GFR causes increased waste products
When do symptoms appear for chronic kid disease
< 25% norm function remains
What are some common symptoms of chron kid dis
P otassium increases- hyperkalemia
P hosphate elimination is impaired- bone probs
E limination of nitrogenous waste is impaired- uremia
E rythropoietin production is impaired- anemia if you lose EPO
A cid-base balance is impaired- acidosis, bone probs
A ctivation of Vit D is impaired- bone probs
S odium and water inbalance is impaired- leads to heart failure
What is the time line to diagnose chronic kid dis
decreases in GFR for more than 3 months
What is normal GFR
120-130 mL/min
How do you check for CKD in people with diabetes
protein dipstick for albuminuria
What are the stages of CKD and describe their GFR’s
Stgae 1 : equal or greater than 90 mL/min Stage 2: 60-90 Stgae 3: 30-59 Stage 4: 15-29 Stage 5: <15 = toto annihilation
What are the symptoms of uremia
G astrointestinal problem s I mpaired immune function N eurological problems S kin disorders S exual dysfunction
What is azotemia
elevated levels of nitrogenous wastes in the blood (essentially the same as uremia)
What are the treatments of CKD
first and foremost- treat the original cause
then treatment of:
Blood pressure- like using ACE inhibitors
dietary restrictions on- sodium, potassium, phosphorus, fluids, dietary proteins, drug regulation, Hemo and peritoneal dialysis, tranplantation
What is the most likely cause of CKD in kiddos
congenital malformations
inheirited disorders
acquired diseases
What similar between the stage progression of CKD in adults vs children
its the same