H05 Plan for Possible Unwanted Effects When Using Reinforcement, Extinction, and Punishment Part 1 Flashcards
A student in a special ed class… to prevent aggression, the teacher could
Allow him to bank his game time to play for longer duration later
A potential problem when using reinforcing stimuli that also function as conditioned elicitors is
Elicited behavior may be incompatible with the target response
A potentially undesirable effect of positive reinforcement is
All the above:
A decrease in the target behavior in other settings due to the increase rate of reinforcement in one setting.
Undesirable behavior evoked by delivery of the reinforcer.
An increase in undesirable behaviors in the same functional response class.
Aggression when reinforcement is withheld because the target behavior was not emitted.
Aggression due to competition for limited reinforcement.
A decrease in desirable behaviors in the same functional response class as the target behavior.
With respect to an unwanted effect of reinforcement, approaching the agent of reinforcement
Can be problematic if it is excessive or interferes with the development of necessary skills.
A child is receiving M&Ms during training… the teacher should
Use a less potent reinforcer or use tokens that are exchanged for M&Ms at the end
A speech therapist… the problem is
The reinforcer is eliciting behaviors that are interfering with the target behavior.
A child earns time to play computer… this is
Extinction of the child’s keeping-calm behavior caused by an unintentional delay in reinforcement.
With respect to unwanted effects of reinforcement, unwanted behaviors may
Increase if they yield the same reinforcer as the target behavior
Approaching the reinforcing agent refers to
Approaching the person who will give the reinforcer
A potential unwanted effect of reinforcing an alternative behavior to replace undesirable behavior is that
Undesirable behaviors that are members of the same functional response class may be strengthened as well.
A potential unwanted effect of using highly preferred items or activities as reinforcers is
A reduced rate of the target behavior because of interfering behavior evoked by the reinforcer.
A speech therapist is attempting to teach swallowing. She is using fruit snack as reinforcers, hoping that
The item will elicit behaviors that provide frequent opportunities for the target behavior to occur.
A child gets one hour to play computer games after he completes his homework. When the hour is up, the child begs for and gets more time to play. Begging just began with this new contingency.
This illustrates an increase in an undesirable behavior that is a member of the same response class as the behavior being reinforced.
An animal trainer… the animal trainer should
Use something else as a reinforcrer such as bits of ground meat
A teacher tells her student… if the questioning is not maintained by escape, it is likely
Operant behavior that competes with the target behavior
The unwanted effects of negative reinforcement are
Essentially the same as the unwanted effects of punishment
When using reinforcement in a behavior change program, aggression may occur
When a reinforcer is withheld because the target behavior was not emitted.
Increasing the rate of reinforcement for a particular behavior may
Temporarily decrease appropriate behavior that is part of the same functional response class.