561 Training Academy (V11) Flashcards
- Members newly assigned to a specialized area shall receive supervised on-the-job training
within _______________ of the assignment. [CALEA 33.6.1]
A. Time Frame
- Members newly assigned to a specialized area shall receive supervised on-the-job training
within 30 days of the assignment. [CALEA 33.6.1]
(2) JSO personnel who received training from outside sources shall be responsible for
forwarding a copy of the certificate of completion (or other proof of completion) along with the course agenda (or course description) to the Training Academy via intra-department email at PowerDMS@jaxsheriff.org or delivering the materials in person to the ____________________ who will ensure that the information is entered into PowerDMS;
A. Rank/Position
(2) JSO personnel who received training from outside sources shall be responsible for
forwarding a copy of the certificate of completion (or other proof of completion) along with the course agenda (or course description) to the Training Academy via intra-department email at PowerDMS@jaxsheriff.org or delivering the materials in person to the Academy Administrative Sergeant who will ensure that the information is entered into PowerDMS;
c. Release of training records pertaining to a specific course such as lesson plans,
instructors, and references to other training sources must have the approval of the
A. Rank/Position
c. Release of training records pertaining to a specific course such as lesson plans,
instructors, and references to other training sources must have the approval of the
Training Academy Director or designee.
a. The Training Academy and the ______________________________ are responsible for administering the Annual Basic IST for sworn and corrections personnel, respectively. The training curriculum shall include relevant topics such as new laws, policy revisions, updated technologies, and high liability areas.
A. Unit
a. The Training Academy and the Institutional Standards Unit are responsible for administering the Annual Basic IST for sworn and corrections personnel, respectively. The training curriculum shall include relevant topics such as new laws, policy revisions, updated technologies, and high liability areas.
Each year, all sworn/corrections officers, sergeants, and lieutenants shall register for
their respective Annual Basic IST via PowerDMS by what date?
c. Each year, all sworn/corrections officers, sergeants, and lieutenants shall register for
their respective Annual Basic IST via PowerDMS by March 1. Members must select a session that takes place on their regular working day. Any request to attend on a regular day off must include an explanation for why the member cannot attend on a regular working day and must be approved by his division chief.
Who is responsible for administering the Annual Supervisor Advanced IST for sworn and corrections supervisory personnel?
a. The Leadership Development Institute (LDI) is responsible for administering the Annual
Supervisor Advanced IST for sworn and corrections supervisory personnel. The training
curriculum shall include relevant topics related to supervisory responsibilities and leadership, administered by various JSO units and external entities.
c. Each year, sworn/corrections sergeants and lieutenants must select a session of the
Annual Supervisor Advanced IST that takes place on their regular working day. Any request to attend on a regular day off must include an explanation for why the member cannot attend on a regular working day and must be approved by his ____________________________.
A. Rank
c. Each year, sworn/corrections sergeants and lieutenants must select a session of the
Annual Supervisor Advanced IST that takes place on their regular working day. Any request to attend on a regular day off must include an explanation for why the member cannot attend on a regular working day and must be approved by his division chief.
c. Training for weaponless control techniques and all other authorized less-lethal weapons, such as batons and oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray, shall be incorporated into members’ Annual Basic IST at least ___________________. This training requirement applies to sworn members, corrections members, bailiffs, community service officers (CSO), and Police Memorial Building (PMB) security officers.
A. Time Frame
c. Training for weaponless control techniques and all other authorized less-lethal weapons, such as batons and oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray, shall be incorporated into members’ Annual Basic IST at least once every two years. This training requirement applies to sworn members, corrections members, bailiffs, community service officers (CSO), and Police Memorial Building (PMB) security officers.
b. At the conclusion of the _____________ year, if a sworn or corrections member has not
completed any required annual IST for his rank and classification, the member is subject to disciplinary action and the member’s _____________ shall ensure the member is placed on a temporary limited duty status. The _______________ shall notify the member’s ____________________ and the _______________________ of the change in the member’s status.
A. Time Frame
B./C. Rank
D. Rank
E. Rank/Position
b. At the conclusion of the calendar year, if a sworn or corrections member has not
completed any required annual IST for his rank and classification, the member is subject to disciplinary action and the member’s supervisor shall ensure the member is placed on a temporary limited duty status. The supervisor shall notify the member’s division chief and the Chief of Human Resources of the change in the member’s status.
- Typically, the length of online in-service training modules shall not exceed __________________.
A. Time Frame
- Typically, the length of online in-service training modules shall not exceed two hours.
c. Roll call training is encouraged and shall be documented utilizing Form P-0847 (Training
Lesson Plan). This documentation shall be retained in the specific unit drive and input into PowerDMS by a Unit Training Coordinator (UTC) from the division/unit hosting the training:
(1) Training that is policy/procedure review in nature can occur at the discretion of the
____________________; and
A. Rank
c. Roll call training is encouraged and shall be documented utilizing Form P-0847 (Training
Lesson Plan). This documentation shall be retained in the specific unit drive and input into PowerDMS by a Unit Training Coordinator (UTC) from the division/unit hosting the training:
(1) Training that is policy/procedure review in nature can occur at the discretion of the
watch commander; and
Who shall ensure all personnel recieve mandatory roll call training sessions initiated by the Training Academy?
d. Commanding officers shall ensure all personnel receive mandatory roll call training sessions initiated by the Training Academy. Additionally, commanding officers shall ensure their division/unit’s UTCs document the completion of these courses in
- Personnel approved to present training at roll call shall include:
a. The designated roll call lieutenant;
b. Designated roll call training personnel;
c. Members of the Training Academy staff;
d. Other personnel who have been approved by the appropriate _______________________ or a
designee; or
e. Investigations Division personnel.
- Personnel approved to present training at roll call shall include:
a. The designated roll call lieutenant;
b. Designated roll call training personnel;
c. Members of the Training Academy staff;
d. Other personnel who have been approved by the appropriate division chief or a
designee; or
e. Investigations Division personnel.
- Any supervisor from any section who sees a need for informational/policy review training at
a roll call formation shall seek permission from their respective ___________________________ and
coordinate the training with the __________________________ of the specific watch/unit needing the training. Any record of such training shall be documented by the receiving unit’s training coordinator in PowerDMS
A. Rank
B. Rank
- Any supervisor from any section who sees a need for informational/policy review training at
a roll call formation shall seek permission from their respective unit commanding officer and
coordinate the training with the commanding officer of the specific watch/unit needing the
training. Any record of such training shall be documented by the receiving unit’s training
coordinator in PowerDMS.
- Any supervisor from any section who sees the need to provide training on a specific technique or tactic (other than policy review) at roll call formation shall seek the permission from their respective _______________________ and coordinate training with the _________________________________. Any record of such training shall be documented by the receiving unit’s Training Coordinator in PowerDMS.
A. Rank
B. Rank/Position
- Any supervisor from any section who sees the need to provide training on a specific technique or tactic (other than policy review) at roll call formation shall seek the permission from their respective unit commanding officer and coordinate training with the Academy Training Sergeant or Range Master. Any record of such training shall be documented by the receiving unit’s Training Coordinator in PowerDMS.
___________________________ shall ensure all personnel under their command receive and understand the training presented at roll call. In addition each _____________ shall:
A. Rank
B. Rank
- Supervisors shall ensure all personnel under their command receive and understand the
training presented at roll call. In addition each supervisor shall:
a. Supply remedial training for personnel who are not performing at an acceptable level consistent with training; and
b. Be responsible for evaluating the training presented at roll call, carefully noting any
deficiencies, and forwarding the same to the Training Academy staff.
- All remedial training shall be scheduled and completed within _________________ of the date on which the request was made, or the need was determined. [CALEA 33.1.5]
A. Time Frame
- All remedial training shall be scheduled and completed within 90 days of the date on which
the request was made, or the need was determined. [CALEA 33.1.5]
- Failure to achieve minimum skill levels in assigned remedial training shall be reported to the __________________________________ for administrative action.
A. Rank/Position
- Failure to achieve minimum skill levels in assigned remedial training shall be reported to the
Training Academy Director for administrative action.
G. Training Committee [CALEA 33.1.1]
1. The Training Committee, which reports to the _______________________________ who serves as the
Training Academy Director, shall evaluate existing training programs and review recommendations for new training programs for all members of JSO.
A. Rank/Position
G. Training Committee [CALEA 33.1.1]
1. The Training Committee, which reports to the Assistant Chief of Training who serves as the
Training Academy Director, shall evaluate existing training programs and review recommendations for new training programs for all members of JSO.
- The Training Committee shall meet at least _____________. The _________________________ shall set the meeting and provide an agenda to members prior to the meeting. Members are expected to attend the meeting fully prepared with information pertaining to their specific area of expertise (e.g., the Commanding Officer of Field Training Unit should have a comprehensive list of LDI classes offered and notes from any training gaps identified in the field training of recruits). The committee shall review and discuss:
A. Time Frame
B. Rank/Position
- The Training Committee shall meet at least annually. The Assistant Chief of Training shall set
the meeting and provide an agenda to members prior to the meeting. Members are expected to attend the meeting fully prepared with information pertaining to their specific area of expertise (e.g., the Commanding Officer of Field Training Unit should have a comprehensive list of LDI classes offered and notes from any training gaps identified in the field training of recruits). The committee shall review and discuss:
- Following the Training Committee meeting, the __________________________ shall provide a detailed report to the ____________________________________. This report shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
a. A list of attendees;
b. Highlights from the previous year’s training; and
c. A summary of recommendations for future in-service training, roll call training,
advanced/specialized training, and LDI courses.
A. Rank/Position
B. Rank/Position
- Following the Training Committee meeting, the Assistant Chief of Training shall provide a detailed report to the Director of Personnel & Professional Standards. This report shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
a. A list of attendees;
b. Highlights from the previous year’s training; and
c. A summary of recommendations for future in-service training, roll call training,
advanced/specialized training, and LDI courses.
H. Coach Aaron Feis Guardian Program [CALEA 33.2.1, CFA 10.17]
3. Participants in the program shall receive the following training based upon F.S.S.:
a. ____ hours of firearms instruction based on the CJSTC Law Enforcement Academy training
model, which must include at least ___ percent, but no more than _____ percent, more rounds fired than associated with Training Academy training. Program participants must achieve an ___ percent pass rate on the firearms training;
b. ___ hours of instruction in precision pistol;
c. ______ hours of discretionary shooting instruction using simulator exercises;
d. ______ hours of instruction in active shooter or assailant scenarios;
e. _______ hours of instruction in defensive tactics;
f. _______ hours of instruction in legal issues; and
g. Successful completion of at least _______ hours of a certified nationally recognized diversity
training program.
H. Coach Aaron Feis Guardian Program [CALEA 33.2.1, CFA 10.17]
3. Participants in the program shall receive the following training based upon F.S.S.:
a. 80 hours of firearms instruction based on the CJSTC Law Enforcement Academy training
model, which must include at least 10 percent, but no more than 20 percent, more rounds fired than associated with Training Academy training. Program participants must achieve an 85 percent pass rate on the firearms training;
b. 16 hours of instruction in precision pistol;
c. Eight hours of discretionary shooting instruction using simulator exercises;
d. Eight hours of instruction in active shooter or assailant scenarios;
e. Eight hours of instruction in defensive tactics;
f. 12 hours of instruction in legal issues; and
g. Successful completion of at least 12 hours of a certified nationally recognized diversity
training program.