E02.11 & E02.12 Records and Data, Contracts, Fees and Financial Arrangements Flashcards
A BCBA has provided services in the home and has been invited to begin providing services at school. The BCBA and the parents signed a contract before he began working in the home
A new contract should be written specifying both the BCBA’s and teacher’s roles in program implementation
A BCBA is told by the client that she will change insurance providers at the end of the year. The BCBA determines that the new insurance provider will not cover his services. When should he share this information with the client?
Immediately, as indicated by the Code
BCBAs are required to keep records for how many years?
Behavior analysts specify fees in advance
To reduce the likelihood of disputes, increase the predictability of billing, and specify service costs and their associated fees
In a therapeutic relation, inform the client as soon as is feasible,
The cost of services
Under her new insurance plan, a client will have to pay a higher deductible and the number of approved hours for ABA services has decreased. The BCBA feels the number of hours approved is not enough to have a meaningful therapeutic effect. The BCBA should
Discuss the difference with the client and determine a solution together
The BACB requires you to keep records for
7 years and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and the policies of your organization.
A graduate student is conducting a study on the influence of television on aggressive behavior. She is storing her subjects’ records and data at her shared apartment in an open crate under her desk. Select the option that addresses the extent to which her safeguarding is appropriate.
This is inadequate storage of confidential information
A BCBA provides a contract to clients in which he specifies his fees, including cancellation policy and late fees. When a client fails to cancel, he imposes the cancellation fee and references the contract. Is this acceptable?
Yes, as long as clients are informed of the fee arrangements and rules, and this information is included in the contract.
A BCBA took all appropriate measures to maintain confidentiality. However, due to circumstances beyond his control, confidentiality was breached. What should he do?
Inform the affected clients of the breach and carry out corrective actions as needed
A BCBA offers clients a contract specifying the parameters of professional services. It should contain
Specific information on all fees and fee policies.
Expectations for client involvement and communication.
Specific information on how data will be collected and used.
When transporting records or data in your car, these records can be stored
In a locked container where the files are out of sight
File sharing sites for client records
Must be HIPAA compliant in the United States
Which is NOT a security measure that will protect documents stored on a mobile device?
GPS ability to locate the device
With regard to disposal of 10-12 year old records,
Check organizational policies and applicable laws before disposing of these records.
A BCBA has clients who pay for his services privately. He wants to increase his fee.
He should discuss the increase before charging the new fee.
When carrying paper work from site to site
Only current papers pertaining to that case should enter the building with you
Which action poses a threat to confidentiality?
Syncing files to personal, unencrypted devices.
File sharing folders instead of a single electronic document.
Storing your password.
A BCBA works closely with a family and is providing service in their home. She has also accompanied the family on trips to provide services. Her contract specifies issues such as private accommodations, time off, and coverage of travel expenses, including expenses that are not covered. Is this acceptable?
Yes, as long as the parameters and goals of such involvement are specified.
A BCBA would like to present a poster using data collected recently on an intervention with a child. What steps need to be taken?
He needs to obtain consent and the child’s name and other identifying information should be disguised.