A05 Describe & Define The Dimensions of ABA Part 2 Flashcards
Believable demonstrations of the events responsible for behavior change refers to which dimension of ABA?
A behavior analyst is able to replicate a procedure if the description of its written in consideration of which dimension?
The requirement that procedures produce practical and significant changes in behavior refers to which dimension of ABA?
The “behavioral” dimension of ABA is exemplified by
Talking as a target behavior
A technological description of a timeout procedure would include
What behavior, where, how long, what is said, how, etc.
“Conceptually systematic” is exemplified when a reduction in behavior is described as
Which of the following is probably NOT about applied research?
Memory processes in delayed spatial discriminations
Which question considers the applied dimension of ABA?
All the above
An interest in behaviors that are important to both the individual and society refers to which dimension of ABA?
The requirement that procedures are described in terms of basic principles refers to which dimension of ABA?
Which question considers the applied dimension of ABA?
How do you increase social behavior?
Studying what people do refers to which dimension of ABA?
“Conceptually systematic” is exemplified when a process is described
Using the language of science and the basic principles of behavior
Generality is exemplified by treatment effects
Maintaining when implemented by new staff
The requirement that behavior change procedures are described specifically and completely enough that a trained reader could replicate them refers to which dimension of ABA?
The “behavioral” dimension of applied behavior analysis is exemplified by
A child learning to speak as a target behavior
The “effective” dimension of ABA is exemplified by
All in the experimental group acquiring a friend with whom they interact daily, compared to only a a few people in the control group who make friends.
The “behavioral” dimension of ABA is exemplified by
All the above
Which question considers the applied dimension of ABA?
What ecological arrangements will foster mating in zoo animals?