513 Compensation and Leave (V13) Flashcards
Sworn officers who fail the annual PAT will be given a grace period of ____________________ days, during which time he may retake the test.
(i) Additionally, the officer will be required to initiate and participate in on-duty rehabilitation provided for in the bargaining agreements.
(ii) The disincentives will not go into effect unless the employee fails to pass the test within the _________-day grace period.
A. Time Frame
B. Time Frame (Number)
(b) Sworn officers who fail the annual PAT will be given a grace period of 30 calendar days, during which time he may retake the test.
(i) Additionally, the officer will be required to initiate and participate in on-duty rehabilitation provided for in the bargaining agreements.
(ii) The disincentives will not go into effect unless the employee fails to pass the test within the 30-day grace period.
Who will provide the officer an opportunity to gain compliance in regards to the PAT and after which he may subject the officer to the appropriate discipline disincentives?
(d) A supervisor shall provide the opportunity for the officer to gain compliance, after which he may subject the officer to appropriate discipline or disincentives in accordance with the written directives and bargaining agreements.
Who must schedule the annual wellness examinations for police officers?
b. Police annual wellness examinations must be scheduled by the employee. Corrections
annual wellness examinations must be scheduled by the designated scheduler for the
employee’s current duty assignment. [CALEA 22.2.1]
Wellness examinations will be conducted during regular working hours and should be coordinated with who? Additionally, what is the appropriate EIS code?
c. Wellness examinations will be conducted during regular working hours and should be coordinated jointly between the employee and his immediate supervisor. Attendance in EIS will be shown as Wellness Exam (PHY) using the Today’s Schedule screen. [CALEA
Bloodwork must be drawn how early in advance of the Wellness appointment?
(1) Officers’ blood work MUST be done two weeks prior to the scheduled appointment.
No blood work will be drawn at the Wellness appointment.
Officers receiving the modified examination shall have up to ________ hours to complete the examination. If the examination is completed in less than two hours, the officer shall return to duty when the exam is completed. The modified examination includes the respirator fitting, pulmonary function test, resting blood pressure, and a review of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) information
A. Time Frame
(3) Officers receiving the modified examination shall have up to two hours to complete the examination. If the examination is completed in less than two hours, the officer shall return to duty when the exam is completed. The modified examination includes the respirator fitting, pulmonary function test, resting blood pressure, and a review of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) information
Officers receiving the full examination shall have up to ____________________ hours to complete the examination. If the examination is completed in less than five hours, the officer shall return to duty when the exam is completed.
A. Time Frame
(2) Officers receiving the full examination shall have up to five hours to complete the examination. If the examination is completed in less than five hours, the officer shall return to duty when the exam is completed.
Sworn and corrections officers are required to give the Safety Officer and the COJ medical vendor a _____________________ day notice of cancellation if they are unable to attend their scheduled wellness examination (JSO pays for the annual wellness examination, even when a scheduled officer does not attend).
A. Time Frame
d. Sworn and corrections officers are required to give the Safety Officer and the COJ medical vendor a 10 business day notice of cancellation if they are unable to attend their scheduled wellness examination (JSO pays for the annual wellness examination, even when a scheduled officer does not attend).
Cancellations of scheduled wellness
examinations that are less than _____________ days away must be approved by the _________________________________.
A. Time Frame
B. Rank/Position
Cancellations of scheduled wellness
examinations that are less than 10 business days away must be approved by the Chief of
Human Resources.
Employees who observe or have knowledge of behaviors or incidents which call into question an employee’s safety or the safety of others, or the employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of their job must request to have a supervisor at the ______________ draft a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) outlining these behaviors and/or incidents. This Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) must be submitted to the Occupational Health Manager in the Human Resources Division. The request for referral will be approved or denied by __________________________.
A. Rank
B. Rank/Position
a. Employees who observe or have knowledge of behaviors or incidents which call into question an employee’s safety or the safety of others, or the employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of their job must request to have a supervisor at the Chief level or higher draft a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) outlining these behaviors and/or incidents. This Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence) must be submitted to the Occupational Health Manager in the Human Resources Division. The request for referral will be approved or denied by the Chief of Human Resources.
Once Human Resources is informed that an employee is in need of a medical or psychological fitness-for-duty examination and the request has been approved, the ____________________ shall be notified. All medical or psychological fitness-for-duty examinations will include a defrock unless an exception is approved by the ____________________. Because the uniform, or any part of it, shall not be worn while an officer is in a defrocked status, the
employee shall be considered to be on limited duty status.
A./B. Rank/Position
b. Once Human Resources is informed that an employee is in need of a medical or psychological fitness-for-duty examination and the request has been approved, the Undersheriff shall be notified. All medical or psychological fitness-for-duty examinations will include a defrock unless an exception is approved by the Undersheriff. Because the uniform, or any part of it, shall not be worn while an officer is in a defrocked status, the
employee shall be considered to be on limited duty status.
c. Human Resources will notify the employee’s __________________________ that the fitness-for-duty
referral has been approved. Human Resources will also obtain the employees limited duty status assignment and notify __________________ and the ___________________________ of this information.
A. Notifaction
B. Unit
C. Unit
c. Human Resources will notify the employee’s chain of command that the fitness-for-duty
referral has been approved. Human Resources will also obtain the employees limited duty status assignment and notify Internal Affairs and the Field Training Office of this information.
___________________ will draft the defrock letter, ____________________ will coordinate with _____________________, Human Resources, and __________________________ to meet with the employee’s _________________________ who will retrieve JSO issued gun, badge, uniforms, assigned vehicle, as well as notifying the officer of their light duty states, start date, shift, assignment, and supervisor.
A. Unit
B. Unit
C. Unit
D. Notification
d. Internal Affairs will draft an official defrock letter.
e. The Field Training Office will coordinate with the Critical Incident Stress Management Program (CISM) team, Human Resources, and the employee’s chain of command to meet with the employee to do the following:
(1) Retrieve specified equipment (i.e., gun, badge, uniforms, assigned vehicle, etc.); and
(2) Inform the employee of their limited duty status assignment, start date, shift, and
When an officer is placed in an FFD assignment and the officer is defrocked, who will the FTO notify once completed?
g. The Field Training Office will notify Internal Affairs, Secondary Employment, Human
Resources, and Tele-Serv, when applicable, when the defrock is complete.
h. In accordance with the applicable bargaining agreement, all employees required to undergo a FFD examination will also be required to submit to a ___________________. A ___________ must escort the employee and remain with the employee at the testing facility for the duration of the test. A list of approved testing facilities.
A. Exam
B. Rank
h. In accordance with the applicable bargaining agreement, all employees required to undergo a FFD examination will also be required to submit to a drug test. A supervisor must escort the employee and remain with the employee at the testing facility for the duration of the test. A list of approved testing facilities is listed in Order 515 (Drug Screening Program).
Work hours for each employee in EIS must include a minimum of a_____________________________ meal
break unless the employee’s collective bargaining agreement requires a paid meal break or the employee is assigned to a position that requires an immediate dispatched response as part of their normal duties (e.g., Patrol, Traffic, DUI, CSO).
A. Time Frame
- Work hours for each employee in EIS must include a minimum of a 30 minute unpaid meal
break unless the employee’s collective bargaining agreement requires a paid meal break or the employee is assigned to a position that requires an immediate dispatched response as part of their normal duties (e.g., Patrol, Traffic, DUI, CSO). Administrative (e.g., M-F; M-TH; T-F) assignments (e.g., Detective Division, Warehouse, Special Events, Accreditation) and civilian positions do not require an immediate dispatched response as part of the normal duties.
Who will monitor the amount of time employees spend on meal breaks?
- Supervisors shall monitor the amount of time employees spend on meal breaks in order to
avoid abuse.
Supervisors are required to review their shift rosters how often in order to ensure the proper attendance of their assigned employees and to ensure the listed work assignment, attendance, and scheduled working hours are accurate?
A. Time Frame
- Shift Rosters
a. All shift rosters in the EIS are assigned designated supervisors. Supervisors are required
to review these shift rosters each regular working day to ensure the proper attendance of their assigned employees and to ensure the listed work assignment, attendance, and scheduled working hours are accurate each day. Employee assignments are available under the Organization screen in EIS. The EIS supervisor can view their current shift roster’s daily attendance via the “Today’s Schedule” screen in EIS. [CALEA 41.1.1]
- EIS Daily Schedules
Who is responsible for ensuring that the applicable attendance code is entered on employees’ daily schedules every day?
- EIS Daily Schedules
a. Employees and their supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the applicable
attendance code is entered on employees’ daily schedules every day.
Who is responsible for accounting for IOD absences in EIS by entering the appropriate amount of time?
Supervisors of employees who attend IOD medical
appointments while on duty are responsible for accounting for this absence in EIS by entering the appropriate amount of leave each applicable working day.
Who is responsible for ensuring all procedures related to IOD reporting are initiated and completed?
Commanding officers are responsible for
ensuring all procedures related to IOD reporting are initiated and completed. Specific instructions are located in Order 521 (Injury and Exposure).
(b) Shift adjustment:
(i) Police only: the employee adopted a new work plan and is owed hours to avoid exceeding more than ____________ hours in a ____-day work cycle (between zero dates).
A./B. Time Frame
(b) Shift adjustment:
(i) Police only: the employee adopted a new work plan and is owed hours to avoid exceeding more than 160 hours in a 28-day work cycle (between zero dates).
(b) Shift adjustment:
(i) Police only: The employee adopted a new work plan and owes hours to avoid falling short of __________ hours in a ____-day work cycle (between zero dates).
A./B. Time Frame
(b) Shift adjustment:
(i) Police only: The employee adopted a new work plan and owes hours to avoid falling short of 160 hours in a 28-day work cycle (between zero dates).
Who is responsible for contacting Human Resources Time and Attendance when an employee is experiencing more than one work plan change between zero dates?
(iii) Corrections and police: The EIS supervisor is responsible for contacting Human Resources Time and Attendance at jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org if the
employee is making more than one work plan change between zero dates.
Who is responsible for initiating the EIS transfer and ensuring the correct employee, shift roster, and transfer date information is selected?
- EIS Transfers
a. Transfers of frontline employees (employees without supervisor responsibilities):
(1) When a frontline employee leaves a unit, the employee’s supervisor is responsible for initiating the EIS transfer and ensuring the correct employee, shift roster, and transfer date information is carefully selected.
Who is responsible for carefully reviewing to ensure the employee, shift roster, and transfer date information is correct and approving the EIS transfer notification?
(2) The frontline employee’s new supervisor is responsible for carefully reviewing to
ensure the employee, shift roster, and transfer date information is correct and approving the EIS transfer notification.
If the frontline employee’s supervisor, or new supervisor, is unavailable to initiate and/or approve the transfer, who is next in line to complete the transfer process?
(3) If the frontline employee’s supervisor, or new supervisor, is unavailable to initiate and/or approve the transfer, it is the next-level supervisor’s responsibility to complete the transfer process (e.g., the lieutenant is responsible for ensuring the transfer process is completed while his sergeant is absent).
(6) The _____________________________ is responsible for reviewing the applicable shift adjustment spreadsheet available on the Human Resources page of 94Net to ensure any hours owed the employee or agency are accounted for prior to the next zero date. Please contact the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit (jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org) if the frontline employee is being transferred more than
once between the same two zero dates.
A. Rank
(6) The frontline employee’s new supervisor is responsible for reviewing the applicable
shift adjustment spreadsheet available on the Human Resources page of 94Net to ensure any hours owed the employee or agency are accounted for prior to the next zero date. Please contact the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit (jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org) if the frontline employee is being transferred more than
once between the same two zero dates.
b. Transfers of EIS Supervisors
(1) The __________________________________ is responsible for requesting that the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance complete the transfer via email (jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org) prior to the effective transfer date. The following information must be included in the EIS supervisor transfer request:
A. Rank
b. Transfers of EIS Supervisors
(1) The new commander of the EIS supervisor being transferred is responsible for requesting that the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance complete the transfer via email (jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org) prior to the effective transfer date. The following information must be included in the EIS supervisor transfer request:
b. If an error is corrected after more than _________________________ have passed, the assigned EIS supervisor must also immediately notify the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit at jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org to ensure that EIS will process the updated information correctly.
A. Time Frame
b. If an error is corrected after more than eight weeks have passed, the assigned EIS supervisor must also immediately notify the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit at jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org to ensure that EIS will process the updated information correctly.
When an assignment or attendance status changes after the beginning of a shift for the
Patrol Division or the Investigations Division, the assigned supervisor or designee shall ensure EIS is updated and that the __________________________________ is notified.
A. Rank/Position
c. When an assignment or attendance status changes after the beginning of a shift for the
Patrol Division or the Investigations Division, the assigned supervisor or designee shall ensure EIS is updated and that the Communications Center Watch Supervisor is notified.
Who are responsible for ensuring that inaccurate timesheets are corrected as soon as any inaccuracies are noticed?
b. Supervisors and employees are responsible for ensuring that inaccurate timesheets are
corrected as soon as any inaccuracies are noticed.
How frequent are supervisors required to check their assigned employees’ timesheets?
c. Once an employee has signed off on his timesheet, the assigned supervisor will then
sign-off, ensuring that the timesheet is accurate. Supervisors are required to check their
assigned employees’ timesheets each week to ensure that timesheets are being signedoff in a timely manner.
Supervisors of employees not assigned to the areas above whose duties require EIS
Proxy Access shall request access via the following:
(1) Obtain approval from ___________________ on a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence);
(2) Route the approval to jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org for processing; and
(3) The request shall be reviewed for final approval by the ______________________________.
A. Rank
B. Rank/Position
f. Supervisors of employees not assigned to the areas above whose duties require EIS
Proxy Access shall request access via the following:
(1) Obtain approval from his division chief on a Form P-0004 (Intradepartmental Correspondence);
(2) Route the approval to jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org for processing; and
(3) The request shall be reviewed for final approval by the Chief of Human Resources.
Specifically for the Patrol Division, when a call for service extends beyond a patrol officer’s regular working hours, the officer shall notify who and when?
(4) Specifically for the Patrol Division, when a call for service extends beyond a patrol officer’s regular working hours, the officer shall notify an on-duty supervisor at the end of each hour. When feasible, the on-duty supervisor shall arrange to have the patrol officer relieved by an on-duty officer.
Officers working in an overtime capacity outside of their division, for compensatory time overtime, must obtain approval from _______________________ prior to working the overtime assignment.
A. Rank/Position
(5) Officers working in an overtime capacity outside of their division, for compensatory
time overtime, must obtain approval from their division chief prior to working the overtime assignment (e.g., a patrol officer working overtime for compensatory time with the Narcotics & Vice Section must obtain approval from the Chief of Patrol). Currently, compensatory time is not mutually agreeable and shall not be approved
by supervisors for non-exempt employees.
Employees are prohibited from working more than 16 total hours of regular duty, overtime, and secondary employment within any and every calculable 24-hour period. Any exception to this rule must be made by a _______________________.
A. Rank
c. Eight-Hour Rest Rule
Employees are prohibited from working more than 16 total hours of regular duty, overtime, and secondary employment within any and every calculable 24-hour period. Any exception to this rule must be made by a division chief.
When can overtime be worked in a given day?
d. Scheduled Overtime Assignments on a Regular Working Day
(1) Overtime compensation can only be earned after an employee has worked the required number of Regular Working Hours each day, as established by his Work Plan (e.g., 8 hours, 10 hours, 11.42 hours, etc.).
Whose approval is necessary in order to work another assignment in lieu of a normal working assignment?
Additionally, what must accompany that decision in regards to EIS?
(2) With the approval of his commanding officer, an employee can work another
assignment in lieu of his permanent assignment during Regular Working Hours, but
the employee:
(a) Will not begin to earn overtime compensation until after working all the required number of Regular Working Hours for that day; and
(b) Must note this change of assignment in EIS by selecting the appropriate attendance code for the relevant portion of the Regular Working Day and noting the alternative assignment in the Employee Comments section in Today’s Schedule.
Overtime while on Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Paid Parental Leave (PPL)
(1) Employees are prohibited from working overtime while on FMLA or PPL. Employees
may work overtime after ____________ days off or _________ working day following FMLA or PPL.
A. Time Frame
B. Time Frame
e. Overtime while on Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Paid Parental Leave (PPL)
(1) Employees are prohibited from working overtime while on FMLA or PPL. Employees
may work overtime after two regular days off or one working day following FMLA or PPL.
__________________ shall review ______________ overtime reports, distributed by the Budget Division, to ensure compliance with this order and to ensure overtime hours are minimized.
A. Rank/Position
B. Frequency
(3) Division chiefs shall review quarterly overtime reports, distributed by the Budget Division, to ensure compliance with this order and to ensure overtime hours are minimized.
_______________ shall ensure their subordinates maintain compliance with the limits and rules established in this order and make adjustments to minimize overtime hours.
(2) Supervisors shall ensure their subordinates maintain compliance with the limits and rules established in this order and make adjustments to minimize overtime hours.
All WITOT (Administrative Board Overtime) overtime requests are submitted to who?
A. Rank\Position
(2) All WITOT overtime requests shall be submitted to the Chief of Professional Standards (or designee) using the “PPPS: CHIEF PROFESSIONAL STDS” activity index.
When is Canine Care (K9) compensation earned and how much daily?
f. Canine Care (K9) – Compensation earned by canine officers for one hour of canine care
on the employee’s regular day off. The K9 code should not be used on the canine officer’s regular working day unless the officer is watching an additional canine.
Double Overtime (DOT) – Compensation earned at two times an employee’s rate of pay.
DOT is paid in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Police
Officers and Police Sergeants shall be eligible for DOT after working ________________________ hours. Once there has been a break in ___________________ worked, the count of ______________________ resets.
A. Time Frame
B./C. Time Frame (General)
h. Double Overtime (DOT) – Compensation earned at two times an employee’s rate of pay.
DOT is paid in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Police
Officers and Police Sergeants shall be eligible for DOT after working 16 consecutive hours. Once there has been a break in consecutive hours worked, the count of consecutive hours resets.
i. JSA Call Back (CBK) – Compensation paid to a JSA employees for up to the first _______ of a scheduled overtime assignment when required to return to work on a regular working day. JSA employees who are required to return to work scheduled overtime on a regular working day may submit Call Back (CBK) for up to the first ________.
A./B. Time Frame
i. JSA Call Back (CBK) – Compensation paid to a JSA employees for up to the first two hours of a scheduled overtime assignment when required to return to work on a regular working day. JSA employees who are required to return to work scheduled overtime on a regular working day may submit Call Back (CBK) for up to the first two hours.
Employees shall document overtime hours worked at the end of the overtime assignment. EIS allows overtime submissions up to ____________ prior to the requested end time to accommodate the timely submission, and approvals, of overtime requests.
A. Time Frame
- EIS Overtime Submissions and Approvals
a. Employees shall document overtime hours worked at the end of the overtime assignment. EIS allows overtime submissions up to 30 minutes prior to the requested end time to accommodate the timely submission, and approvals, of overtime requests.
If an employee is unable to submit an EIS overtime request due to exigent circumstances (e.g., medical emergency) or due to not having electronic access to EIS, what is the next option for submission?
b. If an employee is unable to submit an EIS overtime request due to exigent circumstances (e.g., medical emergency) or due to not having electronic access to EIS, the employee’s supervisor shall submit the request on behalf of the employee. Delays in overtime submissions are only permitted if exigent circumstances exist and the supervisor cannot submit the request due to not knowing the details of the overtime
assignment (e.g., exact starting time, etc.).
When a police officer or police sergeant is in an On-Call Standby status and receives a
phone call directly stemming from his on-call duties, but is not summoned away from
his current location, he shall submit an EIS Overtime Request for _______________ of Standard
Overtime (SCHOT) for the first phone call.
A. Time Frame
When a police officer or police sergeant is in an On-Call Standby status and receives a
phone call directly stemming from his on-call duties, but is not summoned away from
his current location, he shall submit an EIS Overtime Request for 40 minutes of Standard
Overtime (SCHOT) for the first phone call.
Any subsequent phone calls in the __________ time period immediately after the first phone call was received shall be part of the original ____________ of overtime compensation and the employee is not entitled to submit additional EIS Overtime
requests during the ____________________.
A./C. Time Frame
B. Time Frame
(1) Any subsequent phone calls in the hour time period immediately after the first phone call was received shall be part of the original 40 minutes of overtime compensation and the employee is not entitled to submit additional EIS Overtime
requests during the first hour.
What two people must approve for an employee on limited-duty to work an overtime assignment?
b. Employees in a limited-duty status shall not work overtime assignments unless approval
is obtained from both a division chief and the Chief of Human Resources.
Although any employee may be mandated to work overtime to fill staffing shortages,
scheduled overtime assignments should first be staffed with employees who have volunteered to work those assignments. When feasible, __________________ should make reasonable efforts to replace or relieve mandated employees with volunteers.
c. Although any employee may be mandated to work overtime to fill staffing shortages,
scheduled overtime assignments should first be staffed with employees who have volunteered to work those assignments. When feasible, supervisors should make reasonable efforts to replace or relieve mandated employees with volunteers.
Supervisors are not permitted to approve what EIS Overtime Requests?
(6) All requests shall be approved solely by the Court Liaison designee. Supervisors are
not permitted to approve court-related EIS Overtime Requests.
Probationary personnel who wish to take leave for more than ______ work cycle must obtain permission from their respective ________________.
A. Number
B. Rank
c. Probationary personnel who wish to take leave for more than one work cycle must obtain permission from their respective assistant chief.
Probationary employees who wish to take any leave during their _________________ days on probation must receive permission from their respective __________________.
A. Time Frame/Number
B. Rank
d. Probationary employees who wish to take any leave during their last 30 calendar days on probation must receive permission from their respective division chief.
Leave requests extended how many days will take precedence over individual requests for one or two days?
(1) A request for leave for an extended vacation (five days or more) shall take precedence over an individual’s request for one or two days of leave should governing language not exist in the applicable employee collective bargaining
agreements or salary and employment plan.
Employees who are going to be on annual/personal or military leave for more than _____________________ days shall return their assigned vehicle to the Fleet Coordinator’s Office at the City Motor Pool, 2581 Commonwealth Avenue. The vehicle card must be left in the vehicle.
A. Time Frame
d. Employees who are going to be on annual/personal or military leave for more than 30
calendar days shall return their assigned vehicle to the Fleet Coordinator’s Office at the City Motor Pool, 2581 Commonwealth Avenue. The vehicle card must be left in the vehicle.
When an employee calls in sick and requests to use _______________________, the supervisor must ensure “____________________” is entered into the “Request Reason” box.
A. Type of Leave
B. Specific Language
b. When an employee calls in sick and requests to use compensatory time, the supervisor must ensure “Sick Leave” is entered into the “Request Reason” box.
(1) Whenever possible, personnel shall be granted time off on holidays; however, when not possible, the use of accumulated holiday time will be granted at the discretion of _______________.
A. Rank
(1) Whenever possible, personnel shall be granted time off on holidays; however, when not possible, the use of accumulated holiday time will be granted at the discretion of supervisors.
Who can an employee call in sick to?
(1) All employees sick to the extent that they are unable to report for duty as scheduled or reporting sick for one of the above interpretations shall report such sickness to their EIS supervisor, commanding officer, or authorized representative as specified by the various employee collective bargaining agreements or salary and employment plans;
When an employee expects to return following sick leave, who must they notify prior to returning?
A. Rank
(4) Employees shall notify their commanding officers or authorized representative of
their intention to return to duty as specified by the various employee collective bargaining agreements or salary and employment plans prior to reporting in order to allow the EIS supervisor or designee or commanding officer time to adjust the
shift roster accordingly;
SL requests will be initiated by the ________________ each day via the EIS Leave screen unless the illness is extended past _____ days, at which time the leave can be inputted in work-cycle increments. When any employee is placed on sick leave for _____ consecutive working days, the employee’s _____________________ shall notify the Occupational Health Manager via email (occupationalhealth.manager@jaxsheriff.org) prior to the end of the ______ missed working day;
A./D. Rank
B./C./E. Time Frame
(6) SL requests will be initiated by the supervisor each day via the EIS Leave screen unless the illness is extended past 10 days, at which time the leave can be inputted in work-cycle increments. When any employee is placed on sick leave for 10
consecutive working days, the employee’s supervisor shall notify the Occupational
Health Manager via email (occupationalhealth.manager@jaxsheriff.org) prior to the end of the 10th missed working day;
- If an employee calls out sick, and has no accrued leave, what will be the course of action in EIS?
- If an employee calls out sick, and does have leave, what will be the course of action in EIS?
3.IF an employee calls out sick, and does not have leave but has a different type of accrued leave, what will be the course of action in EIS?
(7) The employee’s attendance will be shown as SL unless the employee does not have accrued annual leave. If the employee has other accrued leave types, the EIS supervisor shall use the applicable leave type and notate “Sick Leave” in the supervisor comments section. If the employee does not have leave (and is not covered by FMLA or approved LWOP), the EIS supervisor will enter the employee as AWOL in the EIS Leave screen and notate “Sick Leave” in the supervisor comments section and the employee will be subject to counseling and/or discipline up to
separation; and
Who has discretion in determining if a home visit is required when someone calls in sick?
A. Rank
(8) The commanding officer or an authorized representative shall use discretion in determining whether or not a visit is required to verify the circumstances of the absence.
Employee restrictions while on sick leave:
(1) Employees carried in EIS on sick leave are expected to be found at their respective
homes, physician’s office, hospital, or en route to or from one of these locations during their normal duty hours. Employees shall not go elsewhere without permission of their ___________________ or authorized representatives;
A. Rank
e. Employee restrictions while on sick leave:
(1) Employees carried in EIS on sick leave are expected to be found at their respective
homes, physician’s office, hospital, or en route to or from one of these locations during their normal duty hours. Employees shall not go elsewhere without permission of their commanding officer or authorized representatives;
Unless prior approval was obtained by the _________________________, employees who do
not have sufficient leave days to cover their absences shall have their absences considered as AWOL subjecting the employee to counseling and/or discipline up to separation.
A. Rank\Position
(3) Unless prior approval was obtained by the department director, employees who do
not have sufficient leave days to cover their absences shall have their absences considered as AWOL subjecting the employee to counseling and/or discipline up to separation.
FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to __________ hours or _____ weeks of job protected leave. Paid leave requires the employee to use their accrued leave time or qualify for paid parental leave. Refer to Order 519 (Family Medical Leave Act).
A./B. Time Frame
FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 480 hours or 12 weeks of job protected leave. Paid leave requires the employee to use their accrued leave time or qualify for paid parental leave. Refer to Order 519 (Family Medical Leave Act).
An employee is summoned for Jury Duty, what must occur aftering being summoned?
A. Process
c. The employee or EIS supervisor (or designee) shall initiate a Jury Duty (JD) leave request
via EIS with summons specifics noted in the comments and shall forward the summons
to the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit by email at jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org. The Time and Attendance Unit will append the summons to
the employee’s personnel file
Under the extra MLT benefit, service member employees may be eligible to receive up to ________ of regular pay (per fiscal year) while absent from their JSO responsibilities due to military training and/or service.
A. Time Frame
d. Under the extra MLT benefit, service member employees may be eligible to receive up to 240 hours of regular pay (per fiscal year) while absent from their JSO responsibilities due to military training and/or service. Paid MLT leave may only be used for training or service as compelled by written orders from the appropriate branch of the U.S. Military.The military training hours are not an employee leave bank. The following conditions
must be met before a paid military leave of absence for training will be approved:
If the requested military leave has not been validated by the EIS supervisor, what must occur?
A. Process
(3) If the requested military leave has not been validated by the EIS supervisor, the employee must enter a leave request into EIS using his own accrued leave (AL, HOL, CSL, etc.) or LWOP. The employee must enter “Military Leave – Training” in the comments section of the EIS leave request. After the requested military leave has been validated by the EIS supervisor, the employee can withdraw the initial leave request and submit a “Military Leave – Training” (MLT) leave request.
When are the military leave documents being emailed need to be submitted to the Human Resources Division Time Attendance Unit?
A. Date
(4) The employee’s EIS supervisor must scan a copy of the document(s) used to validate
the military leave and email the documents to the Human Resources Division Time Attendance Unit (jsopayroll@jaxsheriff.org and carbon copy the employee) by the end of the shift during which they approved the military leave request in EIS. The body of the email shall include the following information:
Not only will military orders be emailed to the Human Resources DIvision Time Attendance Unit but where else must the orders be located?
(5) The employee’s EIS supervisor shall also keep a copy of the validation document(s) in the employee’s division file.
Employees on probation (including probationary supervisors) must meet with the __________________________ or designee prior to leaving for any military service. The employee’s probationary period will be suspended while the employee is on military leave and until their return to full duty employment with JSO.
A. Rank/Position
e. Employees on probation (including probationary supervisors) must meet with the Manager of Human Resources Division, Personnel Services Unit or designee prior to leaving for any military service. The employee’s probationary period will be suspended while the employee is on military leave and until their return to full duty employment with JSO.
Members with orders for ____________________ shall complete Form P-1304 (MilitaryChecklist), which shall include scheduling an exit counseling session with a member of the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit.
A. Time Frame
(2) Members with orders for 45 days or more shall complete Form P-1304 (MilitaryChecklist), which shall include scheduling an exit counseling session with a member of the Human Resources Division Time and Attendance Unit.
(3) A Human Resources Division, Time and Attendance Unit representative will initiate a
Military Leave – Active Duty (MLACT) leave request for the __________________ days, after which the employee will be transferred to a Human Resources Division Active Duty shift roster. Employees on the Active Duty shift roster will be carried as MLWOP unless a specific request is made to use accrued leave while on active duty.
A. Time Frame
(3) A Human Resources Division, Time and Attendance Unit representative will initiate a
Military Leave – Active Duty (MLACT) leave request for the first 30 calendar days, after which the employee will be transferred to a Human Resources Division Active Duty shift roster. Employees on the Active Duty shift roster will be carried as MLWOP unless a specific request is made to use accrued leave while on active duty.
If the request is made by the employee to use accrued leave, the appropriate EIS
code will be applied by the Human Resources Time and Attendance Unit as follows:
(a) Military Lv – ____ following 30 days MLACT (MLACT__);
(b) Military Lv – _____ following 30 days MLACT (MLACT__);
(c) Military Lv – _____ following 30 days MLACT (MLACTH__); and
(d) Military Lv – ______ following 30 days MLACT (MLACT___).
If the request is made by the employee to use accrued leave, the appropriate EIS
code will be applied by the Human Resources Time and Attendance Unit as follows:
(a) Military Lv – AL following 30 days MLACT (MLACTAL);
(b) Military Lv – CL following 30 days MLACT (MLACTCL);
(c) Military Lv – HCO following 30 days MLACT (MLACTHCO); and
(d) Military Lv – HOL following 30 days MLACT (MLACTHOL).
(4) Human Resources Division will establish with the deploying member a process for communicating during the member’s deployment if the orders are for __________________.
A. Time Frame
(4) Human Resources Division will establish with the deploying member a process for communicating during the member’s deployment if the orders are for 45 days or
When must an officer when called to military duty turn in their vehicle and gas card tot he motor pool?
(7) If members are activated for less than 45 calendar days, they may keep all issued
equipment, however, assigned vehicles and gas cards must be returned to the motor pool if the order exceeds 30 calendar days.
At the discretion of the ____________________ or the Human Resources medical section designee, any employee, regardless of whether or not they have been on duty out of the country, may be required to undergo a return-to-duty psychological or physical evaluation by a COJ physician in order to determine fitness for duty, to include a determination if the member has any specialized needs, such as a referral to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
A. Rank/Position
(d) At the discretion of the Chief of Human Resources or the Human Resources
medical section designee, any employee, regardless of whether or not they have
been on duty out of the country, may be required to undergo a return-to-duty psychological or physical evaluation by a COJ physician in order to determine fitness for duty, to include a determination if the member has any specialized
needs, such as a referral to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Outside of standard reintergration training such as PAT and IST, who will determine if firearms training or additional field training is required?
(3) The returning employee will be reintegrated by becoming current on weapons requalification, the PAT, and any in-service or refresher training missed during the deployment period. The JSO Range Master will determine if firearms training is
needed in addition to requalification. The Commanding Officer of Field Training Unit
shall determine if refresher training with a FTO is needed.
Who will determine the appropriate amount of bereavement leave for an employee upon the death of an immediate family member and who will be notified of the passing?
b. The EIS supervisor will determine the appropriate amount of bereavement leave an
employee may be granted following a death in the immediate family as designated within that employee’s collective bargaining agreement and/or any salary and employment plan. The employee’s chief or designee shall be notified upon granting an employee bereavement leave.
c. The EIS _______________, __________________, or __________________ in the employee’s chain of command granting bereavement leave shall create a supervisor-initiated Bereavement Leave (BL) request in EIS and document the following in the comments section of the EIS Today’s
(1) Reason for the leave;
(2) Name and address of the deceased;
(3) Relationship to the employee;
(4) Funeral or memorial service date; and
(5) Justification for the amount of BL granted, based upon the employee’s needs and
circumstances. (Considerations include relationship, travel, sole survivorship, etc.).
A./B./C. Rank or Position
c. The EIS supervisor, designee, or higher authority in the employee’s chain of command
granting bereavement leave shall create a supervisor-initiated Bereavement Leave (BL)
request in EIS and document the following in the comments section of the EIS Today’s
(1) Reason for the leave;
(2) Name and address of the deceased;
(3) Relationship to the employee;
(4) Funeral or memorial service date; and
(5) Justification for the amount of BL granted, based upon the employee’s needs and
circumstances. (Considerations include relationship, travel, sole survivorship, etc.).
Any employee receiving information in an official capacity of such death will immediately notify the ________________________________ or his authorized representative.
A. Rank
e. Any employee receiving information in an official capacity of such death will
immediately notify the commanding officer on duty or his authorized representative.
The requesting and processing procedures for LWOP are as follows:
(1) Under six months:
(a) Employees shall submit a written request for LWOP before the requested LWOP
period. Following the submission what is the chain of custody process?
c. The requesting and processing procedures for LWOP are as follows:
(1) Under six months:
(a) Employees shall submit a written request for LWOP before the requested LWOP
(b) If the Chief of Human Resources finds that the request is for an extraordinary and compelling reason, it will be routed to the employee’s director for approval.
(c) The Human Resource Division’s medical section designee will notify the employee and their chain of command of the approval decision.
Supervisors must comply with submissions of AWOL / LWOP by when or face what?
(Under 6 months)
(f) EIS supervisors, or their designee or someone higher in the chain of command, must enter the AWOL status on a daily basis to avoid the possibility of the employee being paid for work not performed.
(g) Failure to follow these procedures in a timely manner prior to bi-weekly payroll processing may result in payment for work hours not performed.
(h) EIS supervisors failing to comply with these guidelines may face discipline for not performing their daily EIS supervisor duties.
(2) Over six months:
In addition to the approval process through the employee’s ________, the
request must also be approved by the _____________________.
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank/Position
(2) Over six months:
In addition to the approval process through the employee’s director, the
request must also be approved by the COJ Chief of Employee Services.
(3) Absences not covered by a written request and written approval shall be charged as
a. ADL after critical incidents: [CALEA 4.2.3]
(1) An employee may be placed on administrative leave without loss of pay for any reason deemed necessary by the ________________ or his designee.
A. Rank/Position
a. ADL after critical incidents: [CALEA 4.2.3]
(1) An employee may be placed on administrative leave without loss of pay for any reason deemed necessary by the Sheriff or his designee.
- When an employee is involved in a critical incident, ADL with pay may be granted by who?
- Who will enter the attendance change into the EIS Today’s Schedule screen as well as the duration determined by who?
- What information will be placed in the attendance change?
(2) When an employee is involved in a critical incident, ADL with pay may be granted by an assistant chief or higher authority. ADL is offered to decompress from serious incidents and employees should refrain from using police authority during this time.
(a) The employee’s EIS supervisor or someone higher in the employee’s chain of command will change the attendance status via the EIS Today’s Schedule screen with an ADL status daily for the duration determined by the appropriate director
or higher authority.
(b) The ADL status will indicate the name of the assistant chief or higher authority that placed the officer on ADL, as well as the CCR number, if applicable, in the comments of Today’s Schedule in EIS.
(3) Any officer whose actions result in a death or serious bodily harm shall be removed
from the line duty assignment. [CALEA 4.2.3]
(a) The officer shall be placed on ADL by who?
A. Rank/Position
(3) Any officer whose actions result in a death or serious bodily harm shall be removed
from the line duty assignment. [CALEA 4.2.3]
(a) The officer shall be placed on ADL by the authority of the Assistant Chief of Major Case, or higher authority. The Assistant Chief of Major Case or higher authority will then initiate the Administrative Review Tracking Form, available
on the Investigations & Homeland Security site on 94Net, for the involved officer notifying the Human Resources Division’s medical section designee of the incident and the requirement for a Return-to-Duty Evaluation.
(b) The employee’s EIS supervisor or someone higher in the employee’s chain of command will change the attendance via the EIS Today’s Schedule screen to an ADL status daily for the duration determined by the appropriate director or higher authority.
(3) Any officer whose actions result in a death or serious bodily harm shall be removed
from the line duty assignment. [CALEA 4.2.3]
(b) Who will change the days’ attendance in EIS and who will determine the duration of that change?
(3) Any officer whose actions result in a death or serious bodily harm shall be removed
from the line duty assignment. [CALEA 4.2.3]
(b) The employee’s EIS supervisor or someone higher in the employee’s chain of command will change the attendance via the EIS Today’s Schedule screen to an ADL status daily for the duration determined by the appropriate director or higher authority.
The _______________________ shall review the results of the Return-to-Duty Evaluation, together with pertinent materials from the detective(s) who are investigating the officer-involved incident, to determine whether the officer should return to his line duty assignment. The officer shall remain on ADL status pending this review. [CALEA 4.2.3]
A. Rank/Position
(d) The Sheriff or his designee shall review the results of the Return-to-Duty Evaluation, together with pertinent materials from the detective(s) who are investigating the officer-involved incident, to determine whether the officer should return to his line duty assignment. The officer shall remain on ADL status pending this review. [CALEA 4.2.3]
(e) Upon completion of the administrative review process, the ________________ or designee will notify the_____________________ or designated official who will then complete the Administrative Review Tracking Form. The completed form will be
routed to the employee’s chain of command and the ______________and _______________. [CALEA 4.2.3]
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank/Position
C. Unit
D. Unit
(e) Upon completion of the administrative review process, the Sheriff or designee will notify the Director of Investigations or designated official who will then complete the Administrative Review Tracking Form. The completed form will be
routed to the employee’s chain of command and the Accreditation and Professional Oversight Units. [CALEA 4.2.3]
(6) The duration of the ADL granted to an employee will be determined by the ____________
or his designee.
A. Rank/Position
(6) The duration of the ADL granted to an employee will be determined by the Sheriff
or his designee.
ADL During a Declared Limited Emergency
When JSO declares a limited emergency as per the COJ Civil Service Rules and Regulations Rule 8.04, the ________________________________ will make the determination as to whether or not the employee is considered essential or non-essential for the duration of the limited emergency.
A. Rank\Position
b. ADL During a Declared Limited Emergency
(1) When JSO declares a limited emergency as per the COJ Civil Service Rules and Regulations Rule 8.04, the employee’s chain of command will make the determination as to whether or not the employee is considered essential or nonessential for the duration of the limited emergency.
(2) Non-essential personnel shall be placed on ADL under the Today’s Schedule screen
in EIS as instructed by the administration of JSO as follows:
(a)_______________________ in the chain of command will change the attendance of eligible employees to ADL in EIS using the Today’s Schedule screen;
A. Rank/Position
(2) Non-essential personnel shall be placed on ADL under the Today’s Schedule screen
in EIS as instructed by the administration of JSO as follows:
(a) EIS supervisors or someone higher in the chain of command will change the attendance of eligible employees to ADL in EIS using the Today’s Schedule screen;
(3) EIS supervisors will ensure their shift roster’s attendance is correct at the ________________ worked during a limited emergency, including overtime, leave and ADL as applicable.
A. Time Frame
(3) EIS supervisors will ensure their shift roster’s attendance is correct at the end of
each shift worked during a limited emergency, including overtime, leave and ADL as
Terminal Leave
(1) The _________________ shall notify the ___________________ so that the employee can be placed on an administrative shift roster in EIS until the employee’s end date.
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank/Position
Terminal Leave
(1) The officer’s chain of command shall notify the Chief of Human Resources so that the employee can be placed on an administrative shift roster in EIS until the employee’s end date.
Terminal Leave
(2) The ___________________________ shall have all assigned equipment returned and the assigned
vehicle returned to the Fleet Coordinator’s Office at the COJ Motor Pool, 2581 Commonwealth Ave. upon the employee’s ____________________.
A. Rank/Position
B. Time Frame or Date
Terminal Leave
(2) The chain of command shall have all assigned equipment returned and the assigned
vehicle returned to the Fleet Coordinator’s Office at the COJ Motor Pool, 2581 Commonwealth Ave. upon the employee’s last actual work date (prior to the employee’s first day of terminal leave).
a. Paid Parental Leave Overview
(1) The purpose of paid parental leave is to enable the employee to care for and bond with a newborn or a newly adopted child. Accordingly, up to _________________ of paid parental leave will be paid to employees following the birth of an employee’s child or adoption.
A. Time Frame
a. Paid Parental Leave Overview
(1) The purpose of paid parental leave is to enable the employee to care for and bond with a newborn or a newly adopted child. Accordingly, up to six weeks of paid parental leave will be paid to employees following the birth of an employee’s child or adoption.
Paid Parental Leave
If both parents are employees of JSO, how is paid parental leave structured?
a. Paid Parental Leave Overview
(4) If both parents are employees of JSO, each parent can apply for six weeks of paid
parental leave.
When will paid parental leave begin?
(6) All parental leave described in this policy will be available for a six-week period immediately following the birth or adoption and can be taken intermittently during the six week period. Parental leave benefits six-week time frame will commence the first day following birth or adoption.
(7) Paid parental leave can be used during the ________________ time frame and may be used on an intermittent basis. Any unused parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the ________________ time frame.
A./B. Time Frame
(7) Paid parental leave can be used during the six week time frame and may be used on an intermittent basis. Any unused parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the six week time frame.
(4) _________________ shall notify the JSO Medical Section designee at least ________ days prior to the proposed commencement of leave by completing the COJ-provided Paid Parental Leave Request Form (Refer to COJ Employee Services Directive 0308) along with their FMLA application.
A. Rank/Position
B. Time Frame
(4) Employees shall notify the JSO Medical Section designee at least 30 days prior to the proposed commencement of leave by completing the COJ-provided Paid Parental Leave Request Form (Refer to COJ Employee Services Directive 0308) along with their FMLA application.