E01.02 Boundaries of Competence Flashcards
A BCBA participates in research designing data collection systems, collecting data, and conducting IOA checks. He has been acknowledged in publications, but has never been a co-author. He wants to independently conduct research.
He would not be considered competent to proceed independently without having participated in all aspects of the research process.
A BCBA who has no experience with feeding problems is asked to develop a feeding protocol for a child with anorexia. The BCBA attends lecture on anorexia at an ABAI conference and then develops the protocol. Which best characterizes this preparation?
Attending lectures at a behavior analysis conference is not sufficient preparation to work with eating disorders
The BCBA, having never treated pica, expresses doubt about being able to treat a child who exhibits extreme pica. Her supervisor insists that she has the skills. The BCBA should
Seek supervision and consultation by a BCBA experienced in this area.
A BCBA wants to become competent to work with young children with autism. She asks her agency to place her in a teaching assistant role to learn instructional strategies directly, and to receive mentoring by the teacher (a BCBA) for 60 days. What else must she do to gain competency in these skills?
The actions she has taken should be sufficient for her to gain competency as a clinician in this area.
A newly certified BCBA-D wants to research teacher training. Through her doctoral advisor, she participated in three studies in this area, including co-authoring two publications. What else should she do to ensure she is competent to independently conduct this research?
Nothing, Her graduate training seems sufficient to support her competence in this area of research.
As a behavior analyst, you should provide services
Only in areas in which you are competent
You are requested to help a colleague by collecting direct observation data on a child with ASD. You have no experience with ASD. From a standpoint of professional competence, you should
Accept the request because you are competent in direct observation
Behavior analysts only provide services
They are competent to provide
You have an opportunity to lead an interdisciplinary team in a new area that is beyond your competence. You may
Decline the offer because you do not have competence in the area.
You have an opportunity to lead an interdisciplinary team in a new area that is beyond your competence. You may
All the above:
Decline, accept with BCBA competent supervising you, accept with training completed before research begins
An assistant program director (extensive experience) and a clinical director (no experience) plan to conduct research in this area. For the next year, the clinical director and his subordinate meet weekly to review the literature, plan, and conduct three research studies in this area. The clinical director
Is acting responsibly by getting trained by a competent BCBA who has experience in the relevant area of study
You are asked by a parent to help a typically developing young teen who is not completing school assignments. Your professional experience is with autism, but you learned behavioral self-management skills in college. You should
Refer the family to a behavior analyst with appropriate experience.
If providing services requires special knowledge in culture, race, religion, etc, you should
Have or obtain that knowledge, or refer to someone who does
A BCBA wants to obtain relevant experience in an area in which he is not sufficiently trained. Which is the LEAST appropriate way to proceed?
Read about the procedure in articles published in reputable newspapers and psychology magazines.
A parent, who has a personal relationship with a BCBA, would like to hire her to provide services to a child with an eating disorder. The BCBA states she lacks experience and training in this area, and refers the parent to more appropriately trained professionals. The parent now offers to sign a statement agreeing to hire the BCBA despite her admitted lack of experience
The BCBA should politely decline to work with the child and follow through with her recommendation to provide referrals.
A BCBA finds fluency to be theoretically compelling and wants to pursue it in a research project. She does not possess clinical expertise in the procedures she wishes to evaluate. She should
Obtain training, supervision, or consultation on fluency-based instruction prior to and during her research project.
You are well trained in the application of ABA to individuals with autism and you are asked by your district to intervene with a child labeled as emotionally disturbed. the child is described as out of control. Your training and experience with this populated is limited.
You should refer to or seek supervision from someone experienced in this area
A BCBA, looking for a change from his previous experience, applies for a job requiring the use of organizational behavior management techniques to motivate employees or a large corporation. When offered the job, the BCBA should
Accept, provided he is offered training and is able to be mentored by a BCBA experienced in OBM
A BCBA-D with extensive experience treating drug dependency was asked to treat a developmentally typically 10 year old boy with “selective mutism” The BCBA declined and gave the parents the names of two colleagues who had experience treating this condition.
The BCBA acted responsibly because the case was outside his area of experience.
You are asked by a parent to provide counseling for typically developing young teen who lacks motivation in school. You have professional experience and training with families and typically developing children. You should
Explain that you do not provide “counseling” but you can work with the family in other ways.