461 Agency Vehicles (V9) Flashcards
C. General Agency Vehicle Regulations
1. Any deviation from this order’s provisions must be approved by the __________________________.
A. Rank
C. General Agency Vehicle Regulations
1. Any deviation from this order’s provisions must be approved by the Director of Police
Services or higher authority.
If you are to operate your vehicle outside of Duval County, who’s authorization is necessary?
k. Not operate the vehicle outside of Duval County unless authorized by a supervisor or the assigned vehicle provisions established in this order; and
When an officer utilizes a vehicle without a push bumper to push a vehicle out of the roadway, who needs to be notified and needs to happen?
- Agency vehicles not equipped with a push bumper shall not be used to push inoperable
vehicles unless there is imminent and immediate danger to motorists. When an inoperable vehicle is pushed clear of a roadway by a JSO vehicle not equipped with a push bumper, the driver of the agency vehicle shall notify a supervisor. The supervisor shall respond to the scene and conduct a supervisory investigation in accordance with Order 572 (Professional Oversight).
Where are rifles prohibited from being left, when the member is off-duty?
F. Off-Duty Agency Vehicle Regulations
1. Weapons shall not be left in the cabins of any vehicle when the member is off-duty. Weapons shall be stored in the vehicle’s trunk or in another secured manner, in accordance with Order 552 (Weapons).
What type of call might require an officer who is off-duty to handle a call from start to finish due to the handling of evidence and continuity of the investigation?
A. Level of Crime
- Off-duty police officers are responsible for handling incidents that come to their attention.
Officers may refer incidents to an on-duty patrol officer, but the off-duty officer is responsible for rendering assistance until the on-duty unit arrives. When responding to calls involving a felony, off-duty officers may be required to handle the call to its completion to best preserve and/or handle evidence and maintain investigative continuity.
Who issues the fuel cards for Homeland Security Division vehicles?
A. Rank
- Members who have been issued a Homeland Security Division vehicle shall be issued fuel
cards to be used when fueling the Homeland Security Division vehicle. These cards are
issued by the Chief of Homeland Security or designee.
What are the restrictions due to safety concerns for people being transported in the front passenger seat of a vehicle equipped with passenger front and/or side airbags?
A. Age and Height
- Due to safety concerns, the following persons shall not be transported in the front passenger seat of a vehicle that is equipped with passenger front and/or side airbags:
a. Children under 12 years of age; and
b. Adults under five feet in height.
How often shall a vehicle inspection for what five things be conducted?
- Vehicle Inspections
a. On a monthly basis, every agency vehicle shall be inspected for:
(1) Cleanliness;
(2) Damage;
(3) Oil life percentage;
(4) Vehicle’s current mileage; and
(5) Vehicle’s next safety inspection mileage and due date.
How often should a more in-depth inspection be conducted and what 6 things should be checked?
b. On a quarterly basis, every agency vehicle shall be inspected to ensure:
(1) Safety equipment, including a fire extinguisher with a current label, first aid
supplies, seat belts, tires, and brakes are present and in good working condition;
(2) All emergency equipment and the radio are in good working condition;
(3) All other required equipment is in good working condition and not expired;
(4) Emissions and inspection checks are current;
(5) The officer’s name is properly displayed on the side of the vehicle, if applicable; and
(6) Window tint is within legal limits.
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure all members report to Supply as soon as possible to replenish any supplies that are found to be diminished or dysfunctional?
f. Supervisors or commanding officers shall ensure members report to the Supply Unit as soon as possible to replenish any supplies that were found to be diminished or dysfunctional.
What would cause a suprevisor to be notified when dealing with vehicle maintenance and repairs?
L. Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs
3. Malfunctioning or inoperable vehicle locking devices shall be reported to a supervisor
Members shall fuel vehicles, check fluid levels, and schedule all services during work hours, when feasible. All on-duty vehicle cleaning, car washes, repairs, or maintenance shall be coordinated with who?
- Members shall fuel vehicles, check fluid levels, and schedule all services during work hours, when feasible. All on-duty vehicle cleaning, car washes, repairs, or maintenance shall be coordinated with the member’s supervisor in order to limit the impact on operations.
Who’s approval is necessary when conducting off-duty service?
- Prior to scheduling any service during off-duty hours, a member shall obtain approval from his supervisor. Requests for off-duty compensation shall be made in accordance with the applicable employee contract.
If an officer’s vehicle is layed up and no pool cars are available, what is the next possible step?
- When vehicles in need of service must be left for an extended period of time, members shall make arrangements for transportation. If it becomes necessary for an assigned vehicle to be out-of-service for extended repairs, a member shall use a pool vehicle for his official duties. If a pool vehicle is not available for his shift, the member’s supervisor shall adjust the member’s work assignment appropriately.
Vehicle oil changes shall be performed at authorized sites when the vehicle indicates the oil life is _______ percent or lower;
- Regular Vehicle Services
a. Oil Change
(2) Vehicle oil changes shall be performed at authorized sites when the vehicle indicates the oil life is 25 percent or lower; and
__________________miles or _______________months from the previous service (whichever comes first) for marked Patrol units and unmarked pursuit vehicles (e.g., DUI vehicles, traffic vehicles, etc.);
(a) 9,000 miles or nine months from the previous service (whichever comes first) for marked Patrol units and unmarked pursuit vehicles (e.g., DUI vehicles, traffic vehicles, etc.);
Every _____________ miles or ________ months from the date of the previous service (whichever comes first) for marked supervisor vehicles and unmarked vehicles, to include: [ACA 4-ALDF-1B-03]
(b) Every 12,000 miles or 12 months from the date of the previous service (whichever comes first) for marked supervisor vehicles and unmarked vehicles, to include: [ACA 4-ALDF-1B-03]
When are oil changes conducted at safety inspections?
A. Percentage
(c) Safety inspections are independent of oil changes. Oil changes are not performed during a safety inspection unless the oil life is at 20 percent or lower. As such, members may be required to perform an oil change shortly after a safety inspection was completed.
For the purpose of vehicle safety inspections, significantly overdue includes the
(1) Over ____________________ miles for those vehicles on the 9,000 mile/ 9 month cycle; and
(2) Over ______________ miles for those vehicles on the 12,000 mile/ 12 month cycle.
b. For the purpose of vehicle safety inspections, significantly overdue includes the
(1) Over 3,000 miles for those vehicles on the 9,000 mile/ 9 month cycle; and
(2) Over 5,000 miles for those vehicles on the 12,000 mile/ 12 month cycle.
Emergency repairs may be made to agency vehicles when the repairs, if not made,
would cause damage to the vehicle or restrict its use. These repairs shall not:
- Emergency Repairs
a. Emergency repairs may be made to agency vehicles when the repairs, if not made,
would cause damage to the vehicle or restrict its use. These repairs shall not:
(1) Exceed $50 and include such items as belts, hoses, and lights; and
(2) Include brake repairs, engine tune-ups, or body repair.
Who’s approval is necessary prior to any emergency repairs on their assigned vehicle?
b. Members shall obtain permission from a supervisor prior to obtaining any emergency
repairs. Requests for off-duty compensation shall be made in accordance with the applicable employee contract.
What form are supervisors required to carry at all times as it pertains to vehicle repairs?
c. Reimbursements
(2) The completed Form P-1527 (Report/Request for Reimbursement) together with the original receipt of the paid bill shall be forwarded for approval to the Fleet Management Unit. Supervisors shall carry copies of Form P-1527 (Report/Request for Reimbursement) at all times. This form is not considered completed until signed
by the vendor, driver, and approving supervisor.
Emergency repairs, which cost $50 or less made to a COJ vehicle on an official trip
outside of Duval County, shall be handled in accordance with the above instructions
d. Emergency repairs, which cost $50 or less made to a COJ vehicle on an official trip
outside of Duval County, shall be handled in accordance with the above instructions
(1) Permission from a supervisor is not required;
(2) The cost of the minor repairs may be charged on the COJ Fleet Management credit card; and
(3) The member’s supervisor shall be informed of the emergency repairs as soon as possible after returning to Jacksonville.
Can an emergency repair be completed for great than $50 and if so what needs to occur?
e. Emergency repairs, which cost more than $50, shall not be made without prior authorization from a commanding officer or higher authority.
Assigned vehicles are assigned to members by who through the Fleet Management Unit?
b. Assigned vehicles are assigned to members by the Director of Police Services through
the Fleet Management Unit; and
All requests for modifications to a JSO-owned vehicle are forwarded through the chain of command to what level?
- Vehicle Modifications
a. All requests for modifications to a JSO-owned vehicle must be submitted on a Form SP-1693 (Vehicle Modification Requests) which is forwarded through the chain of command to the Director of Police Services for approval. The electronic form can be found on the JSO Fleet Management page on 94Net.
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure an officer’s window tint is legal?
(3) If approved, members may have legal window tint installed at their expense. The member’s supervisor shall ensure window tint on assigned vehicles is within legal limits. All approved window tint work shall only be performed by a vendor selected by the COJ Fleet Management Division.
All civilian members issued an assigned vehicle must complete a mileage report each month. The deadlines for submission and approval of the report must be completed by when and by who?
- All civilian members issued an assigned vehicle shall complete a Form SP-1195e (Vehicle
Mileage Report) each month.
b. Members must certify the mileage reported is true and correct and must submit the form for approval no later than the 10th of the following month.
c. The submitted form must be reviewed and approved by a chief or higher authority no
later than the 15th
Unless an exception has been approved by what ranking member, members on temporary limited duty in excess of _________________ days, or those who know they will be on temporary limited duty in excess of __________________________ days must have the vehicle returned to fleet.
- Unless an exception has been approved by a division chief or higher authority, members on
temporary limited duty in excess of 30 calendar days, or those who know they will be on temporary limited duty in excess of 30 calendar days, shall have their vehicles removed from personal assignment and turned into the Fleet Management Unit until the member’s return to full-duty status.
Who must provide approval of the Form P-1785A
(Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle Location) in order for an officer to take the assigned vehicle out of county to their residence?
b. If required by a bargaining agreement or employment plan/contract, the Form P-1785A
(Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle Location) completed by the member authorizes the $25 per pay period reimbursement to the COJ. After approval by the member’s immediate supervisor, a copy shall be sent to JSO Human Resources Division for processing. JSO Payroll shall forward a copy of Form P-1785A (Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle Location) to the Chief of Support Services for verification of EIS information. A final approved version shall be uploaded to a SharePoint site on the JSO Fleet Management page.
Prior approval from who must be obtained when a member driver’s their issued vehicle outside of county other than directly to or from their residence?
e. When outside Duval County, members are only permitted to drive their assigned vehicles to and from their work locations, unless an exception has been made by a supervisor or higher authority. Each instance where an exception has been granted shall require separate approval.
Assigned vehicles for members who reside outside Duval County, not in an adjacent county:
a. Members with assigned vehicles and residing outside of Duval County, and not in an adjacent county, must park their assigned vehicle at their primary work location at the end of their tour of duty. These members must complete Form P-1785B (Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle Location), have it approved by their ____________________ and obtain authorization from JSO Services before parking outside of his primary work location
within the first ___________________ days of receiving assigned vehicles
A. Rank
B. Time Range
- Assigned vehicles for members who reside outside Duval County, not in an adjacent county:
a. Members with assigned vehicles and residing outside of Duval County, and not in an adjacent county, must park their assigned vehicle at their primary work location at the end of their tour of duty. These members must complete Form P-1785B (Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle Location), have it approved by their immediate supervisor and obtain authorization from JSO Services before parking outside of his primary work location
within the first 10 calendar days of receiving assigned vehicles;
The use of a personal vehicle used for official business must be authorized by who?
A. Rank
P. Personal Vehicles [ACA 4-ALDF-1B-02]
1. Personal vehicles shall not be used for official business unless authorized by a division chief
or higher authority.
In order for a pool vehicle to be taken home who’s approval is required?
- Pool vehicles are not to be used as take-home vehicles, unless an exception has been made
by an assistant chief or higher authority.
Who is responsible for ensuring the security of special purpose vehicles when used at an event or an operation?
c. Commanding officers of events or operations who require the use of special purpose
vehicles shall determine and arrange for the appropriate level of security needed to
protect the vehicle for the event or operation.
Who must request and who must approve the deployment of the Mobile Command Vehicle?
f. Mobile Command Vehicle Requests
(1) Sworn commanding officers may request the Mobile Command Vehicle by
contacting the PECO Supervisor at (904) 630-0554.
(2) The PECO Supervisor shall contact the Commanding Officer of the Emergency
Preparedness Unit who shall make the necessary callout.
Who must request and approve the use of the EPU Bus and in what manner are they required to request it?
- Emergency Preparedness Unit Bus [CALEA 41.1.3, 46.1.3]
b. Commanding officers may request the use of the EPU bus by emailing the Commanding
Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit. When possible, the use of the EPU bus should
be requested and scheduled in advance.