338 Crime Scene (V5) Flashcards
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a __________________
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the _________________:
A. Rank
B. Rank
- supervisor
- on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
b. Animal incidents;
(1) who will photograph canine apprehension bites?
(2) A ______________________ shall be called in cases where a criminal investigation will be conducted in reference to an animal bite, or when someone sustains life-threatening injuries resulting from an animal bite.
(1) The on-duty Canine Unit supervisor shall photograph Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
(JSO) canine apprehension bites. In the event a Canine supervisor is not available,
the sector police supervisor shall respond to photograph the incident.
(2) A CSU detective shall be called in cases where a criminal investigation will be conducted in reference to an animal bite, or when someone sustains life-threatening injuries resulting from an animal bite.
(3) When an officer uses deadly force against an animal, a CSU detective shall be called
to process the scene, to include taking photographs and completing a diagram.
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
d. When will a CSU detective respond to an auto theft?
d. Auto theft – When there is evidence that the vehicle was used in the commission of a
violent felony crime or when requested by a supervisor based on a known pattern,
series, or trend;
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
e. When will a CSU detective respond to a battery call?
e. Battery:
(1) All domestic violence when there is visible injury;
(2) In a correctional facility when there is visible injury;
(3) To a law enforcement officer when there is visible injury; or
(4) When a suspect is in custody and there is visible injury to the victim.
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
g. When will a CSU detective respond to a burglary to a vehicle call?
g. Burglary to a vehicle;
(1) When evidence to be collected is of a nature which the patrol officer is not
equipped or trained to collect.
(2) When the loss is $5,000 or more.
(3) When there are five or more vehicle burglaries indicative of a series.
(4) When the vehicle is a police vehicle (marked or unmarked).
(5) When a suspect is in custody.
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
j. When will a CSU detective respond to a criminal mischief call?
j. Criminal Mischief:
(1) When damage is $1,000 or more;
(2) Gang graffiti (Profane or vulgar words spray painted on the side of a building are not
by themselves considered gang graffiti); or
(3) When a suspect is in custody.
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
k. When will a CSU detective respond to a natural death call?
k. Death – Natural (only at the request of a supervisor or the Homicide Unit);
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Crime Scene)
B. When to call a CSU detective to the scene:
2. The following are general guidelines for calling a CSU detective to a scene. If a supervisor
determines that extenuating circumstances warrant the presence of a CSU detective outside
of the guidelines below, he should contact the on-duty or on-call CSU supervisor:
p. When will a CSU detective respond to a robbery (carjacking) or a robbery (individual)?
p. Robbery (carjacking) – Only if evidence is present, the victim is injured, or the vehicle is
q. Robbery (individual) – Only if the victim has visible, photographable injuries, or if
possible DNA is present;
III. Policies & Procedures
A. Securing and Protecting the Crime Scene
4. Who has overall responsibility of major crime scenes?
- The overall responsibility for the proper handling of major crime scenes rests with the lead
CSU detective and/or detective supervisor.
III. Policies & Procedures
A. Securing and Protecting the Crime Scene
6. Under no circumstances shall entry be allowed inside the barricade taped inner perimeter,
without first consulting the lead detective or lead CSU detective.
c. If no detective is present at the scene, who is in charge of the scene?
c. If no detective is present at the scene, the supervisor that is present is in charge of the
B. CSU Detective
5. Circumstances may dictate that officers touch or move evidence for their protection or to
prevent the evidence from being destroyed, prior to the arrival of the CSU detective.
b. Under normal conditions all items of evidence shall be turned in to the Property Room by the ______________ officer that touches them unless otherwise directed by a _______________.
b. However, under normal conditions all items of evidence shall be turned in to the
Property & Evidence Facility by the first officer that touches them unless otherwise
directed by a supervisor.
B. CSU Detective
6. Walking into or inspecting the inner perimeter of a scene by officers of any rank or
assignment is not permitted without first consulting the detective or CSU detective in charge of that perimeter.
b. Therefore, _________________________ who enter a crime scene’s inner perimeter once it has
been secured and prior to the arrival of the detective(s) and / or CSU detective shall
have his actions documented on a Supplemental Report.
b. Therefore, officers or supervisors who enter a crime scene’s inner perimeter once it has
been secured and prior to the arrival of the detective(s) and / or CSU detective shall
have his actions documented on a Supplemental Report. The narrative of the
Supplemental Report shall contain:
(1) The reason(s) for entering the scene; and
(2) Any action taken inside the scene.
C. Processing Physical Evidence at the Scene
2. Photographs of injuries shall not be requested or taken by a JSO CSU detective under the
following circumstances: [CALEA 83.2.2]
b. When will a victim not be photographed by a CSU Detective?
a. When the location of the injury is to the external genitalia of the body (unless a court
order is obtained by the State Attorney’s Office [SAO]);
b. When the victim is a child and is admitted to a medical facility and will be examined by a
Child Protection Team (CPT) medical professional (under these circumstances, the
attending CPT staff will be responsible for documenting and photographing the injuries);
c. When the victim is an adult and is admitted to a medical facility and will be examined by
the medical staff from the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Program (under these
circumstances, the attending SAFE staff will be responsible for documenting and
photographing the injuries).
C. Processing Physical Evidence at the Scene
4. Photographs of all JSO motor vehicles involved in a crash shall be taken by the __________________________, provided there are no injuries requiring transport to a medical facility. When photographing these crash scenes, particular attention should be paid to skid marks, points of impact, final resting place, physical evidence, and the ID number of the Sheriff’s Office vehicle involved. Photographs of other City of Jacksonville (COJ) owned vehicles involved in
accidents not involving injury or fatality are not required, unless requested by the COJ
adjuster or approved by the on-scene supervisor.
- responding supervisor
C. Processing Physical Evidence at the Scene
5. All photos taken by ____________________ shall be turned in for processing using the following
- supervisors
a. Complete the memory card clasp envelope including a brief description of the photos
b. Place the memory card in the envelope;
c. Prior to the end of their tour of duty, put the envelope into the secured gray mailbox
located behind the security desk at the Forsyth Street entrance to the Police Memorial
Building (PMB); and
d. Before putting the envelope into the gray mailbox notify the building security personnel
at the Forsyth Street entrance so they can issue a replacement memory card, if
applicable. The envelopes are located beside the gray mailbox.
D. Processing Stolen Vehicles
1. A CSU detective shall be called to process stolen vehicles when there is evidence that the
vehicle was used in the commission of a __________________ crime or when requested by a
supervisor based on a known pattern, series, or trend.
violent felony
D. Processing Stolen Vehicles
5. If the vehicle is to be processed, and processing can be done at the scene of the recovery,
officers shall: [CALEA 83.2.3]
a. Process the vehicle for latent fingerprints and collect small items of evidence;
b. Complete an electronic Evidence Report;
c. Have National Crime Information Center (NCIC) notify the owner to take possession at
the scene;
d. Have the owner sign the release receipt in the report’s vehicle section; and
e. Latent lifts shall be placed in the locked drop box located at the Duty Desk, to be
collected by Latent Print Unit (LPU) personnel.
E. Response to Gunfire incidents - Collection of Evidence
2. In cases that do not require an investigative detective or CSU detective, officers shall make
every effort to identify any victims prior to the collection of the fired cartridges. After a
thorough search and a responding ________________ verification that every effort has been made
to locate a victim(s), then the fired cartridge casings can be collected.
E. Response to Gunfire incidents - Collection of Evidence
4. In cases where no detective callout is required, the supervisor at the scene shall ensure
proper evidence collection and documentation of the incident.
a. The assigned supervisor shall photograph the overall scene to include?
Additionally, who will complete the ET Report and how will the evidence be processed?
a. The assigned supervisor shall photograph the overall scene to include, close-ups of the
evidence, and identifying location markers (i.e., street signs, light pole, house numbers,
etc.) with their issued camera. The officer collecting the fired cartridges shall submit an
Evidence Technician Report (P-0178) describing the location of the fired cartridge
casings and the officer’s name and ID who collected the evidence.
F. Response to a Weapon of Mass Destruction Incident
Whenever any nuclear, biological, or chemical agent is suspected or discovered, a specially
trained CSU detective shall respond to the scene. Notification should be through the
Communications watch supervisor who shall contact the _______________________________.
on-duty Supervisor of CSU and the
Commanding Officer of CSU
F. Response to a Weapon of Mass Destruction Incident
Whenever any nuclear, biological, or chemical agent is suspected or discovered, a specially
trained CSU detective shall respond to the scene. Notification should be through the
Communications watch supervisor who shall contact the on-duty Supervisor of CSU and the
Commanding Officer of CSU.
bl No less than _______ specially trained and specially equipped CSU detectives shall respond
to a weapon of mass destruction incident.
b. No less than two specially trained and specially equipped CSU detectives shall respond
to a weapon of mass destruction incident.
G. Digital Camera Procedures
2. Agency members shall follow the listed procedures when taking of photos/images. [CALEA 83.2.2]
b. How will the date, time, case report number, location, and the victim’s name be documented?
a. The first digital image/photograph taken shall document the date, time, case report
number, the location, and the victim’s name (when applicable).
b. To do this, take a picture of the Crime Scene Information Card (P-1199).
G. Digital Camera Procedures
2. Agency members shall follow the listed procedures when taking of photos/images. [CALEA 83.2.2]
When photographing a scene, will pictures be deleted?
d. No image captured during an investigation shall be deleted for any reason; including,
but not limited to, lack of quality, content, or available memory.
G. Digital Camera Procedures
2. Agency members shall follow the listed procedures when taking of photos/images. [CALEA 83.2.2]
How should photographs be taken when photographing?
a. general to specific
b. specific to general
c. left to right
d. right to left
e. Subject matter should range from the general to specific.
(1) Take overall photographs of the entire scene to show its relationship to the
surrounding areas.
(2) Take mid-range photographs to show the relationship of the evidence in the scene.
(3) Take close-up photographs of evidence for comparison.
G. Digital Camera Procedures
4. Submission and documentation of images:
a.-b. When copying images onto a disc from the storage device, how should the photos be placed in folders on the disc?
c.-d.(1)-(3) Once the CD is placed in a plastic CD storage case, what should be written on the label?
e. What should be written directly on the CD?
f. How should the CD be sealed?
a. Copy all images from memory card into folders named by the cases Central
Communication Report (CCR) number (e.g., YY-1234567).
b. Copy all folders for the day’s cases onto a CD, for temporary storage/transfer to the
Photo Lab. The images of this CD must be viewed to ensure the images were
transferred. After image transfer is successfully verified, the compact flash card will be
re-formatted in the camera.
c. Place the CD in the plastic CD storage case.
d. On the CD label write:
(1) The date the images were taken;
(2) The CCR numbers contained on that CD; and
(3) The photographer that took the photographs.
e. On the CD write:
(1) The date the images were taken; and
(2) The photographer who made the CD.
f. Seal the CD in the case with evidence tape and initial the seal.
g. CSU detectives shall place the CD in the locked film drawer at the CSU office at end of
that day’s shift.
h. Detectives and officers from other units shall submit the CD as evidence into the
Property & Evidence Facility.
G. Digital Camera Procedures
5. To view images from sex crime cases, other than the CSU detective, SAU, or Investigations supervisors, who must give permission prior to viewing?
On the ET card, what is omitted in sex crime cases?
- Images from sex crime cases shall only be viewed by the CSU detective, Special Assault Unit
(SAU) detective, or Investigations supervisors as applicable assigned to each individual case.
Anyone else is prohibited from viewing the images unless express permission is obtained from the unit commanding officer. On the ET card, the victim’s name shall be omitted and
the CCR number shall be used as the case identifier in sex crimes cases.