231 Juvenile Enforcement Programs (V7) Flashcards
Under most circumstances what age may a juvenile be arrested for without a supervisor’s involvement?
- Officers shall consider the following factors in making diversion decisions regarding juvenile
a. The nature of the alleged offense;
b. The circumstances and age of the alleged offender;
(1) Under most circumstances, only juveniles 10 years of age and older may be
arrested. A juvenile nine years of age or younger should be released to his/her
parents or guardian, or if appropriate, the Department of Children and Families
(DCF). If probable cause exists, but the juvenile is not on the scene to arrest, the
officer must go to the SAO to seek an arrest warrant. If probable cause exists, but
the juvenile is not at the scene to arrest, the officer shall file the case in accordance
with Order 302 (Filing Cases and Attending Court).
If an officer wishes to arrest a juvenile under the age of 10 what must occur?
- Officers shall consider the following factors in making diversion decisions regarding juvenile
a. The nature of the alleged offense;
b. The circumstances and age of the alleged offender;
(2) If an officer believes the arrest of a juvenile under 10 is necessary, a supervisor shall
be requested to respond to the scene prior to the arrest. The responding supervisor
shall consult with the Juvenile Division of the SAO during office hours or the on-call
Assistant State Attorney (ASA) after hours.
When is a juvenile deemed a truant in regards to school hours?
b. When coming in contact with juveniles suspected of being truant, officers shall
determine in which school the juvenile is enrolled. The officer shall then contact the
school to determine the school hours. If the truant is detained one hour after school
begins up to one hour before school ends without a justifiable reason, he/she is to be
considered truant. Officers shall transport them to their assigned school;
In order to release a juvenile in regards to truancy, what age must the juvenile be and under what condition must they meet?
D. Truant Juveniles [CALEA 44.1.1]
3. Parental Contacts
c. Release of a juvenile may be appropriate if:
(1) The juvenile is 16 years of age or older and has officially withdrawn from school
(reference F.S.S. 1003.21); or
(2) The juvenile has a valid explanation for being absent from school, (i.e., doctor’s
appointment, family emergency, working off campus, etc.).
Juveniles are considered in violation of curfew for the following hours:
a. Sunday __________________
b. Monday _________________
c. Tuesday _________________
d. Wednesday _____________
e. Thursday ________________
f. Friday ____________________
g. Saturday _________________
h. Legal Holidays ___________
E. Juvenile Curfew Citation Procedures [CALEA 44.1.1, 44.2.1, 44.2.2]
1. COJ MO Chapter 603 makes it a civil violation for any juvenile and/or parent/legal guardian
to violate the provisions of the COJ Curfew MO hours after having been previously warned.
The hours are: [CALEA 1.1.3]
a. Sunday 2300 until Monday 0500;
b. Monday 2300 until Tuesday 0500;
c. Tuesday 2300 until Wednesday 0500;
d. Wednesday 2300 until Thursday 0500;
e. Thursday 2300 until Friday 0500;
f. Friday 0001 until 0600;
g. Saturday 0001 until 0600; and
h. Legal holidays 0001 until 0600.
When completing an information report for a curfew violation, what must go in the first line of the narrative section?
- Officers who encounter juveniles (younger than 18 years of age) during the established
curfew hours shall do the following: [CALEA 1.1.3]
d. If the juvenile is found to be in violation of the curfew, but neither the juvenile nor
his/her parent/legal guardian have been warned previously, officers shall:
(4) Write the name, address, date of birth (DOB), and relationship of the parent/legal
guardian as the first items on the first line of the ARMS narrative.
When completing an information report for a curfew violation, what must go in the first line of the narrative section?
- Officers who encounter juveniles (younger than 18 years of age) during the established
curfew hours shall do the following: [CALEA 1.1.3]
d. If the juvenile is found to be in violation of the curfew, but neither the juvenile nor
his/her parent/legal guardian have been warned previously, officers shall:
(4) Write the name, address, date of birth (DOB), and relationship of the parent/legal
guardian as the first items on the first line of the ARMS narrative.
Who is responsible for ensuring officers make use of the Juvenile Civil Citations program in all cases?
F. Juvenile Civil Citation Program [CALEA 1.1.3, 44.1.1, 44.2.1]
3. Supervisors shall ensure officers make use of Juvenile Civil Citations in all appropriate cases.
If a physical arrest is made of a juvenile for a qualifying misdemeanor, the arresting officer is required to explain why a civil citation was not issued in the narrative of the Juvenile Arrest
& Booking Report and the Incident Report.
Who is the point of contact for requests for follow-up on electronic monitor alerts in accordance with the MOU between the DJJ and JSO?
A. Rank/Position
G. The Commanding Officer of Citywide Community Problem Response Unit is the point of contact for requests for follow up on electronic monitor alerts in accordance with the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) between the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) and JSO.
If an officer believes a physical arrest is warranted for an offense otherwise eligible for a
Juvenile Civil Citation (P-0524), what is required by the notified supervisor?
H. Juvenile Civil Citation Procedures [CALEA 44.2.1]
1. Officers who encounter a juvenile who meets the general criteria for a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524) shall review the exceptions below before completing a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524):
a. If an officer believes a physical arrest is warranted for an offense otherwise eligible for a
Juvenile Civil Citation (P-0524), the officer must notify their supervisor. If the officer’s supervisor is not available, the officer shall request a working supervisor respond to the scene. The supervisor must respond to the scene, review the case with the officer, and approve the physical arrest. If the offender is physically arrested for a qualifying offense, the officer must include in all police reports generated (i.e., Incident Report, Arrest &
Booking Report, etc.), (pursuant to F.S.S. 985.12) why an arrest was warranted and the name/ID number of the supervisor who responded to the scene.
If the juvenile is charged with _____number______ offenses, a physical arrest shall be made.
H. Juvenile Civil Citation Procedures [CALEA 44.2.1]
1. Officers who encounter a juvenile who meets the general criteria for a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524) shall review the exceptions below before completing a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524):
b. If the juvenile is charged with three or more offenses, a physical arrest shall be made.
What 3 reasons would require a physical arrest of a juvenile offender?
1. Outstanding warrants/custody orders
H. Juvenile Civil Citation Procedures [CALEA 44.2.1]
1. Officers who encounter a juvenile who meets the general criteria for a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524) shall review the exceptions below before completing a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524):
c. If the juvenile offender has any outstanding warrants/custody orders, is a documented
gang member, or an associate gang member, the officer shall proceed with a physical
If the juvenile is a suspect of a domestic violence offense and housing can not be found at what 3 locations then the juvenile will be arrested.
H. Juvenile Civil Citation Procedures [CALEA 44.2.1]
1. Officers who encounter a juvenile who meets the general criteria for a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524) shall review the exceptions below before completing a Juvenile Civil Citation
form (P-0524):
f. If placement of juvenile domestic violence suspects at YCC, Juvenile Assessment Center
(JAC), or with a family member or responsible adult, who is personally known to the
juvenile or family unit, is not available, make a physical arrest.
Officers must include a three-digit acronym in the narrative of all juvenile ______offense_type______
Arrest & Booking Reports. The acronyms will be used as a means of tracking the reason a
Juvenile Civil Citation form (P-0524) was not issued in lieu of an arrest and placed on the
_______________ line of the narrative.
- Officers must include a three-digit acronym in the narrative of all juvenile misdemeanor
Arrest & Booking Reports. The acronyms will be used as a means of tracking the reason a
Juvenile Civil Citation form (P-0524) was not issued in lieu of an arrest and placed on the
first line of the narrative. The three-digit acronym must be written as the only item on the
first line of the narrative. Below are the acronyms which must be used:
(1) DMB
(2) OJC
(3) GNG
(4) WSV
(5) RFG
(6) JDO
The three-digit acronym
(1) Domestic Battery - DMB
(2) Live Outside of the state of Florida - OJC
(3) Gang Member - GNG
(4) Warrant Served - WSV
(5) Refuse to Admit Guilty - RFG
(6) Juvenile Citation Declined-Other - JDO
When there is probable cause that a juvenile offender has committed a qualifying offense,
the officer should contact what 2 resources to confirm the qualification of the Juvenile Civil Citation?
- When there is probable cause that a juvenile offender has committed a qualifying offense,
the officer should contact the JAC at (904) 798-4706 or conduct a search on CJNet to
determine if the juvenile offender qualifies for a Juvenile Civil Citation (P-0524).
a. Officers shall provide the JAC screener with the juvenile’s full name and correct spelling,
DOB, sex, race, and any known aliases.
b. The DJJ employee’s name and identification number shall be noted in the narrative of
the Incident Report. - Officers shall conduct a National Crime Information Center (NCIC)/Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) check to determine if the juvenile has any outstanding warrants/custody
orders by contacting the ID Unit. Officers shall also determine if the juvenile is a documented gang member or an associate gang member by consulting the Gang Database located on the Investigations & Homeland Security 94Net site;
When issuing a Juvenile Civil Citation and the parent/legal guardian does not agree with the issuance of the citation, the parent/legal guardian has how long to submit their appeal to Teen Court?
- The officer shall advise the victim or the parent/guardian of the victim that the juvenile
offender will be issued a citation in lieu of an arrest. If the victim or parent/guardian of the
victim does not agree with the issuance of the citation, the officer shall advise the victim or
parent/guardian of the victim that an appeal to Teen Court may be submitted within three
business days of the issuance of the citation. The officer shall request the victim or
parent/guardian sign the citation indicating they have been advised of the issuance of the
citation and how to file an objection.
If an officer is unable to locate a parent or guardian for an otherwise qualified juvenile offender, the officer may issue the citation and transport the juvenile to the JAC. What copies will the officer leave in order to have signed by the parent/legal guardian?
- If an officer is unable to locate a parent or guardian for an otherwise qualified juvenile
offender, the officer may issue the Citation and transport the juvenile to the JAC. The officer
shall leave the green, yellow, and pink copies with the JAC representative who will then be
responsible for ensuring the citation is signed by the parent or guardian and submitted to
Teen Court as required.
IF restitituion can not be determined at the time of the issuance of the Juvenile Citation, what language must be placed next to the “$_______” block?
- If restitution is owed and can be determined, the officer shall request the victim or victim’s
parent (or guardian) to provide an estimate of the amount of restitution due. This shall be
noted in the “$______” block in the Acknowledgement of Juvenile Offender Section on page two. - If restitution cannot be immediately determined, the officer shall include on the Citation that payment is “due and owing” next to the “$______” block in the Acknowledgement of
Juvenile Offender Section. The final restitution amount will be determined by Teen Court.
When a citation is issued to a QJO for any act of domestic violence, the officer shall ensure
the juvenile is placed with a family member or responsible individual, as defined by F.S.S.
985.115. The person taking responsibility for the juvenile will be advised that any further
contact with the victim may result in immediate arrest and rejection from the program. What is the supervisor’s responsibilities when executing this plan?
- When a citation is issued to a QJO for any act of domestic violence, the officer shall ensure
the juvenile is placed with a family member or responsible individual, as defined by F.S.S.
985.115. The person taking responsibility for the juvenile will be advised that any further
contact with the victim may result in immediate arrest and rejection from the program.
Officers shall notify their supervisor of the arrangement. The supervisor must respond to the
scene and approve of the arrangement prior to the offender being placed with a family
member or responsible adult who is personally known to the juvenile or family unit.
When issuing a Juvenile Civil Citation, how many offenses can be listed?
- Up to two qualifying offenses may be placed on each citation.
If an officer responds to a call where a qualifying offense has occurred and the officer has
probable cause to issue a citation, but the juvenile offender is not on scene, the officer has
up to ______hours_______ to locate the juvenile and issue the citation. If the officer is unable to locate
the juvenile, the investigating officer shall confer with the SAO to determine if a warrant is
- If an officer responds to a call where a qualifying offense has occurred and the officer has
probable cause to issue a citation, but the juvenile offender is not on scene, the officer has
up to 36 hours to locate the juvenile and issue the citation. If the officer is unable to locate
the juvenile, the investigating officer shall confer with the SAO to determine if a warrant is
When issuing a Juvenile Civil Citaiton, what clearance code will the reporting officer use?
- Officers shall exceptionally clear the case by selecting the “Juvenile Civil Citation Issued”
option in the drop-down menu of the Exception Type box of the Incident Report.
The issuing officer’s supervisor shall ensure a copy of the Juvenile Civil Citation form (P-0524) is routed via ________________________ to the Records Unit by what dead line?
- The issuing officer’s supervisor shall ensure a copy of the Juvenile Civil Citation form (P-0524) is routed via Summary of Reports form (P-0759) to the Records Unit by the end of
their shift.
Who and at what frequency will a review and written evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative elements of all JSO juvenile enforcement and prevention programs?
I. Annual Review [CALEA 44.1.3]
The Chief of Patrol Support, or his designee, shall conduct an annual review and written
evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative elements of all JSO juvenile enforcement and
prevention programs.
Which unit will receive the final report of the JSO juvenile enforcement and prevention programs after being signed by the Sheriff?
b. A copy of the final report with recommendations shall be approved by the Sheriff and then forwarded to the Accreditation Unit.