322 Missing Persons (V9) Flashcards
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria
C. Both a Missing Persons Unit detective and Missing Persons Unit supervisor are on-call on a 24 hour, seven days a week basis. Notifications will occur as follows: [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6]
1. After the immediate search of area, neighborhood canvass, and contact with relatives and friends has been conducted by Patrol personnel, an on-call Missing Persons detective and supervisor shall be notified by the ____________________________, for any of the criteria below:
- responding patrol supervisor
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Missing Persons)
Shall respond for the following things:
a. Children ____Age_Range_____
b. Any Person reported to be suffering from _____________________
c. _________________ individuals
d. Elderly Persons (_______________) who are ________________; or ____________ at risk of death
a. Children 11 years of age or younger;
b. Any Person reported to be suffering from dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease.
c. Mentally incompetent individuals (to the extent the person is unable to care for themselves and their daily activities are limited and constantly monitored because of their condition); or
d. Elderly persons (60 years of age or older) who are out of character; or medically and/or mentally at risk of death.
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Missing Persons)
2. Immediately upon patrol personnel identifying and verifying that there is clear evidence of ______________ (any aged person), an on-call Missing Persons detective shall be notified by the ____________________. [CALEA 41.2.5]
3. The following circumstances, notwithstanding other factors, do not, in itself, warrant a Missing Persons Unit notification: [CALEA 41.2.5]
a. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
b. Bipolar Disorder;
c. Depression;
d. Oppositional Defiant Disorder; or
e. Suicidal threats or disposition.
- foul play
- responding patrol supervisor
II. Hours of Operation and Callout / Notification Criteria (Missing Persons)
2. Immediately upon patrol personnel identifying and verifying that there is clear evidence of ______________ (any aged person), an on-call Missing Persons detective shall be notified by the ____________________. [CALEA 41.2.5]
3. The following circumstances, notwithstanding other factors, do not, in itself, warrant a Missing Persons Unit notification: [CALEA 41.2.5]
- foul play
- responding patrol supervisor
a. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
b. Bipolar Disorder;
c. Depression;
d. Oppositional Defiant Disorder; or
e. Suicidal threats or disposition.
III. Policies & Procedures [CALEA 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
A. Definitions
2. A missing juvenile is a person who could be one or more of the following criteria: [CALEA 41.2.6]
a. ____________________;
b. _________________ who has never previously been reported missing;
A. Age
B. Age
a. 11 years of age and younger
b. 12-17 years of age
III. Policies & Procedures [CALEA 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
A. Definitions
3. A missing/runaway juvenile is a person who:
a. Is ______________;
b. Has been previously reported as missing ________________; and
c. Does not fall under the criteria listed above.
A. Age
B. Occurance
a. 12-17 years of age
b. at least one or more times
III. Policies & Procedures [CALEA 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
2. When dispatched to a missing person call where the circumstances warrant at least an immediate search, as defined below, the officer shall:
b. Not swap calls, or request that the call be stacked without the approval of a _______________________. The __________________ shall not allow a call to be swapped or stacked if doing so will result in a delayed response.
- patrol supervisor
- patrol supervisor
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
At the conclusion of immediate searches for missing persons, officers shall notify who?
- When immediate searches are exhausted and a more extensive search is to be conducted for missing persons, officers shall notify a sector sergeant, who shall respond to coordinate the MEPSAR Phase 1 search. Officers on the scene will continue and coordinate the MEPSAR Phase 1 search until relieved by the on-scene supervisor.
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
7. A MEPSAR Phase 1 search, at a minimum, should be conducted in the following circumstances:
a. A child ______Age_Range______ is being reported as missing;
b. Clear evidence of __________ (any age person);
c. Elderly persons (____Age_Range______) who are out of character; or medically and/or mentally at risk of death;
a. 11 years of age or younger
b. foul play
c.60 years of age or older
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
9. MEPSAR Phase 1 searches should include everything listed within the immediate search plus:
a. At this time, the _________________ should confer with the _______________ to determine if MEPSAR Phase 1 protocol should be initiated;
A. Rank
B. Rank
- Patrol supervisor
- Missing Persons detective
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
11. MEPSAR Phase 2 searches should include everything listed within immediate and MEPSAR Phase 1 searches plus:
a. Coordinate with the __________________ in initiating MEPSAR Phase 2. This phase shall involve the following:
- Missing Persons Unit supervisor
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
11. MEPSAR Phase 2 searches should include everything listed within immediate and MEPSAR Phase 1 searches plus:
b. Supervisors shall establish the following (See Appendix A):
(1) Incident Commander (IC);
(2) Operations Section Chief;
(3) Search branches for JSO and JFRD;
(4) A Situation Unit including the following:
B. Response and Search Procedures [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6, 46.2.5, CFA 15.12]
(4) A ____________ including the following:
(a) A _____________ who shall document critical information and actions taken by Patrol to locate the missing individual. A dedicated dispatcher can assist with this task; and
(b) An officer to begin completing the ICS-201 to __________________ and ________________________.
(5) A _________________ to begin checking in and logging which JSO and JFRD units on the scene.
- Situation Unit
- scribe
- establish objectives
- record what is being searched
- Resources Unit
Within what time frame should NCIC be notified in order to report the person missing?
- The investigating officer shall obtain the information required for entry into the Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC)/National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and document the time the information was obtained in the narrative of the report. NCIC shall be contacted within two hours, via the phone, for a BOLO on all missing persons (adult or juvenile). [CALEA 41.2.5, CFA 15.12]
- The use of the “Missing Child Alert” program can be activated by the _______________________. Anytime this system is utilized, the Public Information Officer (PIO) and a Communications supervisor shall be notified. [CALEA 41.2.5]
- The use of any other in-house tele-notification system shall be utilized only with the approval of the ____________________ and the _______. Any time one of these systems is utilized, a Communications supervisor shall be notified. [CALEA 41.2.5]
- Missing Persons supervisor
- Missing Persons supervisor
- Notification of a _____________________ shall be made when there is clear evidence of foul play or there is a kidnapping incident. Refer to Order 321 (Homicide Unit). [CALEA 41.2.6]
- Homicide supervisor
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
1. General procedures for reporting missing persons are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
Officer reporting a missing person into NCIC must into what information into the narrative of the report?
d. Officers shall document, in the narrative of the report, the time the information required for entry into FCIC/NCIC was obtained on all missing persons (adult or juvenile); [CALEA 41.2.5, CFA 15.12]
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
1. General procedures for reporting missing persons are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
(1) The F.S.S. 937.021 states entry into the FCIC/NCIC systems of all missing persons will be completed ______________________ after “receipt of the report.” The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has defined “receipt of the report” to mean the responding officer has completed his assignment on location and the minimum criteria for entry into FCIC/NCIC has been met.
within two hours
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
1. General procedures for reporting missing persons are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
What is JSO policy for reporting someone as missing in NCIC?
e. Officers shall contact NCIC, via the phone within two hours of the officer obtaining required information for entry. The two hours also includes the time NCIC needs to complete the entry. [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6]
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
2. Procedures for reporting missing children (under 18 years of age) are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
Between what ages and category is someone, with no foul play, and at least one previous report of being missing considered?
b. Any runaway between the ages of 12 and 17 who is reported missing without foul play and has been reported missing previously on at least one occasion, will be investigated as a Category “B” investigation unless exigent circumstances exist. This is applicable to all agencies/jurisdictions that encompass Duval County. The reporting officer shall refer to the LinX Program and/or other data resources to check for previous reports from other agencies within Duval County and notate findings in the narrative of the report. Refer to Order 210 (Patrol Function); [CALEA 41.2.6, 44.2.2]
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
2. Procedures for reporting missing children (under 18 years of age) are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
What is the process for teleserve reports and follow-up procedures?
d. When a Tele-Serv Officer writes a runaway report that Officer shall forward the report to the appropriate zone based on the address used in the report. The designated zone representative, assigned by the zone commander, shall forward the runaway report to an officer for follow-up for the first 20 calendar days.
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
2. Procedures for reporting missing children (under 18 years of age) are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
If a dispute arises over who will write the report between teleserve and patrol, who has final say?
f. If there is a discrepancy over who shall write a runaway report, the final decision shall lay with the watch commander.
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
2. Procedures for reporting missing children (under 18 years of age) are as follows: [CALEA 41.2.6]
j. If the runaway is not located ___________Time_Frame_______, the reporting officer shall submit a Supplemental Report detailing all efforts, suspend the case, and forward the report to the Missing Persons Unit for detective assignment for follow-up investigation and search efforts; [CALEA 41.2.5, 41.2.6]
within the 20th calendar day
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
3. The procedures for reporting missing adults 18 years of age and older are as follows:
b. All adult missing person cases involving an accident, clear evidence of foul play, bona fide endangerment circumstances, or other critical or at-risk circumstances shall be assigned to the Missing Persons Unit as a ________Category________. The Missing Persons Unit shall continue the investigation and search efforts for the missing person. Critical or at-risk circumstances can include: [CALEA 41.2.5]
Category “C” investigation
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
3. The procedures for reporting missing adults 18 years of age and older are as follows:
c. Any adult case not involving an accident, foul play, or other critical or at-risk circumstances will be investigated as a_____________Category__________;
Category “B” Managed Criminal Investigative (MCI) investigation
C. Reporting Procedures for Missing Persons and Runaways [CFA 15.12]
3. The procedures for reporting missing adults 18 years of age and older are as follows:
d. A missing adult, who has made suicidal threats or who possesses a suicidal disposition, shall be investigated by the reporting officer as a _____________Category____________.
Category “B” investigation
A Missing Persons detective will be assigned to assist the reporting officer with his investigation, but the reporting officer will still have the primary investigative responsibility during this time;
D. Reporting Procedures for Located Missing Persons [CALEA 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
1. Return of local jurisdiction missing children/runaways procedures require officers to:
What information should be listed in the narrative of a recovered missing person
e. Include information about the child’s apparent well-being, the date and time of return, and, if possible, his/her whereabouts and activity while missing in the narrative of the report. This information shall come from the child or other credible source.
D. Reporting Procedures for Located Missing Persons [CALEA 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
2. Placement of local missing children requires the following: [CALEA 1.1.3]
d. Officers who reasonably believe the runaway will be in danger of abuse if returned home or to a shelter service shall follow the following procedure:
What are the conditions for the children to be placed in the custody of DCF vs. YCC?
(2) If the child is less than 10 years of age and requires placement Monday through Friday between 0800 and 1700 hours (excluding holidays), contact the Florida Abuse Hotline Information System (1-800-962-2873) and request a Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) counselor respond to the scene of the incident or another specified location. If the child is 10 years of age or older, they shall be transported to YCC;
D. Reporting Procedures for Located Missing Persons [CALEA 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
3. The placement of missing children/runaways from other jurisdictions requires: [CALEA 1.1.3]
What dictates the placement of a child to YCC vs. DJJ?
c. All runaways from other jurisdictions shall be taken to the YCC.
d. Arranging for the disposition of other jurisdictions’ runaways under a custody order is the responsibility of DJJ; and
F. Youth Crisis Centers [CALEA 1.1.3, 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
Who is responsible is it to complete reports and transport a juvenile to YCC?
- Officers taking juveniles to YCC are required by F.S.S. 984.13 to complete a report. On many occasions other police agencies will request JSO assist in transporting persons to YCC and other catchment facilities. It is the originating agency’s responsibility to complete its own reports and do its own transporting. Unless mitigating circumstances exist and a supervisor approves, JSO shall not transport. Officers shall complete the required report(s) for any offense and/or incident involving the juveniles. The officer must provide YCC with the CCR number of the appropriate report before the juvenile is admitted to the center.
F. Youth Crisis Centers [CALEA 1.1.3, 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
4. The “Home Free” program offers runaways _________Age_______ free bus passage to their hometown on Greyhound Bus Lines. In order for the child to participate in the program, officers must verify that the child wants to return home and the parents want the child to return. Participation must be initiated and coordinated through YCC as outlined below:
a. YCC will advise JSO that it has a runaway to participate in the program. An officer shall be sent to the bus station at 1111 West Forsyth Street to meet the YCC counselor and the runaway approximately ______Time____ before the bus is due to leave. YCC may occasionally request that JSO personnel assist in transporting the juvenile. When this occurs, officers shall pick the juvenile up from YCC for transportation to the bus station;
- less than 18 years of age
- one hour
G. Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse (MEPIC) [CFA 15.12]
1. The toll-free number for the MEPIC is 1-888-356-4774. Information regarding missing persons _______Age_________ is entered into this system automatically when entered into the FCIC/NCIC system. A parent or guardian may also submit information.
less than 18 years of age
H. The Florida Silver Alert Program and the Florida Purple Alert Program [CFA 15.12]
1. The Florida Silver Alert Program has been implemented, by the use of dynamic message signs, in the State of Florida to assist law enforcement agencies in the search and recovery efforts in cases of missing persons _____________Age____________ who have a clear indication of irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties (e.g., dementia).
60 years of age or older
H. The Florida Silver Alert Program and the Florida Purple Alert Program [CFA 15.12]
Who will activate the Silver or Purple Alert?
- The Missing Persons supervisor or his designee will activate the Silver Alert or Purple Alert after receiving the approval of the Commanding Officer of Missing Persons Unit. [CALEA 41.2.5]
I. Found Children or Disoriented Adult Procedures [CALEA 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
2. If none of the above steps results in returning a lost juvenile, the investigating officer shall: [CALEA 41.2.6]
d. If the juvenile is ________Age________, transport the juvenile to YCC;
3. Where should disoriented adults be taken?
d. 10 years of age or over
3. Disoriented adults, if their residence cannot be found or a responsible adult relative cannot be located, and there is no evidence of a medical problem, shall be transported to the nearest Baker Act receiving facility under the provisions of the Baker Act. Refer to Order 213 (Mentally Ill and Intoxicated Subjects). If there is evidence of a medical problem, transport the individual to the nearest hospital.
I. Found Children or Disoriented Adult Procedures [CALEA 41.2.6, CFA 15.12]
3. Disorientated Adults
What report and reason should be listed for an adult who is disorientated and placement cannot be found?
(1) For adults, enter “Baker Act/Disoriented” F.S.S. 394.463(l) in the block for “Reason for Investigation.” Refer to Order 213 (Mentally Ill and Intoxicated Subjects); and