B04 Define & Provide Examples of Positive and Negative Reinforcement Contingencies Part 2 Flashcards
Generally, descriptive praise should
Be delivered sincerely, with eye contact, and with enthusiasm.
Generalized reinforcers maintain the EO for the reinforcer because
Satiation on all reinforcers for which a generalized reinforcer could be exchanged is unlikely.
To shift from contrived to naturally occurring reinforcers
Pair naturally occurring reinforcers with contrived reinforcers
To maintain performance by not allowing the establishing operation to diminish would involve
Using a few reinforcers and varying them from trial to trial
To maintain potent EOs for reinforcers, you may
Give choice or allow natural deprivation
Satiation of a reinforcer is
A reduction in responding caused by the behavior altering effect of an AO
Naturally occurring reinforcement is
Any reinforcement that has not been planned or programmed to change behavior
Labeled praise and descriptive praise
Are synonymous terms, similar to specific praise
Descriptive praise often functions as a positive reinforcer for the behavior preceding it and as
A rule for future behavior and reinforcement
Specific praise often
Provides a rule for future behavior
Labeled praise and descriptive praise
Usually specify the target behavior
Responding with a response-to-reinforcement delay can be taught by
Providing verbal assurance during the delay that the reinforcer will be forthcoming
Responding with a response-to-reinforcement delay can be taught by
Providing an activity that will “bridge the gap” between the behavior and reinforcer.
Specific praise often
Places emphasis on the behavior rather than the individual
The quantity of a reinforcer or frequency of delivery can reduce reinforcer effectiveness due to
A token economy for a classroom should include
Contingent praise and attention for earning tokens
Contrived reinforcement is
Reinforcement that has been included in a plan to change behavior
Labelled praise and descriptive praise
May state benefits of the target behavior
To shift control from contrived to naturally occurring reinforcers,
Develop behavioral repertoires that produce naturally occurring reinforcers.