214 Railroad Crashes and Incidents (V3) Flashcards
For FRA and NTSB to respond and investigate, not including the other mentioned reasons, what is the dollar amount and train car amount?
II. Procedures
A. Major Railroad Crashes and/or Derailments
2. An investigator(s) from the FDOT, FRA, and/or NTSB will determine the cause of the crash,
and if criminal interference or negligence is a factor, the JSO will conduct a criminal
investigation. CSX Transportation, Norfolk Southern Railway, and the Florida East Coast
Railway have their own police agents who may also conduct criminal investigations of such
incidents. [CALEA 2.1.2]
a. The FRA and NTSB will respond and investigate the following types of incidents:
(5) Train accidents resulting in damages to track or equipment exceeding $1 million;
b. In addition to these incidents, the FDOT investigator will respond to any derailment
involving 10 or more cars, any crash at a crossing involving three or more fatalities, or
any incident which appears to be part of a pattern or trend.
How long does the local FDOT investigator have to respond to a scene of a train crash?
- The first officer on the scene of a major railroad crash or derailment shall:
e. Unless relieved by a higher authority or advised that it is no longer necessary, maintain
site security and coordinate with the investigators at the scene:
(1) The local FDOT investigator will respond as soon as possible within two hours and
will provide an estimated time of arrival. He/she may represent the FRA and the
NTSB at the scene;
During a train crash, who has the responsibility for the inner perimeter?
- The first officer on the scene of a major railroad crash or derailment shall:
e. Unless relieved by a higher authority or advised that it is no longer necessary, maintain
site security and coordinate with the investigators at the scene:
(2) Once the FDOT investigator is on the scene, he/she will assume full responsibility
and authority over the inner perimeter. Detectives and CSU personnel will be
allowed access to the inner perimeter to conduct their investigation; and
The officer on scene should notifiy who as well as provide what to the PECO on a train crash?
- The first officer on the scene of a major railroad crash or derailment shall:
e. Unless relieved by a higher authority or advised that it is no longer necessary, maintain
site security and coordinate with the investigators at the scene:
f. Notify the responding supervisor;
g. Notify the PECO of the exact location of the crash, reporting the Association of American
Railroads (AAR) number for the crossing or the railroad mile marker, if possible; and
When a train crash occurs and the responding supervisor arrives on the scene, when will the watch commander be notified?
The responding supervisor must coordinate with JFRD and FDOT personnel in order to establish what?
- The responding supervisor shall:
a. For any crash involving serious injury, death, or release of hazardous materials, notify
the watch commander;
b. Summon other resources as needed for site security, crowd control, and traffic control;
c. Coordinate with JFRD and FDOT personnel in the establishment of a command post and
an inner and outer perimeter, ensuring that endangered or non-essential persons are
evacuated from within;
(1) The supervisor will notify the PECO of the location of the command post; and
(2) Responding units will be instructed to report to the command post for assignments
and briefing, unless directed to do otherwise.
On a train crash, not only will the watch commander be notified but who else will be notified?
Duties of a supervisor:
- The responding supervisor shall:
d. Ensure that the railroad has been notified by a member of the train crew or, if they are
unable, advise the Investigative PECO; and
e. Ensure that the FDOT Rail Operations Administrator and the FRA have been notified by
the PECO as soon as possible so they may respond to the scene. Either they or the
railroad will contact the NTSB, as indicated.
In regards to train crashes, when will JSO be the sole investigator of an incident?
B. Railroad Crashes Involving Motor Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Other Conveyances
1. Railroad crashes other than those outlined above, such as those involving motor vehicles,
pedestrians, and other conveyances, will normally be investigated solely by the JSO.
When would a railroad crash involving a motor vehicle be completed on a Smartcop report vs. an Incident report?
Additionally if completed on an incident report, what would the appropriate offense/titling be?
B. Railroad Crashes Involving Motor Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Other Conveyances
2. Railroad crashes will be reported as follows:
a. If a train collides with a motor vehicle and the motor vehicle is being operated on a
roadway at the time of the collision, a Long Form Crash Report will be completed in
b. If a train collides with a motor vehicle on private property not open to the public (i.e.,
Blount Island, Talleyrand Ave. terminal area, or on a private rail spur inside a fenced warehouse compound), an Incident Report will be completed entitled “Accidental Death”, “Accidental Injury”, or “Damage to Property”, as appropriate;
If a train collides with an _________________ vehicle, a Long Form Crash Report will be completed
in SmartCop regardless of the location if a fatality or an injury requiring medical
treatment is involved;
B. Railroad Crashes Involving Motor Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Other Conveyances
2. Railroad crashes will be reported as follows:
c. If a train collides with an all-terrain vehicle, a Long Form Crash Report will be completed
in SmartCop regardless of the location if a fatality or an injury requiring medical
treatment is involved;
If a train collides with a ________, ___________, or _______________ resulting in injury or death, an incident report will be completed, regardless of the location.
B. Railroad Crashes Involving Motor Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Other Conveyances
2. Railroad crashes will be reported as follows:
d. If a train collides with a bicyclist or pedestrian, or other non-motorized conveyance
resulting in injury or death, an Incident Report will be completed, regardless of the
location; and
If a train collides with another train and there are no injuries, fatalities, or damage to
property other than that owned or operated by the railroad, who will be responsible for reporting the incident?
B. Railroad Crashes Involving Motor Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Other Conveyances
2. Railroad crashes will be reported as follows:
e. If a train collides with another train and there are no injuries, fatalities, or damage to
property other than that owned or operated by the railroad, the NTSB, FRA, and FDOT
will be called by the railroad. A JSO investigation is not required unless the engineer is
impaired, in which case the FDOT Rail Operations Administrator will notify JSO to
When would Traffic Homicide respond vs. Homicide, in regards to incidents involving trains?
- In the case of fatalities or life-threatening injuries, the following investigative units will be
a. In cases involving motor vehicles, pedestrians, and other conveyances that require the
completion of a Long Form Crash Report in SmartCop, Traffic Homicide will respond; and
b. In all other cases, Homicide will respond.
In the case of a crash involving a passenger train, is it necessary to list every passenger as victim or potential victim in a report?
- In the case of a crash involving a passenger train, the passenger list will be maintained by
the carrier, and a notation to that effect shall be made in the narrative section of the report.
What item(s) are required to be carried by every engineer when operating a train?
- Where appropriate, the engineer’s certificate number shall be listed on all reports in the
space for driver’s license. Engineers are not required to carry a driver’s license, but are
required to be certified and carry their certificate at all times when operating a train. If an
engineer refuses or fails to produce this certificate upon demand, the FDOT Rail Operations
Administrator shall be called to the scene.
Who are the four railway companies in Duval County?
C. Miscellaneous Information Regarding Railroads
1. There are four railroads operating in Duval County: CSX Transportation, Inc., Norfolk Southern Railway, Florida East Coast Railway, and Talleyrand Terminal Railroad Co.
All rail lines ______________ and _________________ of the St. Johns River in Duval County are Florida East Coast Railway.
C. Miscellaneous Information Regarding Railroads
1. There are four railroads operating in Duval County: CSX Transportation, Inc., Norfolk
Southern Railway, Florida East Coast Railway, and Talleyrand Terminal Railroad Co.
c. All rail lines south and east of the St. Johns River in Duval County are Florida East Coast
Who maintains a list of all AAR numbers for the respective crossings or switch areas?
- Each railroad crossing is assigned an FDOT/AAR number. These numbers are posted on a
metal plate at each crossing on or near the switching or signaling apparatus and can be used
to identify the rail line owner and as a location reference for reporting purposes (a list of
AAR numbers is maintained by the Investigative PECO). All CSX Transportation and Norfolk
Southern Railway crossings are posted with two “Stalled Vehicle Emergency Signs” which
identify the owning railroad, the railroad milepost, the assigned FDOT/AAR number, and the
emergency telephone number to make contact regarding accidents, incidents, or signal
malfunctions at the crossing.
When trying to stop a train approaching a railway crossing, what should the officer do?
- In the event officers need to stop a train, they should first contact the Investigative PECO
with the AAR number or cross street. The PECO will contact the rail dispatcher:
a. If the train is in sight, officers should position their vehicles clear of the railway, and
activate their emergency lights then stand to the left of the track facing the train and
swing their arms from side to side at right angles to the track as a signal to stop. At
night, flares or a flashlight should be used (the engineer will always be on the right side
of the locomotive as it faces forward);
Some trains in Duval County may be travelling as fast as ______________ miles per hour and braking
distances for trains are much greater than those for automobiles For example, a freight
train with 150 cars going 60 miles per hour will continue to travel for _______________ miles after
brakes are applied. Incidents that require a train to stop should be relayed to the
railroad dispatcher as soon as possible to avoid complications.
- In the event officers need to stop a train, they should first contact the Investigative PECO
with the AAR number or cross street. The PECO will contact the rail dispatcher:
c. Some trains in Duval County may be travelling as fast as 80 miles per hour and braking
distances for trains are much greater than those for automobiles For example, a freight
train with 150 cars going 60 miles per hour will continue to travel for 1 1/2 miles after
brakes are applied. Incidents that require a train to stop should be relayed to the
railroad dispatcher as soon as possible to avoid complications.
Who is responsible for the locomotive vs. the one responsible for the passengers and/or cargo?
- The engineer is responsible for the operation of the locomotive. The conductor is
responsible for the remainder of the train, passengers, and/or cargo.
Florida State Statute (F.S.S.) 860.03, Intoxicated Servant of a Common Carrier makes it
unlawful and a ______What_degree_Offense_____ for any person to operate a train, railroad
switch, or signal while intoxicated.
D. Offenses Regarding Railroads and Trains/Impaired Operators
1. Florida State Statute (F.S.S.) 860.03, Intoxicated Servant of a Common Carrier makes it
unlawful and a second-degree misdemeanor for any person to operate a train, railroad
switch, or signal while intoxicated.
A _________________ shall be notified any time an arrest of a train engineer or crewmember is
indicated. The _____________________________will decide whether a Notice to Appear Citation (NTA) shall be issued or if the subject is to be physically arrested.
a. If the subject is to be physically arrested, the _______________________ will have the subject and train accompanied to a depot or station, or will contact the rail line operator via the Investigative PECO to arrange the release of the train to railroad authorities at the scene.
- A supervisor shall be notified any time an arrest of a train engineer or crewmember is
indicated. The supervisor will decide whether a Notice to Appear Citation (NTA) shall be
issued or if the subject is to be physically arrested.
a. If the subject is to be physically arrested, the supervisor will have the subject and train
accompanied to a depot or station, or will contact the rail line operator via the
Investigative PECO to arrange the release of the train to railroad authorities at the
b. Train engineers and crew members who commit minor violations of the law will not be
taken into custody, but will be issued an NTA. A physical arrest is only indicated for
“serious” misdemeanors or felonies.
Except at official crossings, railroad tracks are private property and, where properly posted,
persons fishing from trestles, walking along railroad tracks, etc., are guilty of a _______What_Level_Of_Offense_________ under F.S.S. 810.09, Trespass on Property other than Structure of
- Except at official crossings, railroad tracks are private property and, where properly posted,
persons fishing from trestles, walking along railroad tracks, etc., are guilty of a first degree
misdemeanor under F.S.S. 810.09, Trespass on Property other than Structure of
Any unauthorized person who intentionally interferes with any railroad train, track, switch,
or signal is guilty of a _______What_Level_Of_Offense_________ under F.S.S. 860.05- F.S.S. 860.09.
- Any unauthorized person who intentionally interferes with any railroad train, track, switch,
or signal is guilty of a third degree felony under F.S.S. 860.05- F.S.S. 860.09.
Any person who rides or attempts to ride on a train without permission is guilty of a _______What_Level_Of_Offense_________ under F.S.S. 860.04, Riding or Attempting to Ride on a Railroad Train with the Intent to Ride for Free, or F.S.S. 810.08, Trespass in Conveyance.
- Any person who rides or attempts to ride on a train without permission is guilty of a second-degree misdemeanor under F.S.S. 860.04, Riding or Attempting to Ride on a Railroad Train
with the Intent to Ride for Free, or F.S.S. 810.08, Trespass in Conveyance.
Railroad trains blocking the roadway can only obstruct the crossing for how long?
E. Railroad Trains Blocking Roadways
1. City of Jacksonville (COJ) Municipal Ordinance (MO) 734.104, Obstructing crossings – Five
minutes duration, states: “No railroad locomotive, car, train, or other vehicle shall be operated
so as to close or obstruct a street or crossing in the City for a longer time than five minutes in a
period of fifteen minutes, except in cases of emergency. This provision shall not apply to trains
in continuous motion but shall apply to trains or cars engaged in switching. Violation of this
section by the owner or person in charge of a railroad train or car shall constitute a Class ‘C’