282 Secondary Employment (V8) Flashcards
Who can revoke, deny, or restrict secondary employment if it is deemed to be in the best interest of JSO?
- The Sheriff or his designee may revoke, deny, or restrict secondary employment if it is deemed to be in the best interest of JSO. [CALEA 22.2.5]
All dignitary protection services assignments shall be coordinated and scheduled by the Special Events Section and approved through the ___________________________________.
A. Rank/Position
Assistant Chief of Special Events or higher authority
Who has final authority and approval over the assignment of job schedulers?
(3) The Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit shall have final authority and approval concerning the assignment of job schedulers. [CALEA 22.2.5]
(5) The _________________________ shall review and approve all submissions of Form P-0489 (Secondary Employment Applications) and reserves the right to require a minimum number of police officers for any job to ensure the safety of the community and officers. [CALEA 22.2.5]
Supervisor of Secondary Employment Unit
(6) Clients shall submit a Form P-0489 (Secondary Employment Application) as soon as possible prior to the expected start date of employment. [CALEA 22.2.5]
(a) A _____________________ advanced notice is requested.
(b) JSO makes no expressed guarantee that a secondary employment job will be filled.
minimum of seven days
b. If the employment opportunity is consistent with JSO policy and approved by ________________________ , the Secondary Employment Specialist shall create the client information in ODISS. [FCAC 4.06]
the Supervisor of Secondary Employment Unit or the Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
Cancellations may be made at any time. However, if the cancellation is made with ___________________ notice to the officer, scheduler, or the Secondary Employment Unit, a _________________________ pay to the officer shall be incurred by the client. [CFA 4.06]
less than a 48 hour
minimum of three hours
c. _____Time Frame____ of the secondary employment assignment or scheduled overtime assignment, officers shall review, confirm, and submit the correct date and hours of the job worked in ODISS.
At the conclusion
d. If there are personnel changes to a job prior to being worked, the officer shall notify the scheduler to make the appropriate changes. The scheduler shall ensure the changes are made prior to the job being worked. If the scheduler is unavailable to make the changes, _______________ shall notify the secondary employment office at JSO.Secondary@jaxsheriff.org to have the changes made.
- Teaching outside of JSO and consulting engagements are considered non-enforcement related secondary employment. Consequently, the JSO uniform may not be worn nor can JSO equipment be used, unless specifically authorized by the _________________ and ______________________ utilizing the electronic Form SP-0052 (Secondary Employment Authorization) available on the Secondary Employment Unit 94Net site.
A. Employee
B. Rank/Position
employee’s chain of command
the Assistant Chief of Special Events or designee
- Employees desiring to volunteer or donate their time to charitable organizations for enforcement related secondary employment shall complete and submit the electronic Secondary Employment Authorization Form through the _____________________. Additionally, the ____________________________ must approve any waiver of administrative fees or use of JSO equipment for volunteer enforcement related secondary employment. The _______________________ shall forward these requests via the chain of command to the _____________________.
employee’s chain of command
Director of Patrol & Enforcement or higher authority
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
Director of Patrol & Enforcement
a. Personnel may work secondary employment for funeral homes after attending the _______Time Frame________ escort instructional class provided by JSO.
How many officers are required to conduct a private funeral escort?
(1) No police officer shall work a private funeral escort alone. There must be two JSO police officers who have completed the JSO eight-hour escort instructional class;
- Enforcement-Related Secondary Employment at Licensed Liquor Establishments [CALEA 22.2.5]
a. Personnel, with approval, may accept secondary employment at premises licensed primarily for the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages only when that employment does not conflict with any section of this policy or Florida State Statute (F.S.S.), and has been approved by the ____________________________________. A restaurant, when operating primarily as a bar or liquor establishment, is also subject to the provisions of this section.
A. Rank/Position
Assistant Chief of Special Events or designee
- Enforcement-Related Secondary Employment at Licensed Liquor Establishments [CALEA 22.2.5]
b. Approved enforcement related secondary employment under this section shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) A ____________________ must be on the premises throughout the period that the business is open to the public;
minimum of two police officers
- Enforcement-Related Secondary Employment at Licensed Liquor Establishments [CALEA 22.2.5]
c. Under no circumstances shall personnel working enforcement related secondary employment at a licensed liquor establishment serving alcohol leave one police officer alone at the business while transporting a detainee. Instead, an ____________________ shall be notified for assistance from on-duty personnel.
on duty supervisor
D. Duties and Responsibilities [CALEA 22.2.5]
2. A secondary employment client location and/or an officer’s secondary employment privilege may be suspended at any time, without advance notice, by a ___________________________________, if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of JSO or employees working the detail.
watch commander or higher authority
D. Duties and Responsibilities [CALEA 22.2.5]
If a watch commander suspends a secondary employment client location and/or an officer’s secondary employment privilege in the best interest of the sheriff’s office:
a. The ___________________________ shall be notified as soon as practical, but no later than _______________________, of any suspensions;
b. The _______________________ is responsible for conducting an investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the suspensions; and
c. ________________________ finding shall be used to determine the terms and conditions of the suspension or revocation of the client location.
- Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
- the following business day
- Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
- The Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit’s
- Sworn personnel working enforcement-related secondary employment are responsible for all calls for service, arrests, and all applicable written reports for incidents occurring at the secondary employment jobsite during their duty hours. The __________________________ may assist by providing on-duty personnel when necessary. All calls for service shall be documented in accordance with JSO procedures.
on-duty watch commander
- Transportation of detainees from enforcement related secondary employment jobs shall be subject to the following:
a. Upon completion of the call, the off-duty officer shall request an _______________________ to pick up the report(s), evidence, and/or detainee and transport to appropriate destinations;
on-duty sector officer
- Personnel working enforcement-related secondary employment shall notify the _________________________ of any major incident or noteworthy event as soon as it is safe to do so.
on-duty supervisor
b. Sworn personnel shall notify the ________________________ of any public safety issues encountered at secondary employment sites and ascertain whether or not to:
(1) Continue working at the site;
(2) Request on-duty assistance or relief; or
(3) Terminate the employment.
on duty supervisor or watch commander
- If an employee is unable to work a scheduled secondary employment shift, it remains the _______________ responsibility to find a replacement and notify the ____________________ or the _____________________ of any changes.
scheduled officer’s
client scheduler
Secondary Employment Unit
- ______________________ shall monitor secondary employment locations and the officers who are employed at such sites. All ___________________ shall inspect ___________ secondary employment locations per work cycle and be responsible for the secondary employment locations within their respective zones.
Watch commanders
watch commanders
E. Community Service Officers (CSO) [CALEA 22.2.4]
1. CSOs who have completed their probationary period are eligible to work non-enforcement secondary employment at select locations after approval is granted by ____________________________.
A. Rank/Position
the Commanding Officer of Special Events Unit
- Probationary CSOs are permitted to work COJ overtime special events that have been approved for work by probationary officers by the _________________________________________.
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
F. Administrative Fees
1. Clients shall be billed an administrative fee ____________ for __________ an officer works for enforcement related secondary employment (unless otherwise approved by _______________________).
per hour
each hour
the Director of Patrol & Enforcement
- Officers engaged in in-kind secondary employment shall be responsible for ensuring the client acknowledges responsibility for paying the $__________ ($_____________ for traffic control related secondary employment) administrative fee.
$5.50 hourly
$7.50 hourly
- Clients who are ________________ delinquent in remitting monthly fees are subject to temporary or permanent suspension from secondary employment services.
more than 90 days
a. The __________________________ is responsible for evaluating client suspension and the affected scheduler and employees shall be notified if a client is suspended.
A. Rank/Position
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
d. Delinquent payments shall be paid in the form of cashier’s checks or money orders made payable to the ______________________.
Tax Collector
- A scheduler may request to schedule for more than one client. If scheduling for more than one client, the total number of jobsite locations for all clients scheduled cannot exceed __________ and total officer hours scheduled for all clients cannot exceed _______________________.
2000 each month
- The __________________________ shall determine when scheduling for multiple clients or jobsite locations requires more than one designated scheduler.
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
- At the _____________________, schedulers shall review the “List of a Client’s Events with the Individuals Admin-Confirmed Start and Stop Times” report in ODISS for each of their scheduled jobs. The scheduler shall ensure all hours that officers worked are correct and accurate no later _______________________________.
A./B. Time Frame
end of each month
than the sixth of the following month
- All employees of the JSO are required to submit the electronic Secondary Employment Authorization Form through _______________________ for approval.
their chain of command
I. Employees Starting/Purchasing Their Own Businesses [CALEA 22.2.4]
1. Employees intending to start their own businesses shall notify __________________________ via the electronic Secondary Employment Authorization Form. The information shall include:
their chain of command
I. Employees Starting/Purchasing Their Own Businesses [CALEA 22.2.4]
If approved, the request shall be maintained where?
- If approved, the request shall be maintained in the employee’s file in the Secondary Employment Unit.
I. Employees Starting/Purchasing Their Own Businesses [CALEA 22.2.4]
3. Employees owning their own business shall notify the _____________________ and _____________________ in writing when their business enterprise has terminated or ceases to exist.
Secondary Employment Unit
their chain of command
J. Guidelines and Restrictions [CALEA 22.2.4]
a. _______________________ can approve secondary employment when an urgent situation arises requiring immediate enforcement related duties and an on-duty presence is not available, appropriate, or necessarily required and the client is not already in ODISS. [CALEA 22.2.5]
Watch commanders
J. Guidelines and Restrictions [CALEA 22.2.4]
When urgent/emergency t60 arises and approved by a watch commander what must the employee working the event ensure and within what time constraints?
d. The employee agreeing to work the job shall ensure that the Form P-0489 (Secondary Employment Application) and the Form P-0770 (Secondary Employment Information and Guidelines) are completed and forwarded to the Secondary Employment Unit within three working days after working the job.
- The Secondary Employment Unit shall approve jobs in which it is agreed that police officers receive a minimum of _____________ pay for enforcement related secondary employment performed. An exception is permitted when the client and an employee expressly agree to a minimum of less ______________. [CALEA 22.2.5]
three hours
than three hours
- When enforcement related secondary employment requires the use of numerous police officers, the following criteria shall apply:
a. For every __________ police officers required at a specific time and location, at least_____________ holding the rank of sergeant or above is required;
b. The ____________________ shall add additional supervisors and officers as needed;
one supervisor
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
d. Spouses or relatives (by blood or marriage) shall not work at the same job site and at the same time unless ___________________________.
they are supervised by a sergeant or higher ranking supervisor
- The complete patrol uniform, including body armor, shall be worn during all enforcement related secondary employment jobs. The _________________________ may grant exceptions to the uniform and body armor requirement on an event-by-event basis.
Chief of Special Events or designee
b. Reflective vests must also be worn when engaged in traffic direction or control at roadway construction jobs, unless specifically given an exemption by a ___________________________ because of the circumstances of the job (e.g., no traffic control function is performed only a presence needed, etc.).
A. Rank/Position
watch commander or higher authority
d. _____________________, and other _______________________, shall not wear their issued uniforms in the course of any secondary employment except when they are employed in an official capacity by the COJ or are specifically authorized by the __________________________.
Corrections officers
uniformed civilian employees
Sheriff or his designee
- No officer shall engage in secondary employment involving the potential for domestic disputes, unless ____________________ officers are assigned, and the client is approved to hire secondary employment.
a minimum of two police
- Officers engaging in secondary employment involving the use of police authority, whether in or out of uniform, shall be subject to the ________________________________ where the officers are employed.
A. Rank
supervision of the next higher-ranking officer on duty in the zone
- Enforcement related secondary employment, which requires leaving the confines of Duval County, requires the approval of the _______________________________.
A. Rank/Position
Director of Patrol & Enforcement
- Employees are prohibited from working secondary employment on any day they are on ___________________________ (Title 10) or are on military leave (including employees who have military weekend drills or military annual training).
federal active duty orders
- No member shall become involved in any labor controversy or protest activity in connection with any secondary employment.
a. In the event such a conflict arises where an employee is engaged in secondary employment, that member shall immediately seek the advice of ___________________________ (Refer to Order 287 [Protest Activity]) and shall be governed by the instructions given; and
b. The ___________________ shall notify the ________________________ of the controversy.
- the watch commander
- watch commander
- Secondary Employment Unit
- The _____________________ shall not approve employment opportunities that include outside agency personnel performing duties under the coordination and direction of a JSO job scheduler.
A. Rank\Position
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
- Potential clients having a need to hire multiple agencies shall be informed of the necessity to have a separate and distinct job scheduler from each agency. The only exception to this policy is the mutual agreement between agencies, which requires the approval of ______________________________.
the Sheriff
- Entry level probationary police officers may engage in secondary employment when approved by the _________________________.
Director of Patrol & Enforcement
Officers on probation who have a ________________________ experience with another agency prior to being employed by JSO and who have completed the JSO Field Training Officer (FTO) program shall be able to work secondary employment.
minimum of four years’
J. Guidelines and Restrictions [CALEA 22.2.4]
22. The ________________________ shall be advised, in writing, of any employee who is not in good standing and suspended from working secondary employment by the ________________________. [CALEA 22.2.5]
A. /B. Rank/Position
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit
employee’s commanding officer
- Employees shall not engage in secondary employment following sick leave, injury on duty (IOD), light duty, FMLA (with or without pay) to include paid parental leave, bereavement leave, until they have been on regular days off for ____________________________. Employees cannot be on paid military leave and earn overtime for the same period. Members are prohibited from working secondary employment on any day during which they have utilized military leave.
two days, or worked one day
- Employees may only engage in secondary employment when it presents no potential conflict of interest between duties as a JSO employee and duties required by the secondary employment employer. Potential conflict of interest issues shall be resolved by the _____________________________. [CALEA 22.2.4]
Chief of Special Events
- Employees who are actively assigned to perform undercover operations are required to protect their identities both on and off duty. Members assigned in an undercover capacity as their primary assignment are prohibited from working secondary employment/COJ overtime where they are readily identifiable as police officers unless authorized by _______________________. [CALEA 22.2.4]
their assistant chief
K. Administrative Action [CFA 4.06]
1. The Secondary Employment Unit may initiate inquiries into potential secondary employment violations. Based on the findings, the ________________________________ shall forward the findings to the Internal Affairs Unit or the Integrity & Special Investigations Unit for serious misconduct or to the officer’s chain of command for minor violations.
A. Rank\Position
Assistant Chief of Special Events
- The __________________________ shall ensure that the employee’s ______________________________________ are notified of the suspension of secondary employment privileges.
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank/Position
Assistant Chief of Special Events
division chief, assistant chief, and commanding officer
- The employee’s chain of command shall also notify the ______________________________________ of any corrective actions taken related to any violation of secondary employment policies. Corrective action guidelines for secondary employment violations are outlined in order 501 (Code of Conduct).
A. Rank/Position
Commanding Officer of Secondary Employment Unit