B03 Define & Provide Examples of Respondent & Operant Conditioning Part 1 Flashcards
An unconditioned response is elicited by
An unconditioned stimulus
Which is synonymous with respondent conditioning?
Pavlovian conditioning
The respondent conditioning process calls for
All the above:
An unconditioned stimulus that reliably elicits an unconditioned response.
A neutral stimulus paired with the unconditioned stimulus.
Absence of the neutral stimulus when the unconditioned stimulus also is absent.
Select the example of respondent conditioning
A man’s heart began to pound, and he started to perspire profusely when a large black dog ran up to him, barking and snapping aggressively. Now when the man sees a black dog his heartrate increases, and he begins to sweat.
Which of the following describes a respondent relationship?
A preschool child exhibits crying and aggressive behaviors toward the child on the tricycle when he is not allowed to ride the tricycle. The crying behavior is likely a result of
A combination of respondent and operant conditioning
A previously neutral stimulus that elicits a behavior by being correlated with an unconditioned stimulus is
A conditioned stimulus
A reflex is a
Response and its associated controlling stimulus
An unconditioned stimulus elicits
An unconditioned response
Which are examples of respondent behavior?
All the above
Someone regularly arrives in a noisy truck bringing fresh donuts. Soon you begin to salivate when you hear the truck coming. the noise from the truck is
A conditioned stimulus
What is an unconditioned stimulus?
Very cold temperature
Respondent behavior
All the above:
Can sometimes be brought under operant control.
Is under the control of an antecedent.
Is not amenable to shaping.
Which is an unconditioned stimulus?
All the above
The presentation of a stimulus which elicits a response without prior conditioning is
An unconditioned stimulus
Which is an unconditioned stimulus?
The aroma of food
A stimulus that has no effect on behavior is
A neutral stimulus
The respondent conditioning process calls for presenting
A neutral stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned stimulus.
Which are examples of respondent behavior?
Which is an unconditioned stimulus?
A bright light
Respondent behavior
Is under control of an antecedent
Which is likely an unconditioned response?
Jerking your hand away after it touches a hot iron
Which is likely an unconditioned response?
All the above:
Shivering, increased heart rate, a startle response
Generally, to have a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus
The NS is paired with an US/UR or a CS/CR