F04- F05 Conduct Assessment of Relevant Strengths and Skills/ Preference Assessments Part 1 Flashcards
Reinforcer sampling involves
Noncontingent exposure to a variety of novel stimuli or activities for a brief period.
The reinforcing efficacy of a particular item can be determined using which of the following procedures?
Deliver the item contingently under one condition but not another, then reverse the conditions to see if responding changes accordingly.
A reinforcer assessment for an active ten year old student just after recess is likely to show a preference for
Edible reinforcers
When conducting a behavior assessment, the learner’s skill repertoire is assessed to
Identify potential replacement behaviors from the learner’s repertoire.
In a contrived free operant observation to identify reinforcers,
The environment is salted with a variety of potential reinforcers and an observer records duration of engagement with each one.
The availability of reinforcers can be enhanced by
Using conditioning procedures to establish secondary reinforcers.
Reinforcer identification via naturalistic direct observation involves
Identifying high probability behaviors which may be used as reinforcers.
Observing the student in the natural environment.
Recording duration of engagement with various environmental stimuli.
Using direct observation, you conclude that TV is likely to be a reinforcer. You may have
Found that watching TV was the longest duration activity.
When selecting reinforcers to use in an intervention, to help ensure that they do not lose their value through satiation, you should select
A variety of reinforcers
When conducting a behavior assessment, the learner’s skill repertoire is assessed to
Identify areas of strength and weakness in the learner’s repertoire.
Determine whether a learner’s behavior problem is related to a skill deficit.
Determine whether a skill could be developed to reduce the MO related to problem behavior.
Identify potential replacement behaviors.
A student is referred for pants wetting… to begin you assess the student’s ability to
Open the bathroom door.
Remove coat and gloves to use the bathroom.
Locate the bathrooms accessible from the playground.
One might conclude that a stimulus is a reinforcer if its contingent presentation is compared to that of a known reinforcer and
The stimulus produced a response pattern similar to that of the known reinforcer.
When a person is free to do anything they like, the behavior they engage in the most
May be used to reinforce low-probability behavior.
If food reinforcers are to be used in an individual’s reinforcement program, they should be
During sessions that take place before meals.
Interview and paper and pencil instruments for assessing reinforcers.
All the above:
Are less valid than systematic manipulations.
Are less time consuming relative to systematic manipulations.
Include scales, surveys, inventories, and checklists.
In a reinforcer assessment in which you observe an individual engaging freely in activities of their choice, you record the
Duration of engagement with each stimulus or activity.
One way to determine whether stimuli are reinforcer is to
Compare rates of behavior under an extinction condition to rates when suspected reinforcer is provided contingent on the behavior.
You noncontingently offer a student a small portion of chocolate ice cream. You then tell him that with each math problem he completes, he gets another bite. You have used
Reinforcement sampling
One way to determine whether stimuli are reinforcers is to
Compare rates when the potential reinforcer is made contingent versus noncontingent
When selecting reinforcers to use in an intervention, select
Different reinforcers to be used at different times of the day.
The procedure which best predicts reinforcement value is
Direct measurement of choice responding
The FBA shows that a child’s disruptive classroom behavior is maintained by peer attention. You
Assess whether the child can appropriately initiate interactions with peers during free time.
You are tasked with ensuring that a client consumes all her packed lunch during a 30 minute lunchtime. Which is NOT a consideration? The
Ability to mand for a break from the cafeteria.