G04 Use Stimulus & Response Prompts & Fading Part 4 Flashcards
To teach the word “ball” the “b” is originally shaped like two balls- one atop the other. Over several sessions, the balls are transformed in a normal “b”. This is
Stimulus shape transformation
The correct response is to point to the letter “C” when the teacher says “c”. Which option exemplifies time delay?
If no response occurs within 5 seconds, the teacher points to the C
To teach reading the word “baseball”, you superimpose an outline of a baseball over the word and then gradually withdraw it. This is
Stimulus fading
Stimulus fading
Involves gradually removing a stimulus prompt
In a prompt delay procedure, learning may occur faster if
Responses that occur before the prompt are more heavily reinforced than those that occur after the prompt
With constant time delay, a delay interval
May begin at 0 seconds and jump to a predetermined maximum delay
Which option is an element of a delayed prompt protocol (after the 0 second delay sessions have concluded)?
Sd, delay, prompt, correct response, reinforce
Prerequisites for using a time delay procedure include
Having a prompt that reliably evokes the correct response
Time delay involves transferring stimulus control
By inserting a delay between the presentation of a stimulus and a controlling prompt
Stimulus fading to teach reading “Coca-Cola” is exemplified by
Presenting a picture of a Coca-Cola bottle next to the work “Coca Cola” and gradually fading the picture
Which option is an element of a time delay protocol (after the 0 second delay sessions have concluded)?
Sd, delay, incorrect response, error correction
Stimulus shape transformation
Involves changing the form of the physical stimulus
Prerequisites for using a time delay procedure include
That the student can wait for a prompt
Stimulus fading is exemplified by a hint
Written in bold letters, progressing to lighter and lighter print over several trials.
Stimulus fading
Involves gradually diminishing an irrelevant feature of a stimulus
Given few error, an appropriate progression in progressive prompt delay would be
0 sec, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, with progression occurring each day
With progressive time delay, a delay interval may begin at
0 seconds and progress gradually to a predetermined maximum
Which option is an element of a delayed prompt protocol during the initial 0 second delay sessions?
Sd and immediate prompt, correct response, reinforce
Stimulus shape transformation to teach reading “Coca Cola” is exemplified by
Gradually changing the word “Coca Cola” from the form of a bottle to a regular font