574 Body Worn Camera (V5) Flashcards
C. Callout Criteria
The on-call member of the BWC Unit shall be called out via the Investigative Police
Emergency Communications Officer (PECO) for:
C. Callout Criteria
The on-call member of the BWC Unit shall be called out via the Investigative Police
Emergency Communications Officer (PECO) for:
a. An officer-involved critical incident that necessitates the immediate uploading and
viewing of BWC recordings;
b. An investigation that requires immediate restriction of access to BWC recordings; or
c. Any time-sensitive situation involving BWC equipment and/or software.
How often must there be refresher training in regard to BWC training and usage?
B. BWC Equipment Issuance, Training, and Usage Requirements [CALEA 41.3.8]
1. All police officers and sergeants shall be issued two BWCs and complete the initial JSO BWC
training course, along with annual refresher training every year thereafter. These training
courses provide instruction on the proper placement, usage, and maintenance of the
equipment, as well as the agency policy on viewing, storage, retention, and distribution of
BWC recordings.
OFficer shall remove their BWCs prior to entering what three locations?
- Officers shall remove their BWCs prior to entering:
a. The Breathalyzer Room inside the Pretrial Detention Facility (PDF);
b. The Internal Affairs Unit office; or
c. The Integrity & Special Investigations Unit office.
c. Community Member Request for Unrecorded Statement: A community member has
indicated he/she wants to provide case-related information but does not want the interaction to be recorded for personal reasons (e.g., fear of retaliation, privacy concerns, etc.). Prior to deactivation, if feasible given the circumstances, the officer shall obtain approval from a ______________ to deactivate his BWC for the duration of the conversation with the community member.
A. Rank
c. Community Member Request for Unrecorded Statement: A community member has
indicated he/she wants to provide case-related information but does not want the interaction to be recorded for personal reasons (e.g., fear of retaliation, privacy concerns, etc.). Prior to deactivation, if feasible given the circumstances, the officer shall obtain approval from a supervisor to deactivate his BWC for the duration of the
conversation with the community member.
Officers should not record regarding a hazardous device when the officer is within ______________ of a scene involving a bomb threat or located device.
d. Hazardous Device: The officer is within 1000 feet of a scene involving a bomb threat or
located device.
- For large-scale Incident Command System (ICS) incidents (e.g., a multi-day missing persons
search) that could potentially capture many hours of footage without citizen-related activity, an _________________________ can amend BWC requirements for that operation by notifying the ___________________ and general staff of the specific changes via written correspondence.
A. Rank
B. Rank
- For large-scale Incident Command System (ICS) incidents (e.g., a multi-day missing persons
search) that could potentially capture many hours of footage without citizen-related activity, an assistant chief can amend BWC requirements for that operation by notifying the ICS command and general staff of the specific changes via written correspondence.
If an undercover officer or a CI is recorded via the BWC, where must these comments be notated in order to ensure its redaction?
- Undercover officers shall, when feasible, conceal their identities and the identities of confidential informants (CI) prior to the arrival of, or interactions with, officers equipped with BWCs. When an officer captures undercover officers or CIs on his BWC, he shall document this in the “Notes” section associated with the BWC recording so the appropriate redactions can be made prior to releasing the BWC recording to the public.
If an undercover officer or a CI is recorded via the BWC, where must these comments be notated in order to ensure its redaction?
- Undercover officers shall, when feasible, conceal their identities and the identities of confidential informants (CI) prior to the arrival of, or interactions with, officers equipped with BWCs. When an officer captures undercover officers or CIs on his BWC, he shall document this in the “Notes” section associated with the BWC recording so the appropriate redactions can be made prior to releasing the BWC recording to the public.
E. BWC Docking and Storage [CALEA 41.3.8]
2. Any BWC recording captured by an officer during his regular shift must be uploaded within
A. Time Frame
E. BWC Docking and Storage [CALEA 41.3.8]
2. Any BWC recording captured by an officer during his regular shift must be uploaded within
24 hours
- Any BWC recording captured by an officer while working secondary employment, working
overtime, or off-duty must be uploaded no later than ______________________.
A. Time Frame
- Any BWC recording captured by an officer while working secondary employment, working overtime, or off-duty must be uploaded no later than his next regular working day.
c. Any access and/ or use of a BWC recording not expressly permitted by this order requires approval from the ___________________.
A. Rank/Position
c. Any access and/ or use of a BWC recording not expressly permitted by this order
requires approval from the Undersheriff.
e. An officer who observes potential misconduct on a BWC recording shall report his observations to _________________, ______________________, or ________________________, in accordance with Order 501 (Code of Conduct).
e. An officer who observes potential misconduct on a BWC recording shall report his observations to his supervisor, the Internal Affairs Unit, or the Integrity & Special Investigations Unit, in accordance with Order 501 (Code of Conduct).
f. Officers are encouraged to notify the ______________________ via __________________ of any BWC recording that may be of value for training purposes.
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank
f. Officers are encouraged to notify the Assistant Chief of Training via their chain of command of any BWC recording that may be of value for training purposes.
If a commanding officer or supervisor reviews a subordinate’s BWC recording, the review shall indicate what and where?
c. Any commanding officer or supervisor accessing a subordinate’s BWC recording shall
indicate in the “Notes” section on the BWC Portal why the recording was viewed.
If a commanding officer or supervisor reviews a subordinate’s BWC recording, the review shall indicate what and where?
c. Any commanding officer or supervisor accessing a subordinate’s BWC recording shall
indicate in the “Notes” section on the BWC Portal why the recording was viewed.
G. Evidentiary Seizures of BWCs [CALEA 41.3.8]
1. Immediately following an officer-involved critical incident, after the scene is stabilized, the
responding supervisor shall:
G. Evidentiary Seizures of BWCs [CALEA 41.3.8]
1. Immediately following an officer-involved critical incident, after the scene is stabilized, the
responding supervisor shall:
a. Collect all BWCs worn by officers who were directly involved in the incident and secure
them for the responding investigative unit; and
b. Notify the on-call member of the BWC Unit, who shall respond to upload all relevant BWC recordings to the storage server, facilitate the viewing of those recordings by authorized personnel, restrict access to uploaded BWC recordings as requested by the investigative unit, and provide officers with replacement BWCs.
- When a commanding officer or supervisor is made aware of potential misconduct
potentially captured on BWCs that have not yet been docked for uploading, he shall:
- When a commanding officer or supervisor is made aware of potential misconduct
potentially captured on BWCs that have not yet been docked for uploading, he shall:
a. Collect all BWCs that potentially captured the misconduct;
b. Dock the BWC so that all BWC recordings can be uploaded; and
c. Conduct an administrative investigation or notify the appropriate unit in accordance
with Order 501 (Code of Conduct).