251 Specialized Traffic Enforcement (V6) Flashcards
The officer who observed the offense shall complete what prior to leaving the suspect with the assisting officer to finish the DUI investigation?
- On occasion, an officer may be requested by another officer, off-duty officer, or supervisor
to assist in making a DUI arrest
b. The officer who observed the offense shall be listed in the witness section of the Arrest
& Booking Report and shall be responsible for ensuring the Uniform Traffic Citation(s)
(UTC) for the initial infraction are issued or documented. Once the assisting officer
makes the arrest, it becomes that officer’s responsibility to complete the processing of
the suspect. Officers shall not transfer responsibility for the arrest multiple times.
What must be included in the report when referring to administering of the FSEs and refusals?
d. After requesting the driver to perform FSE and the driver refuses, advise the driver that
refusal to submit to FSE may be used against him/her.
(1) Document in the narrative of the Arrest & Booking Report that the driver was so
(Multiple Choice)
If the suspect is a juvenile or is under 21 years of age, the arresting officer shall complete the Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension packet if the juvenile provides a breath test between _____________ and _______________. The Under 21 packet includes the
c. If the suspect is a juvenile or is under 21 years of age, the arresting officer shall complete the Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension packet if the juvenile provides a breath test between .020 g/210L and .079 g/210L. The Under 21 packet includes the
(1) Breath Test Result Affidavit for Under Age 21 Suspensions (HSMV 78103);
(2) Affidavit of Probable Cause is completed by arresting officer;
(3) Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension (HSMV 72103) is completed by arresting officer;
(4) Driver’s license, if surrendered, shall be attached to the Notice of Suspension; and
(5) If the suspect blows over .080g/210L only the DUI Uniform Citation is required, and
the officer does not complete the Under 21 packet.
(Multiple Choice)
Regardless of the suspect’s BAC, a Florida DUI UTC shall be issued. If the suspect is eligible, a ______________ temporary driving permit shall be issued. The breath test operator conducting the test shall issue DUI citations.
(1) If the breath test results are greater than .080 g/210L, a 10-day temporary permit is
issued; and
(2) If the breath test results are less than .080 g/210L, the suspect may retain his/her
driver’s license and the bottom portion of the DUI citation shall be crossed out.
A. Time Frame
- After the breath test results are known, the breath test operator shall complete the
remainder of the DUI citation and issue the citation to the suspect.
a. Regardless of the suspect’s BAC, a Florida DUI UTC shall be issued. If the suspect is eligible, a 10-day temporary driving permit shall be issued. The breath test operator conducting the test shall issue DUI citations.
(1) If the breath test results are greater than .080 g/210L, a 10-day temporary permit is
issued; and
(2) If the breath test results are less than .080 g/210L, the suspect may retain his/her
driver’s license and the bottom portion of the DUI citation shall be crossed out.
Who is responsible for reviewing the DUI citations?
c. The arresting officer shall leave all copies of the DUI citation in the breath test room. It
shall be the responsibility of the Implied Consent Sergeant to review the citations for
completeness, accuracy, and legibility. Once the citations are approved, they shall be
forwarded to the Citation Accountability Unit.
A list of qualified DREs shall be maintained by the ____________________________________.
(2) A list of qualified DREs shall be maintained by the Commanding Officer of Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit.
- Individuals who are eligible to receive a 10-day temporary license may be issued one by the
arresting officer or the breath test operator conducting the breath test. Eligibility
requirements are as follows:
a. The suspect has a current valid driver’s license that is not under suspension or
revocation; and
b. The suspect has not been issued a previous _____ or ___ day driving permit after 10-01-
A. Time Frame
B. Time Frame
- Individuals who are eligible to receive a 10-day temporary license may be issued one by the
arresting officer or the breath test operator conducting the breath test. Eligibility
requirements are as follows:
a. The suspect has a current valid driver’s license that is not under suspension or
revocation; and
b. The suspect has not been issued a previous seven or 30 day driving permit after 10-01-
When conducting a breath test with PBT equipment, the detaining police officer shall ask
the driver if he/she is willing to take the approved chemical test for the purpose of determining his/her alcohol content. Once the driver agrees to submit to the test, the police officer shall, without unnecessary delay, begin the ______________ observation period immediately followed by the testing procedure as outlined:
- When conducting a breath test with PBT equipment, the detaining police officer shall ask
the driver if he/she is willing to take the approved chemical test for the purpose of determining his/her alcohol content. Once the driver agrees to submit to the test, the police officer shall, without unnecessary delay, begin the 20-minute observation period immediately followed by the testing procedure as outlined:
Police officers shall inform persons under the age of 21 who are having their driver’s license
suspended that they will be issued a 10-day temporary permit, but the permit will not become effective until ___________ have elapsed. The police officer shall ensure the language on the bottom of the citation reads as follows:
A. Time Frame
- Police officers shall inform persons under the age of 21 who are having their driver’s license
suspended that they will be issued a 10-day temporary permit, but the permit will not become effective until 12 hours have elapsed. The police officer shall ensure the language on the bottom of the citation reads as follows:
Once the decision to draw blood has been made, the following procedures should be
a. The officer should check with the hospital to see if a blood kit is available. If there are no
blood kits at the hospital, the officer should do what?
- Once the decision to draw blood has been made, the following procedures should be
a. The officer should check with the hospital to see if a blood kit is available. If there are no
blood kits at the hospital, the officer should notify his supervisor. The supervisor shall make arrangements to have the blood kit picked up at the Property & Evidence Facility, or obtained from a Crime Scene Unit (CSU) detective and transported to the investigating officer;
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
1. For the purpose of this order, the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined
in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle
combination used on the streets or highways, which:
a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of __________ pounds or more;
b. Has a declared weight of ___________ pounds or more;
c. Has an actual weight of _____________ pounds or more;
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
1. For the purpose of this order, the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined
in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle
combination used on the streets or highways, which:
a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more;
b. Has a declared weight of 26,001 pounds or more;
c. Has an actual weight of 26,001 pounds or more;
d. Is designated to transport more than 15 persons, including the driver; or
e. Is transporting hazardous materials and is required to be placard in accordance with
Title 49 CFR part 172, subpart F.
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
1. For the purpose of this order, the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined
in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle
combination used on the streets or highways, which:
a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of __________ pounds or more;
b. Has a declared weight of ___________ pounds or more;
c. Has an actual weight of _____________ pounds or more;
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
1. For the purpose of this order, the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined
in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle
combination used on the streets or highways, which:
a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more;
b. Has a declared weight of 26,001 pounds or more;
c. Has an actual weight of 26,001 pounds or more;
d. Is designated to transport more than 15 persons, including the driver; or
e. Is transporting hazardous materials and is required to be placard in accordance with
Title 49 CFR part 172, subpart F.
- For the purpose of this order, the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined
in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle
combination used on the streets or highways, which:
d. Is designated to transport ________________ persons, including the driver;
Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
1. For the purpose of this order, the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined
in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle
combination used on the streets or highways, which:
a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more;
b. Has a declared weight of 26,001 pounds or more;
c. Has an actual weight of 26,001 pounds or more;
d. Is designated to transport more than 15 persons, including the driver; or
e. Is transporting hazardous materials and is required to be placard in accordance with
Title 49 CFR part 172, subpart F.
If a commerical motor vehicle operator is tested and the results are _____________ to ____________ the officer shall issue a UTC for a moving violation.
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
4. Enforcement procedures and options are as follows:
d. Upon completion of the breath test, the officer will have the following options:
(2) If the test results are .010 to .039, the officer shall issue a UTC for violation of F.S.S.
322.62, which is a moving violation;
(a) The officer shall, in addition to issuing the citation, advise the operator not to
operate a commercial motor vehicle for a period of 24 hours; and
If a commerical motor vehicle operator is tested and the results are .010 to .039 the officer shall issue a UTC for a moving violation. In addition to issuing the citation, the operate will be advise to not operate a commercial motor vehicle for a period of _____________.
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
4. Enforcement procedures and options are as follows:
d. Upon completion of the breath test, the officer will have the following options:
(2) If the test results are .010 to .039, the officer shall issue a UTC for violation of F.S.S.
322.62, which is a moving violation;
(a) The officer shall, in addition to issuing the citation, advise the operator not to
operate a commercial motor vehicle for a period of 24 hours; and
If a commerical motor vehicle operator is tested and the results are _____________ to ____________ the officer shall issue a UTC for a moving violation.
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
4. Enforcement procedures and options are as follows:
(3) If the test results are .040 to .079, the officer shall issue a UTC in violation of F.S.S.
322.62, which is a moving violation; and
(a) Advise the operator not to operate a commercial vehicle for a 24-hour period.
(i) The 24 hour out-of-service period will begin on the date and time the notice
is issued; and
(ii) Upon conviction of this violation, the operator is subject to a one year
suspension of their commercial license.
If a commerical motor vehicle operator is tested and the results are .040 to .079 the officer shall issue a UTC for a moving violation. Upon conviction of this violation, the operator is subject to a _______ suspension of their commercial license.
G. Alcohol, Chemical Substance, and Controlled Substance Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Operators [CALEA 61.1.10]
4. Enforcement procedures and options are as follows:
(3) If the test results are .040 to .079, the officer shall issue a UTC in violation of F.S.S.
322.62, which is a moving violation; and
(a) Advise the operator not to operate a commercial vehicle for a 24-hour period.
(i) The 24 hour out-of-service period will begin on the date and time the notice
is issued; and
(ii) Upon conviction of this violation, the operator is subject to a one year
suspension of their commercial license.
If a commercial vehicle operator refuses a second time to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test, what type of suspension will they face?
- The procedures for refusal to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test are as follows:
a. F.S.S. 322.63(4)(a) provides that persons be informed that their failure to submit to a
breath, blood, or urine test shall result in the disqualification of commercial operator’s
driving privileges. A commercial motor vehicle operator who refuses to submit to a
breath, urine, or blood test after being requested to do so by a law enforcement officer
will be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of one year
for a first refusal. A second refusal arising from separate incidents shall result in a
permanent disqualification;
Complete a Notice of Commercial Driver’s License Disqualification Form (HSMV 78005), which is kept in the Breath Testing Room at the PDF. This form shall be completed in its entirety;
(b) This notice will serve as a 10-day temporary driving permit and notification that the driver has been placed out-of-service for a __________ period. The out-of-service period will begin at the date and time the notice is issued.
(1) Complete a Notice of Commercial Driver’s License Disqualification Form (HSMV 78005), which is kept in the Breath Testing Room at the PDF. This form shall be completed in its entirety;
(b) This notice will serve as a 10-day temporary driving permit and notification that the driver has been placed out-of-service for a 24-hour period. The out-of-service period will begin at the date and time the notice is issued.
If a vehicle is to be left at the scene of a DUI what must be done?
I. Disposition of Vehicle [CALEA 61.1.10]
a. If parked at the scene, all of the following conditions must be met:
(2) The driver, owner, or owner’s representative must agree to leave the vehicle at the
scene and sign a Form P-0214 (Signature Form) indicating agreement;
- The video retention schedule, as per State of Florida General Records Schedule GS2, is as
follows: [CALEA 41.3.8]
a. General recordings not involving an arrest: ___________ days;
b. ______________ arrest: Seven years after offense committed;
c. _______________ arrest: Six years after offense committed;
d. 1st degree misdemeanor arrest: ________ years after offense committed; and
e. 2nd degree misdemeanor arrest: _______ years after offense committed.
- The video retention schedule, as per State of Florida General Records Schedule GS2, is as
follows: [CALEA 41.3.8]
a. General recordings not involving an arrest: 30 days;
b. 1st degree felony arrest: Seven years after offense committed;
c. 2nd degree felony arrest: Six years after offense committed;
d. 1st degree misdemeanor arrest: Five years after offense committed; and
e. 2nd degree misdemeanor arrest: Four years after offense committed.