A03 Describe & Explain Behavior From The Perspective of Radical Behaviorism Part 3 Flashcards
What are private events?
All are private events, thoughts, feeling , attitudes, emotions ; that are unobservable to people other than the person experiencing it .
One objection to mentalistic explanations of behavior is that
They terminate inquiry into the variables of which behavior is a function
A child says “please may I have some candy” because
The behavior of asking nicely often produces candy
Select the best behavioral description. It is likely that the child exhibits stereotypic behavior because
It produces automatic reinforcement
A characteristic of mentalism is that it
Asserts that behavior is merely an expression of internal states
A characteristic of mentalism is that it
psychic, spirtual, subjective and hypotectical
All the above
Which is not a private event?
Someone whispering in your ear so that only you and he could hear
Which is not a private event?
A virus with no symptoms is neither a private nor public events.
Which is not a private event?
All are private events
A private event
May include verbal behavior to oneself (thinking) ( singing to themself.
Which is not a private event?
Getting hit with a baseball
After working late, a woman was waiting at the elevator to go home. The door opened and there was a rough looking man on the elevator. She said “Oh, I forgot my paper,” and turned away. Which is not a mentalistic explanation of her behavior?
She had learned a rule that a person’s appearance is an indicator of probably behavior and she turned away from the man as a function of this rule.
A private event
All the above
One objection to mentalistic explanations of behavior is that
All the above
Mentalism holds that the real cause of behavior
Is the inner entity or hypothetical construct
Which is not a private event?
A very sick person saying to you “I’m burning up inside”
A characteristic of mentalism is that it
Creates names for inner entities that cause behavior
A characteristic of mentalism is that it
Assumes there are inner entities that are separate from behavior
A private event
Is stimulation that is evident only to the behaver