E04.09- E04.11 Least Restrictive Procedures, Harmful Reinforcers, Discontinuation Flashcards
A family has cancelled every weekly session the behavior analyst has scheduled with her for three months. May the BCBA terminate the relationship?
Yes, with notification to the client.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
All the above:
Model appropriate behavior and give clear instruction.
Prompts and redirect problem behavior.
Social stories and allow individuals to participate in goal-setting.
An effective intervention to improve student behavior in schools, which does not require behavior analysis services, is
To have teachers greet each child by name, accompanied by a positive statement.
Residents in a group home begin their stay with no furniture except a bed and a desk. They are provided limited clothing and activities. Privileges such as decorating their rooms, wearing their own clothes, trips to the community, etc, are used to reinforce compliance. Is this appropriate?
No, do not use reinforcers that require unusual degrees of deprivation as MOs.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
Reducing the noise level
An uncooperative parent has been court-ordered to accept behavioral services. The BCBA should focus on
Developing rapport and goals that the mother values and establishing criteria for termination of services.
You have reason to believe that praise, token, and potato chips will all be equally effective as reinforcers. Use
A high general level of positive reinforcement
Has been shown to reduce a wide array of problem behaviors.
Problem behaviors
Can sometimes be remedied without formal behavior analysis services
The criteria for termination of services for achieving goals should
Be established and explained to the client/client’s surrogate at the outset of the relationship in language they can understand.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
Modeling appropriate behavior and activity schedules.
The Code calls for the BCBA to establish
Criteria for discontinuation of services, which are to be communicated to the client at the outset of the relationship.
Client consent is not required
To terminate services with the client.
Problem behavior can be reduced without behavior analysis services by
Having an enriched environment
Breaks are used to reward student performance. The BCBA determines that tokens are as equally effective and are less disruptive than breaks. The teacher does not mind that the student takes breaks. The BCBA should
Change the reinforcer from breaks to tokens, exchangeable for tangible items once a week.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
Appropriate task demand and give clear instructions.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
All of the above:
Reducing the noise level.
Rearranging the furniture.
Changing supervision arrangments.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
Asking someone to change their behavior.
Which does NOT require behavior analysis services, but MAY be an effective intervention?
All the above:
Set and teach positive rules for behavior.
Activity schedules and appropriate task demand.
Provide choice and a highly reinforcing environment.
Which includes appropriate termination criteria? Services will be terminated when
The client’s spontaneous mands have attained the level of his non-handicapped peers.