365 Hazardous Devices (V4) Flashcards
The Hazardous Devices Unit (HDU) shall respond to any of the following except: [CALEA 46.1.2]
a. All incidents of sealed safes prior to being brought to the Property & Evidence Facility, shall
be x-rayed and determine if the contents are non-hazardous;
b. Incidents requiring the collection of commercial grade fireworks for destruction or storage
for evidence; and
c. Active Shooter incidents that could possibly have explosive devices.
d. None of the Above
The Hazardous Devices Unit (HDU) shall respond to any of the following: [CALEA 46.1.2]
11. All incidents of sealed safes prior to being brought to the Property & Evidence Facility, shall
be x-rayed and determine if the contents are non-hazardous;
12. Incidents requiring the collection of commercial grade fireworks for destruction or storage
for evidence; and
13. Active Shooter incidents that could possibly have explosive devices.
Requests for HDU shall be made through the Investigative Police Emergency Communications
Officer (PECO) by a _____________________ – 24-hours a day.
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria [CFA 17.07]
A. Requests for HDU shall be made through the Investigative Police Emergency Communications
Officer (PECO) by a watch commander, designee, or higher authority – 24-hours a day.
Requests for HDU shall contain the following information:
B. Requests for HDU shall contain the following information:
1. Location of incident and command post for HDU operations;
2. Description of scene/suspect device; and
3. Evacuation procedures/evacuation distances.
The __________________ at the scene shall maintain responsibility for the scene until a HDU
technician arrives. The HDU technician shall then assume command of the inner perimeter
and coordinate with the other responding HDU technicians.
III. Policies & Procedures
A. Responsibilities at the Scene
1. The watch commander at the scene shall maintain responsibility for the scene until a HDU
technician arrives. The HDU technician shall then assume command of the inner perimeter
and coordinate with the other responding HDU technicians. The watch commander retains
responsibility for the outer perimeter through the conclusion of the event. [ CFA 17.07]
Who will ensure a laminated Bomb Threat Checklist is available within each unit?
D. Bomb Threats and Searches
3. The Bomb Threat Checklist (Appendix B of this order) shall be completed as thoroughly as
possible anytime a threat is received via telephone. Supervisors shall ensure a laminated
Bomb Threat Checklist is available within each unit. [CFA 17.07]
If a JSO employee receives a written bomb threat through the United States (U.S.) mail or by any other means, the employee shall request a patrol officer to write an Incident report. The incident report will be routed to who?
- If a JSO employee receives a written bomb threat through the United States (U.S.) mail or by
any other means, the employee shall:
a. Notify his supervisor;
b. Notify dispatch and request a patrol officer to write an Incident Report; routing it to the
Intelligence Unit;
c. Avoid unnecessary handling of the document or materials in order to preserve the
evidence; and
d. Save all materials including the envelope or container and the message itself.
Who is responsible for coordinating the initial search activity with the victim’s representative?
a. Where possible, initial searches should be conducted by persons who normally occupy
and are familiar with the contents of those spaces. The on-scene supervisor should
coordinate this activity with the victim’s representative in authority.
- If the scene is to be searched, the _____________________ shall establish a temporary command post upwind, uphill, and at least __________________ from the scene when the terrain and situation allows, and organize search teams. [CFA 17.07]
- If the scene is to be searched, the on-scene supervisor shall establish a temporary command
post upwind, uphill, and at least 1,000 feet from the scene when the terrain and situation
allows, and organize search teams. [CFA 17.07]
Prior to the establishment of the command post, who’s responsibility is it to search the area and ensure their are no secondary devices?
- If the scene is to be searched, the on-scene supervisor shall establish a temporary command
post upwind, uphill, and at least 1,000 feet from the scene when the terrain and situation
allows, and organize search teams. [CFA 17.07]
a. Prior to establishing any command post or staging area, the on-scene supervisor shall
ensure that the area is searched for possible secondary devices
All communication should take place at the command post. No communications shall take place over an electronic device within how many feet?
b. All communications should take place at the command post. No communications shall take place over any electronic device, which would emit an electrical or radio frequency impulse (i.e., radios, cellular telephones, or Mobile Computer Aided Dispatch [MCAD]) within 1,000 feet of the area where a suspected device or area of search is located.
Officers assigned to perimeter positions should keep their portable radios off at all times.
a. True
b. False
c. Officers assigned to perimeter positions should keep their portable radios on in order to
receive instructions, but shall refrain from transmitting.
If the scene is to be evacuated during the search what should be done with those persons being evacuated and who should be notified?
e. If the scene is to be evacuated during the search:
(1) The persons being evacuated shall proceed to a location of at least 1,000 feet from
the scene, regardless of protective barricade; and
(2) Notify the dispatcher of the exact location of the evacuees.
Use of JSO explosive detection canines for searches shall be at _____________________’s
discretion and shall be coordinated with the explosive detection canine handlers.
f. Use of JSO explosive detection canines for searches shall be at the on-scene supervisor’s
discretion and shall be coordinated with the explosive detection canine handlers.
At the conclusion of all searches, who will notify what two people?
g. At the conclusion of all searches, the on-scene supervisor shall notify the victim’s
representative in authority and the PECO supervisor of the results of the search.
When will an Intelligence Unit detective have investigative responsibilities for a Hazardous Device call?
- If the threat involves a critical infrastructure or military installation, the on-call Intelligence
Unit detective shall be notified and shall have investigative responsibilities for the case.
When will Intelligence Unit coordinate their investigative resources with the Integrity Unit?
- If the threat involves a government or law enforcement facility, the Intelligence Unit shall
coordinate investigative resources with the Integrity Unit.
If the threat is to a Duval County Public School after school hours and the School board Police Department complete a report, which two units should it be routed to?
- If the threat is to a Duval County Public School after school hours, officers shall ensure the
c. The School Board Police Department shall be instructed to route their report to the JSO
Critical Infrastructures Unit and the Intelligence Unit.
Who will consult with the on-call Supervisor of the HDU on the establishment of the preliminary HDU operational are within the perimeter?
E. Suspicious Packages and Hazardous Devices
2. The minimum evacuation distance shall be 1,000 feet with or without a protective
a. The watch commander at the scene shall consult with the on-call Supervisor of HDUon
the establishment of a preliminary HDU operational area within the perimeter.
Once HDU has rendered the scene safe, who will HDU notify to advise its safe to enter the evacuation perimeter?
E. Suspicious Packages and Hazardous Devices
2. The minimum evacuation distance shall be 1,000 feet with or without a protective
b. No one shall be allowed inside the evacuation perimeter until the device has been
rendered safe by HDU. HDU shall notify the watch commander when it is safe to enter
the evacuation perimeter.
Who has follow-up responsibility where explosive materials are found, there is evidence of a hoax device, or there is suspect information?
E. Suspicious Packages and Hazardous Devices
c. The Intelligence Unit shall be responsible for the follow-up investigation where
explosive material is found, there is evidence of a hoax device, or there is suspect
After life safety measures have been implemented, officers should note the location of
debris and potential fragments from the blast and establish an inner perimeter at least _____ percent wider than the debris located farthest from the seat of the blast.
F. Post-Blast Scenes [CFA 17.07]
b. After life safety measures have been implemented, officers should note the location of
debris and potential fragments from the blast and establish an inner perimeter at least 50 percent wider than the debris located farthest from the seat of the blast (e.g., debris located 200 feet from the epicenter would require an inner perimeter no less than 300 feet from the epicenter).
Threat or suspected items which appear to have CBRNE components require specialized handling and careful consideration. If the incident is a potential act of terrorism, it also becomes a crime scene. Who is the investigative agency to lead the investigation?
G. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Threats or Releases
(including crashes)
1. Threat or suspected items which appear to have CBRNE components require specialized handling and careful consideration. If the incident is a potential act of terrorism, it also becomes a crime scene. By federal law, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the lead investigating agency for all terrorist incidents
Notify the PECO and responding officers immediately, advising the location of the
suspected release and, if known, the wind direction, weather conditions, and a recommended rally point and Command Post upwind, uphill, and at least ______ feet from the outside of the suspected contaminated area.
G. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Threats or Releases
(including crashes)
d. Notify the PECO and responding officers immediately, advising the location of the
suspected release and, if known, the wind direction, weather conditions, and a recommended rally point and Command Post upwind, uphill, and at least 1,000 feet from the outside of the suspected contaminated area;
Whos responsibility is it to notify PECO supervisors to notify local hospitals of possible walking wounded?
g. The watch commander, through the PECO supervisor, shall further ensure that local
hospitals are notified due to the potential influx of injured or exposed persons arriving
by JFRD personnel and “walking wounded” who have left the scene on their own.
Further contamination may occur from individuals who may have left the scene by their
own means.
When dealing with an unknown substance or “white powder” incident, the incident report and other required reports shall be completed and forwarded to which three units and/or people?
H. Unknown Substance or “White Powder” Incidents
11. An Incident Report along with any other required reports shall be completed, with a copy
forwarded to the Critical Infrastructures Unit, Intelligence Unit, and the JSO Emergency
Preparedness Coordinator.
A chemical suicide scene perimeter should be established around the scene to what distance?
- A 1,000 foot perimeter should be established around the scene of the chemical suicide
incident and persons inside should be evacuated.
If a PRD provided by HDU to an assigned unit and offer is not functioning properly or battery level is unsatisfactory, the officer shall notify who for a replacement?
- Select units and officers within JSO have been issued PRDs through HDUand have had training in their use. The key to containing or minimizing the impact of a radiological release or source is establishing the limits of the effects through field measurements. Officers issued PRDs should follow the following instructions:
a. Officers shall ensure the PRD is energized in a natural background radiation area (i.e.,
home, substation) and is functioning properly before use.
(1) If the unit is not functioning properly or battery level is unsatisfactory, officers shall
notify his supervisor for a replacement.