371 Criminal Investigative Fund (V5) Flashcards
Who is responsible for the criminal investigation fund?
II. Procedures
A. Responsibility
1. The Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice is responsible for ensuring the proper operation and
accounting of the fund. [CALEA 43.1.3, CFA 5.05]
The fund shall be accounted for and disbursed by the ______________________________, or his designee.
C. Accounting Policy
1. The fund shall be accounted for and disbursed by the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice, or
his designee.
Criminal Investigations Fund
Who will jointly conduct a _______ cash count of the main vault and document it on the Cash Count Form maintained by the Budget Management Analyst.
A. Frequency
- Cash Counts and Reconciliations
a. The Narcotics & Vice Budget Management Analyst and a commanding officer shall
jointly conduct a weekly cash count of the main vault and document it on the Cash
Count Form maintained by the Budget Management Analyst.
Unresolved discrepancies shall be documented at the bottom of the Cash Count Form and reported through the chain of command and _____________.
A. Unit
(4) Unresolved discrepancies shall be documented at the bottom of the Cash Count
Form and reported through the chain of command and Internal Audit Unit.
For reconciliation purposes, each supervisor issued petty cash and each detective/supervisor with an open special account shall submit a minimum of one Form P-1775 (Investigative Fund Worksheet) showing their assigned safe or special account’s verified balance prior to their ______________________________.
A. Frequency
b. For reconciliation purposes, each supervisor issued petty cash and each detective/supervisor with an open special account shall submit a minimum of one Form P-1775 (Investigative Fund Worksheet) showing their assigned safe or special account’s verified balance prior to their last workday of each month.
(1) The Form P-1775 (Investigative Fund Worksheet) shall be reviewed and signed by which two people?
(1) The Form P-1775 (Investigative Fund Worksheet) shall be reviewed and signed by a Narcotics & Vice commanding officer and the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice.
The signed Form P-1775 (Investigative Fund Worksheet) evidencing reconciliation and review shall be provided to the _____________________ by the _______ day of each month.
A. Position
B. Day
(2) The signed Form P-1775 (Investigative Fund Worksheet) evidencing reconciliation and review shall be provided to the Narcotics & Vice Budget Management Analyst by the 10th day of each month.
Discrepancies in the supervisor’s cash or the accounting record shall be explained and resolved in a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental correspondence) to the chain of command and ____________________ prior to the ________ closing of the accounting record (QuickBooks).
A. Unit
B. Frequency
(4) Discrepancies in the supervisor’s cash or the accounting record shall be explained and resolved in a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental correspondence) to the chain of command and Internal Audit Unit prior to the monthly closing of the accounting record (QuickBooks).
Safes shall be located in secure work areas of the ______________________ issued and responsible for
petty cash funds.
a. Safes shall be located in secure work areas of the supervisors issued and responsible for
petty cash funds.
Knowledge of the safe combinations shall be limited to a need-to-know basis as designated by the ___________________________.
b. Knowledge of the safe combinations shall be limited to a need-to-know basis as designated by the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice.
After the request for money from the fund has been approved, the member shall be directed to Narcotics & Vice, where he shall be issued the designated amount of money. A pre-numbered Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card) shall be signed by the member and the _________________ issuing the money;
c. After the request for money from the fund has been approved, the member shall be directed to Narcotics & Vice, where he shall be issued the designated amount of money. A pre-numbered Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card) shall be signed by the member and the commanding officer issuing the money;
- Procedures for returning funds to the Main Vault or documenting the use of the funds are as
b. Within _________ days, the officer(s)/detective(s) shall provide the _____________________ with a Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) documenting the use of the funds or return the funds to a ____________________________ with a completed Form P-1421 (Returned Funds Form).
A. Time Frame
B. Rank
C. Rank/Position
- Procedures for returning funds to the Main Vault or documenting the use of the funds are as
b. Within two working days, the officer(s)/detective(s) shall provide the Patrol or Investigations Division supervisor with a Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) documenting the use of the funds or return the funds to a Narcotics & Vice commanding officer with a completed Form P-1421 (Returned Funds Form).
- Procedures for returning funds or documenting the use of funds. (had, vrs, and integrity.
c. The ___________________________ shall approve the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) within ______________ days of the transaction and provide it for approval to the _____________________.
A. Rank
B. Time Frame
C. Rank
c. The Patrol or Investigations Division supervisor shall approve the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) within six working days of the transaction and provide it for approval to the Patrol or Investigations Division commanding officer.
d. Within _______________ days of receipt, the __________________________ or designee shall approve the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Funds Form) and, as soon as possible, shall submit it to the ____________________________ for final review and approval.
A. Time Frame
B. Rank
C. Rank/Position
d. Within five working days of receipt, the Patrol or Investigations Division commanding officer or designee shall approve the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Funds Form) and, as soon as possible, shall submit it to the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice for final review and approval.
e. Any member or unit needing to expend or return funds outside of prescribed time limits due to exigent circumstances (e.g., natural disasters, pandemics, large scale investigations outside of jurisdiction) shall obtain written approval from the ________________________________. Funds shall be returned, or the use shall be documented as expeditiously as possible, based on the specific circumstances and logistical impediments.
A. Rank/Position
e. Any member or unit needing to expend or return funds outside of prescribed time limits due to exigent circumstances (e.g., natural disasters, pandemics, large scale investigations outside of jurisdiction) shall obtain written approval from the Director of Investigations & Homeland Security. Funds shall be returned, or the use shall be documented as expeditiously as possible, based on the specific circumstances and logistical impediments.
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
a. ____________________ from a unit authorized to use the fund shall be issued funds for use by a ________________________ from the Main Vault;
A. Rank
B. Rank/Position
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
a. Supervisors from a unit authorized to use the fund shall be issued funds for use by a Narcotics & Vice commanding officer from the Main Vault;
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
b. Supervisors may be issued up to $_____________, on an as-needed basis, which shall be maintained in a safe in the supervisor’s office. The supervisor shall sign for the funds on a Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card);
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
b. Supervisors may be issued up to $4,000, on an as-needed basis, which shall be maintained in a safe in the supervisor’s office. The supervisor shall sign for the funds on a Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card);
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
Detectives can receive funds directly from the Main Vault with who’s approval?
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
f. Detectives can receive funds directly from the Main Vault with the approval of a Narcotics & Vice commanding officer. A Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card) shall be completed and submitted to the Narcotics & Vice Budget Management Analyst.
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures:
d. In the event there is a long-term investigation targeting a specific suspect, group of suspects, or location, a special account may be opened. The supervisor/detective shall prepare a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) for approval by the___________________________ or higher authority, briefly stating the specific intent and purpose for the use of these funds:
A. Rank/Position
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for obtaining funds are as follows:
d. In the event there is a long-term investigation targeting a specific suspect, group of suspects, or location, a special account may be opened. The supervisor/detective shall prepare a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) for approval by the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice or higher authority, briefly stating the specific intent and purpose for the use of these funds:
- Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
a. Within _______________ days, the receiving detective shall provide the dispensing _______________ with a Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) documenting the use of the funds or return the funds to the supervisor.
A. Time Frame
B. Rank
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
a. Within two working days, the receiving detective shall provide the dispensing supervisor with a Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) documenting the use of the funds or return the funds to the supervisor. The Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) shall be signed by the investigating detective and a witness detective. The witness detective’s signature shall serve to verify and attest to the accuracy of the documented expenditure. In the event the receiving detective is unavailable to meet with the supervisor, it is acceptable for another detective to return unused funds and/or completed and signed Forms P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Forms) on behalf of the absent detective;
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
c. The ____________________ shall approve the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) within ______________ days of the transaction and provide it to a _____________________ with the corresponding Form P-1775 (Investigation Fund Worksheet).
A. Rank
B. Time Frame
C. Rank/Position
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
c. The supervisor shall approve the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) within six working days of the transaction and provide it to a Narcotics & Vice commanding officer with the corresponding Form P-1775 (Investigation Fund Worksheet).
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
c…..The commanding officer shall approve the Form P-1775 (Investigation Fund Worksheet) and the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) within ___________ days of receipt. As soon as possible after the commanding officer gives approval, the commanding officer shall provide the _____________________ with the Form P-1775 (Investigation Fund Worksheet) and corresponding Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) for final review and approval; and
A. Time Frame
B. Rank/Position
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
c…. The commanding officer shall approve the Form P-1775 (Investigation Fund Worksheet) and the Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) within five working days of receipt. As soon as possible after the commanding officer gives approval, the commanding officer shall provide the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice with the Form P-1775 (Investigation Fund Worksheet) and corresponding Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) for final review and approval; and
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
d. In the event there is a long-term investigation targeting a specific suspect, group of suspects, or location, a special account may be opened. The supervisor/detective shall prepare a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) for approval by the ______________________________ or higher authority, briefly stating the specific intent and purpose for the use of these funds:
A. Rank/Position
Homeland Security Division, Violence Reduction Section, and ISIU procedures for returning funds are as follows:
d. In the event there is a long-term investigation targeting a specific suspect, group of suspects, or location, a special account may be opened. The supervisor/detective shall prepare a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) for approval by the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice or higher authority, briefly stating the specific intent and purpose for the use of these funds:
“Flash roll” funds must be returned to the account as soon as possible, and in no event shall the funds be returned later than a ____________ period without prior approval of a ___Rank______ or higher authority.
- “Flash roll” funds must be returned to the account as soon as possible, and in no event shall the funds be returned later than a 24-hour period without prior approval of a lieutenant or higher authority.
Where will flash money if held out for more than 24 hours be stored?
- The extnsion approval shall be documented on the Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card). When flash money is held out for more than 24 hours, it shall be stored in the supervisor’s safe.
When the “flash roll” is returned what is marked on the Cash Receipt Card vs. the process if some of the money is spent?
- Upon return of the “flash roll,” the signed Form P-0114 (Cash Receipt Card) shall be marked “Returned in Full,” dated, and signed by the person receiving funds. This receipt card shall be retained in a separate file.
- If the amount of the returned funds is less than originally checked out, the expense shall be documented on a Form P-1776e (Criminal Investigative Fund Form).
H. Utilizing Investigative Funds for Travel
Investigations, which require travel, must be authorized and approved by the requesting
member’s __________________________.
H. Utilizing Investigative Funds for Travel
Investigations, which require travel, must be authorized and approved by the requesting
member’s assistant chief or his designee.
Prior to the travel, members requesting funds for travel shall prepare the top section of a Form P-1762 (Investigations & Homeland Security Investigative Travel Request/Expense Statement) for approval by the _________________.
- Prior to the travel, members requesting funds for travel shall prepare the top section of a Form P-1762 (Investigations & Homeland Security Investigative Travel Request/Expense Statement) for approval by the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice.
Narcotics & Vice shall complete the bottom section of the form for prior approved Form P-1762 (Investigations & Homeland Security Investigative Travel Request/Expense Statement)
upon the return of the detective as soon as possible, not to exceed _____________.
A. Time Frame
- Narcotics & Vice shall complete the bottom section of the form for prior approved Form P-1762 (Investigations & Homeland Security Investigative Travel Request/Expense Statement)
upon the return of the detective as soon as possible, not to exceed five working days. The detective must provide all the items requested on the Form P-1762 (Investigations and Homeland Security Investigative Travel Request/Expense Statement).
Travel advances are obtained from who after approval has been given by who?
- Travel advances are obtained from the Narcotics & Vice Section commanding officers upon authorization from the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice or his designee. Advances are
based upon estimated and anticipated expenses.
Per diem and traveling expenses of informants, sources, suspects, etc. must have prior
authorization from the ____________________.
- Per diem and traveling expenses of informants, sources, suspects, etc. must have prior
authorization from the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice.
What must be done prior to the replenishment of funds?
- A cash count shall be performed and reconciled to the cash balance per the accounting record (Quickbooks) before initiating a memorandum requesting replenishment.
Who will initiate the reimbursement memorandum?
- The Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice shall initiate the reimbursement memorandum.
What is the process of approval for the reimbursement memorandum along with the alternate approver?
- The reimbursement memorandum shall be forwarded to the Chief of Homeland Security
who shall, upon approval, forward the memorandum through the chain of command to the Undersheriff. Once approved by the Undersheriff, the completed memorandum shall be forwarded to the Budget Division. In the absence of the Undersheriff, the Director of
Investigations & Homeland Security shall make the final approval.
Once final approval is completed, who will retrieve the check from the Budget Division?
- The Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice or his designee shall retrieve the check from the
Budget Division and complete the memorandum by recording the check number, amount, date received, and affix his signature.
Once the member cashes the check, where will a copy of the memorandum go for input into the accounting record and where will the money be deposited?
- The member completing the memorandum and receiving the check shall cash the check at the City and Police Federal Credit Union located within the Police Memorial Building. Upon cashing the check, the receiving member shall count the cash and verify the correct amount is received. The member shall provide a copy of the memorandum to the Narcotics & Vice Budget Management Analyst for input into the accounting record (Quickbooks). The cash shall then be placed in the main vault located in the Narcotics & Vice building where it shall
be verified again.
Prepaid card or debit cards are only allowed to be used by who unless who approves the use?
- Authorization for use of the investigative prepaid card or debit card is restricted to only
those members of the Narcotics & Vice Section unless approved by the Assistant Chief of
Narcotics & Vice.
Who approves the expenditures for the use of prepaid cards or debit cards?
- Approval for expenditures must be authorized by a Narcotics & Vice commanding officer or
higher authority.
When using prepaid cards or debit cards, what is required in return and within how many days of the transaction must it be submitted?
- A Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form) with all required information, including a
receipt if available, shall be submitted to the detective’s supervisor within two working days
of the transaction.
If the prepaid card or debit card is lost or stolen, who must be immediately notified and what must be done?
- If the prepaid card or debit card is lost or stolen, the detective’s supervisor shall be
immediately notified. An Incident Report documenting the loss shall be completed and
forwarded to the detective’s supervisor.
The detective responsible for using a prepaid card or debit card for investigative purposes
must reconcile the card balance monthly until the balance is $0 to ensure all charges have been documented on a Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form). The results of this
reconciliation should be recorded on a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) to
the ________Rank________ no later than the _____ of the following month and forwarded to the Narcotics & Vice Budget Management Analyst of the Investigative Fund, after being reviewed by the ____________Rank___________.
- The detective responsible for using a prepaid card or debit card for investigative purposes
must reconcile the card balance monthly until the balance is $0 to ensure all charges have been documented on a Form P-1776 (Criminal Investigative Fund Form). The results of this
reconciliation should be recorded on a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) to
the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice no later than the 10th of the following month and forwarded to the Narcotics & Vice Budget Management Analyst of the Investigative Fund,
after being reviewed by the Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice.
Prepaid or debit card discrepancies reconciliation and supporting documents shall be retained by the ______________ and filed by the _______________ responsible for the funds.
A. Position
B. Rank
c. The reconciliation and supporting documents shall be retained by the Narcotics & Vice
Budget Management Analyst and filed by the supervisor responsible for the funds.
At what frequency and who will conduct cash counts and audits of the expenditures reports of the Criminal Investigative funds be done?
- The Internal Audit Unit shall conduct a quarterly cash count and audit of the expenditure
reports of the Criminal Investigative Funds and forward a report to the Sheriff or his
At what frequency and who outside of the agency conduct an audit of the Criminal Investigative Fund?
- The City of Jacksonville (COJ) Office of Council Auditor shall conduct an audit of the Criminal
Investigative Fund annually.