Numeric Disorder: Turner Syndrome Flashcards
What is Turner Syndrome?
Absence of all or part of female X chromosome
This disorder affects how many live births?
1 of every 5000
What are characteristics of a girl with Turner Syndrome?
S hort in stature W ide Neck A bsence of ovaries N o signs of secondary sex characteristics S welling of hands and feet
How does Turner Syndrome affect the CV system
congenital heart defects
coarctation of the aorta and bicuspid aortic valve
What systems are affected in Turner Syndrome?
How is the renal system affected?
Abnormal kidney location
Abnormal vascular supply of the kidney
Double collecting system in the kidney
What are other abnormalities?
Change in nail growth, high-arched palate, short fourth metacarpal, strabismus
Even though most women with Turners Syndrome have normal intellegence, they might have problems with
visuospatial organization such as driving
normal problem solving task like math and psychomotor skills
They might also have ADD
When is Turner Syndrome diagnosed?
Delayed until the late childhood or early adolescence
What is the treatment?
Growth hormone therapy
requires ongoing assessment and treatment
Estrogen therapy to promote development and maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics