284 All Hazards Plan (V6) Flashcards
- Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) – The CEMP establishes the organizational and procedural framework, as authorized by Chapter 252, Florida State Statute (F.S.S.) to ensure that the City of Jacksonville (COJ)/Duval County is prepared to deal with “all hazards.” The CEMP emphasizes action within the five pillars of Emergency Management: [CALEA 46.1.2]
a. Prevention;
b. Preparedness;
c. Response;
d. Recovery; and
e. Mitigation.
Who is the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (EPC)?
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (EPC) – The Commanding Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit.
C. Policy
2. The _______________________ is the principal planner and advisor to the Sheriff on critical incidents involving the JSO. [CALEA 12.1.2, 46.1.1]
A. Rank/Position
Chief of Special Events
Officers shall complete _____________.
Sgts shall complete _______________.
Lts and Admin shall complete ________________.
A. ICS Level Classes
- 100, 200, 700, 800
- 300
- 400
How often should training for All Hazards Plan be conducted
- Annual training related to the All Hazard Plan for affected personnel will be conducted and documented in PowerDMS. [CALEA 46.1.9]
How often will training consisting of tabletop or full-scale exercises be conducted?
- Biennial training consisting of a tabletop or full-scale exercise for affected personnel will be conducted and documented in PowerDMS. [CALEA 46.1.9]
- Any JSO employee who wishes to instruct an ICS course while on-duty shall contact the _______________________ for approval prior to teaching the class.
Commanding Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit
- Any JSO employee who wishes to take ICS courses that require compensation during off-duty hours (e.g., compensatory time or overtime) or any FEMA/ICS courses that necessitate a travel request shall obtain approval from the _________________________ prior to taking the course.
Commanding Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit
- Once approved by the Commanding Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit to teach or enroll in an FEMA/ICS related course, the employee must still seek approval from _________________ for any travel request or time away from the employee’s regular assignment.
their own chain of command
- NIMS classifies incident(s)/event(s) by type:
a. A Type _____ incident/event is the most complex, requiring national resources to safely and effectively manage and operate. This type of incident/event will be run by the EOC following the guidelines established in the COJ’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
Type 1
- NIMS classifies incident(s)/event(s) by type:
A Type _____ incident/event extends beyond the capabilities for local control and is expected to go into multiple operational periods. This incident/event may require the response of resources out of the area, including regional and/or national resources to manage effectively the operations, command, and general staffing. This type of incident/event will be run by the EOC following the guidelines established in the COJ’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
Type 2
- NIMS classifies incident(s)/event(s) by type:
A Type _____ incident/event extends beyond the capabilities of the initial response and the incident may extend into multiple operational periods. This incident/event would typically involve the call up of additional departmental or COJ resources. At this level, the incident may be managed by one of the COJ’s Type ____ All Hazard Incident Management teams or, depending on the complexity of the situation, it may be run by the EOC. On a Type _____ incident/event, the following will be documented:
Type 3
Type 3
Type 3
Type 3
(1) Initial response activities will be documented on an _____________ form. This form will be used in real-time to assist in activating the ICS. It will serve as foundation for the development of a formal ________________ for the next operational period and for the transfer of command. [CALEA 46.1.3]
Incident Briefing form (ICS Form 201)
Incident Action Plan
(2) A written Incident Action Plan that will include, at a minimum:
(a) ________________________;
(b) _________________________________; and
(c) An _________________________.
A./B./C. Forms
- Incident Objectives (ICS Form 202);
- Organization Assignment List (ICS Form 203)
- Assignment List (ICS Form 204)
d. A Type ______ incident/event is when several resources are required to mitigate the incident and the incident is usually limited to one operational period. Type ______ incidents that require a ________________’s response will be documented using the ICS 201 Form in accordance with Order 210 (Patrol Function).
Type 4
Type 4
watch commander’s
e. A Type _______ incident/event can be handled with one or two resources and does not extend into any additional operational periods.
Type 5
- The JSO has established an Emergency Preparedness Unit to assist supervisors when handling these types of incident(s)/event(s).
a. When a _______________ has verified that an incident/event meets the definition of a Type 1 – 4 incident/event, they will notify the ____________________ via the ________________________ to request available resources (e.g., mobile command vehicle, generators, fuel truck, tents, tarps, shovels, traffic cones, barricades, etc.); and
b. The _________________________ shall call the requesting supervisor to determine if a response is needed and what resources may be needed.
- supervisor
- Commanding Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit
- Police Emergency Communications Supervisor
- Commanding Officer of Emergency Preparedness Unit
c. The term command refers jointly to both the person and the function. The Incident Commander responsibilities include:
(1) Overall management of the incident, including:
(a) Activate the ICS;
(b) Establish safety requirements;
(c) Establish the immediate priorities;
(d) Establish an appropriate ICS organization;
(e) Determine the incident objectives and strategy;
(f) Establish an incident command post;
(g) Mobilization of additional agency personnel and resources;
(h) Approve and authorize the implementation of an Incident Action Plan; and
(i) Notifying and updating members of the Sheriff’s administration.