517 Personnel Development and Movement (V14) Flashcards
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be a minimum of ____________ hours and no more than __________________.
A. Time Frame
B. Time Frame
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) – A Form P-1718e (Performance Improvement Plan)
used to document unsatisfactory performance and establish actions required of the permanent member to improve his performance. PIPs must be a minimum of 160 hours worked in their primary assignment (leave time does not count towards 160 hours worked). PIPs should not extend beyond 480 hours worked.
c. On at least a __________ basis, the Budget Division shall create and distribute a Position Control Reconciliation Report, which shall include the numbers of authorized positions and how many of those positions are filled and are vacant.
A. Time Frame
c. On at least a monthly basis, the Budget Division shall create and distribute a Position Control Reconciliation Report, which shall include the numbers of authorized positions and how many of those positions are filled and are vacant.
- Workload Assessments [CALEA 21.2.4]
a. Workload assessments shall be completed once every ______________ for each division or section in order to prevent overstaffing or understaffing by ensuring the personnel strength of an organizational component is consistent with the workload.
A. Time Frame
- Workload Assessments [CALEA 21.2.4]
a. Workload assessments shall be completed once every four years for each division or section in order to prevent overstaffing or understaffing by ensuring the personnel strength of an organizational component is consistent with the workload.
D. Related Members and Nepotism
2. _____________________________ shall make the final determination regarding any potential conflicts of
interest regarding the assignments of family members.
A. Rank/Position
D. Related Members and Nepotism
2. The Undersheriff shall make the final determination regarding any potential conflicts of
interest regarding the assignments of family members.
D. Related Members and Nepotism
3. Members who become related after employment must notify who so that any potential conflicts can be mitigated.
A. Rank/Position
D. Related Members and Nepotism
3. Members who become related after employment must immediately notify their supervisors so that any potential conflicts can be mitigated.
F. Career Counseling [CALEA 33.8.3]
When will supervisors meet with members to review in-service training received, discuss progress in achieving career goals, and determine any recent changes int he member’s skills, knowledge, and abilities?
A. Time Frame
F. Career Counseling [CALEA 33.8.3]
2. Supervisors shall formally discuss relevant career development topics…
a. Meet with members immediately prior to writing their annual performance evaluations to
review in-service training received, discuss progress in achieving career goals, and determine
any recent changes in the member’s skills, knowledge, and abilities;
Who will perform periodic roll call training?
A. Rank/Position
G. Training Offerings
2. Proficiency In-Service Training (IST)
b. Proficiency IST is administered in the form of:
(4) Periodic roll call training provided by supervisors and commanding officers.
Civilian members are required to complete a minimum of _________ hours of
training each year.
A. Time Frame
G. Training Offerings
2. Proficiency In-Service Training (IST)
c. Members are required to successfully complete all proficiency IST established for their
respective positions. Civilian members are required to complete a minimum of 16 hours of
training each year.
- Specialized Training [CALEA 33.6.1]
Who is responsible for ensuring all members assigned to them have successfully completed all required training for their respective positions?
A. Rank/Position
- Specialized Training [CALEA 33.6.1]
c. Commanding officers shall ensure all members assigned to them have successfully completed all required training for their respective positions.
H. Work-alongs [CALEA 11.5.1, 33.8.3]
2. What is the process if a member is interested in completing a work-a-long with another unit?
H. Work-alongs [CALEA 11.5.1, 33.8.3]
2. Members interested in performing a work-along shall submit a request to his commanding
officer via chain of command.
Once an officer is approved for a work-a-long, who needs to notify who in order to schedule the event?
- Once a commanding officer has granted a request for a work-along, he shall:
a. Contact the commanding officer of the affected unit to determine if the request can be accommodated and if so, establish the exact dates and times for the work-along; and
b. Ensure the member’s working hours and assignment location are accurately reflected in
In order to qualify for COJ Tuition Reimbursement Program, an initially hired police recruit or corrections recruit, must have how long continuous service before applying?
I. Education Incentives [CALEA 33.8.3, 33.8.4]
3. COJ Tuition Reimbursement Program Criteria
b. To be eligible for reimbursement, a member must be employed full-time as a police officer,
corrections officer, or civilian, and prior to the commencement of the course, must have:
(2) If initially hired as a police recruit or corrections recruit, completed one year of
continuous service.
I. Education Incentives [CALEA 33.8.3, 33.8.4]
3. COJ Tuition Reimbursement Program Criteria
Are members allowed to attend courses or complete coursework during assigned work hours?
I. Education Incentives [CALEA 33.8.3, 33.8.4]
3. COJ Tuition Reimbursement Program Criteria
k. Members are not permitted to attend courses or complete coursework during assigned work
hours, unless such time is covered by approved leave.
I. In order to receive tuition reimbursement, the eligible member must sign a promissory
note agreeing to repay the amount of the reimbursement if he resigns or retires from COJ
employment within ________________ of completing a reimbursed course. The terms of the COJ
Tuition Reimbursement Program and COJ Municipal Ordinance 112.401 allow the COJ to
offset employee debts against all monies due to the member.
A. Time Frame
I. In order to receive tuition reimbursement, the eligible member must sign a promissory
note agreeing to repay the amount of the reimbursement if he resigns or retires from COJ
employment within one year of completing a reimbursed course. The terms of the COJ
Tuition Reimbursement Program and COJ Municipal Ordinance 112.401 allow the COJ to
offset employee debts against all monies due to the member.
- Applying for Tuition Reimbursement
b. A separate application shall be submitted for each proposed course and no applications shall be submitted for courses more than ________ prior to the start of the course.
A. Time Frame
- Applying for Tuition Reimbursement
b. A separate application shall be submitted for each proposed course and no applications
shall be submitted for courses more than 30 days prior to the start of the course.
- Applying for Tuition Reimbursement
e. No later than ______________ after the end of the course, the member must submit a Certificate
of Completion with all required documentation to the JSO Human Resources Division. The
required documentation includes:
A. Time Frame
- Applying for Tuition Reimbursement
e. No later than four weeks after the end of the course, the member must submit a Certificate
of Completion with all required documentation to the JSO Human Resources Division. The
required documentation includes:
J. Lateral Transfers and Ancillary Assignments
Who is responsible for notifying ISM to have updated access and permissions changed to coincide with their new assignment?
J. Lateral Transfers and Ancillary Assignments
4. Supervisors who have personnel transfer into their unit shall immediately notify the Information
Systems Management Section (ISM) in order to update their access and permissions according
to their new assignment.
b. The requesting member shall send this email or a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental
Correspondence) via his chain of command to:
(1) His __________________, if the requested assignment is within the same division; or
(2) His _________________, if the requested assignment is in another division.
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank/Position
- Requesting a Primary or Ancillary Assignment
b. The requesting member shall send this email or a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental
Correspondence) via his chain of command to:
(1) His assistant chief, if the requested assignment is within the same division; or
(2) His division chief, if the requested assignment is in another division.
- Requesting a Primary or Ancillary Assignment
When reviewing someone’s transfer what should the member’s chain of command do with the request in regards to agreeing or disagreeing?
Additionally, who will forward the request to the desired unit?
- Requesting a Primary or Ancillary Assignment
c. The requesting member’s chain of command should indicate on the correspondence whether they approve of the request, providing a specific reason if the request is denied. Upon approval, the assistant chief or division chief shall forward the request to the commanding officer over the requested assignment.
Who has the authority to for go the formal selection process after the request is made with who’s approval?
1. Rank
2. Rank
- Formal Selection Process
b. With approval from the division chief or higher authority, commanding officers may forego
the formal selection process when selecting a member to fill a primary or ancillary
When a unit needs a temporary increase in staffing, upon approval from all affected _______________________________, the ___________________ of the unit may coordinate with another __________________ to initiate the transfer of a specific member to his unit for a specified period.
A. Rank
B. Rank
C. Rank
- Requests for Temporary Increases in Staffing
a. When a unit needs a temporary increase in staffing (e.g., to complete a major project, for
an upcoming operation, etc.), upon approval from all affected division chiefs, the commanding officer of that unit may:
(1) Coordinate with another commanding officer to initiate the transfer of a specific
member to his unit for a specified period; and
- Examination Review and Appeal [CALEA 34.1.2]
a. In accordance with COJ Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations, promotional
examinees shall be permitted to review examination items and responses during the
following time periods:
(1) For examinations with 50 or fewer examinees, the _______________ immediately following the administration of the examination; and
A. Time Frame
- Examination Review and Appeal [CALEA 34.1.2]
a. In accordance with COJ Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations, promotional
examinees shall be permitted to review examination items and responses during the
following time periods:
(1) For examinations with 50 or fewer examinees, the five workdays immediately following the administration of the examination; and
- Examination Review and Appeal [CALEA 34.1.2]
a. In accordance with COJ Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations, promotional
examinees shall be permitted to review examination items and responses during the
following time periods:
(2) For examinations with more than 50 examinees, the __________________ immediately
following the administration of the examination.
A. Time Frame
- Examination Review and Appeal [CALEA 34.1.2]
a. In accordance with COJ Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations, promotional
examinees shall be permitted to review examination items and responses during the
following time periods:
(2) For examinations with more than 50 examinees, the 10 workdays immediately
following the administration of the examination.
K. Promotions
c. The life of an eligibility list is as follows, unless extended or declared depleted by the
Director of COJ Employee Services:
(1) External – __________;
(2) Internal Priority 1 – _____________; and
(3) Internal Priority 2 – _____________.
K. Promotions
c. The life of an eligibility list is as follows, unless extended or declared depleted by the
Director of COJ Employee Services:
(1) External – One year;
(2) Internal Priority 1 – Two years; and
(3) Internal Priority 2 – 90 days.
What is the rating period for each annual performance evaluation?
A. Time Frame
Specific Dates
- Timeline for Annual Evaluations [CALEA 35.1.5]
a. The rating period for each Annual Performance Evaluation is the JSO fiscal year (October 1st through September 30th of the following year).
When will a supervisor create an Annual Performance Evaluation for each member under their supervision?
- Timeline for Annual Evaluations [CALEA 35.1.5]
b. October 1st – All supervisors shall create an Annual Performance Evaluation for each
member assigned to them as of October 1
st. Once the document has been created, the
supervisor shall meet with each member to discuss:
When will a supervisor create an Annual Performance Evaluation for each member under their supervision?
- Timeline for Annual Evaluations [CALEA 35.1.5]
b. October 1st – All supervisors shall create an Annual Performance Evaluation for each
member assigned to them as of October 1
st. Once the document has been created, the
supervisor shall meet with each member to discuss:
By what day will JSO Human Resources determine which members have not had an Annual Performance Evaluation created and shall provide this list to whom?
- Timeline for Annual Evaluations [CALEA 35.1.5]
c. November 30th – JSO Human Resources shall determine which members have not had an
Annual Performance Evaluation created and shall provide this list to the division chiefs.
Each division chief shall be responsible for ensuring all members under his chain of
command have an Annual Performance Evaluation created.
What specific day if a member is on your roster are you required to complete an Annual Performance Evaluation?
(1) Serve as the designated rater for each member assigned to him as of October 1st;
Who and on what date will ensure all members have had an Annual Performance Evaluation completed for the previous rating period?
e. October 31st – Each division chief shall ensure all members under his command have had
an Annual Performance Evaluation completed for the previous rating period. [CALEA
- An Annual Performance Evaluation is required for all members, including ones who are still
on probation and are receiving separate probationary evaluations. For a newly hired member who is still on probation as of October 1st, the supervisor shall: [CALEA 35.1.1, 35.1.2]
Where and what should be placed on the Annual Performance Evaluation form?
- An Annual Performance Evaluation is required for all members, including ones who are still
on probation and are receiving separate probationary evaluations. For a newly hired member who is still on probation as of October 1st, the supervisor shall: [CALEA 35.1.1, 35.1.2]
a. Type “Probationary Employee – See Probationary Performance Evaluation” in the field
entitled “Discuss and list the employee’s goals for the next year.”; and
b. Submit the evaluation without completing any other field.
Which form is recommended anytime a formal counseling is issued?
- Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) [CALEA 35.1.1, 35.1.6]
(a) A Form P-1718e (Performance Improvement Plan) is recommended any time a formal counseling is issued.
What form is required any time disciplinary corrective action is taken against an employee for repeated infractions, including formal counseling or above?
- Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) [CALEA 35.1.1, 35.1.6]
(b) A Form P-1718e (Performance Improvement Plan) is required any time disciplinary corrective action is taken against an employee for repeated infractions, including Formal Counselings or above;
What must be included when completing the member’s Annual Performance Evaluation?
(5) Supervisors must include the status of any Form P-1718e (Performance Improvement
Plan) that was implemented, in progress, or satisfactorily completed during the year
in the member’s Annual Performance Evaluation.
____________________ shall maintain a file on each member that contains certain information related to the member and his performance. This file, which is stored in a location designated by the _________________________, should serve as a tool to assist ___________________ in completing the Annual Performance Evaluation.
A. Rank
B. Rank
C. Rank
M. Division File
1. Supervisors shall maintain a file on each member that contains certain information related to the member and his performance. This file, which is stored in a location designated by the
division chief, should serve as a tool to assist supervisors in completing the Annual
Performance Evaluation.
Division files are prohibited from containing what item?
- Division files shall not contain any medical information of a member.
Who’s responsible for ensuring all items in a division file are kept and purged in
accordance with the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and all applicable public
records laws?
- Supervisors are responsible for ensuring all items in a division file are kept and purged in
accordance with the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and all applicable public
records laws.
N. Probationary Periods [CALEA 34.1.6]
1. Newly hired or newly promoted members in non-appointed positions shall be required to
serve in a probationary status for at least _____________________. Appendix A lists the lengths of all probationary periods for JSO positions.
A. Time Frame
N. Probationary Periods [CALEA 34.1.6]
1. Newly hired or newly promoted members in non-appointed positions shall be required to
serve in a probationary status for at least six months. Appendix A lists the lengths of all
probationary periods for JSO positions.
- If a member’s overall performance during his probationary period is below satisfactory, the
probationary period may be extended by up to _________________ upon approval from _____________
or his designee. The probationary period may then be extended an additional _________________
upon approval from the ______________________.
A. Time Frame
B. Rank/Position
C. Time Frame
D. Unit/Department
- If a member’s overall performance during his probationary period is below satisfactory, the
probationary period may be extended by up to three months upon approval from the Sheriff
or his designee. The probationary period may then be extended an additional three months
upon approval from the COJ Human Resources Division.
Who’s responsibility is it to notify HR in writing of any leave not related to FMLA which would classify as one of the following leave?
(military leave, IOD, light duty status, family medical leave, paid parental leave, leave of absence, absent without leave (AWOL), LWOP, or any other non-full-duty capacity while on probation must sign a statement acknowledging their probationary period will be suspended until their return to full duty (with JSO).)
A. Rank/Position
It shall be the responsibility of the employee’s supervisor to notify HR in writing of any
leave not related to FMLA. This written notification must be sent to personnel@jaxsheriff.org. If the supervisor fails to notify HR of any leave; the supervisor shall be subject to discipline.
- Non-Promotional Probationary Period Discussion and Evaluations
For newly hired members and current employees that are on probation, direct supervisors are required to complete probationary discussions and written probationary performance evaluations at the following intervals during the probationary period:
(1) Civilian members – ____________;
(2) Corrections officers – ______________;
(3) Police officers – ____________; and
(4) Police Auxiliary officers – ______________.
A./B./C./D. Time Frames
- Non-Promotional Probationary Period Discussion and Evaluations
For newly hired members and current employees that are on probation, direct supervisors are required to complete probationary discussions and written probationary performance evaluations at the following intervals during the probationary period:
(1) Civilian members – Quarterly;
(2) Corrections officers – Quarterly;
(3) Police officers – Monthly; and
(4) Police Auxiliary officers – Quarterly.
- Promotional Probationary Period Discussions and Evaluations
a. On a ____________ basis, direct supervisors are required to conduct probationary discussions
with newly promoted members during the promotional probationary period.
A. Time Frame
- Promotional Probationary Period Discussions and Evaluations
a. On a quarterly basis, direct supervisors are required to conduct probationary discussions
with newly promoted members during the promotional probationary period.
- Promotional Probationary Period Discussions and Evaluations
b. For newly promoted members with a six-month promotional probationary period, direct supervisors are required to complete a written probationary performance evaluation at the _______________ period and at the end of the six-month period.
- Promotional Probationary Period Discussions and Evaluations
b. For newly promoted members with a six-month promotional probationary period, direct
supervisors are required to complete a written probationary performance evaluation at
the three-month period and at the end of the six-month period.
c. For newly promoted members with a 12-month promotional probationary period, direct
supervisors are required to complete a written:
(1) Quarterly discussion at the ____________ period;
(2) Mid-year probationary performance evaluation after the first ______________;
(3) Quarterly discussion at the ________________ period; and
(4) End-of-year probationary performance evaluation at the end of the ____________________.
c. For newly promoted members with a 12-month promotional probationary period, direct
supervisors are required to complete a written:
(1) Quarterly discussion at the three-month period;
(2) Mid-year probationary performance evaluation after the first six months;
(3) Quarterly discussion at the ninth month period; and
(4) End-of-year probationary performance evaluation at the end of the 12-month period.