Test 87 Flashcards
Small bowel mucosa in pts w/ lactase def
NORMAL (often in NA and AA)
marked atrophy of intestinal villi
celiac disease
distended mphages in intestinal lamina propria
Whipple disease
collections of NEUTROPHILS in crypt lumina
intestinal inflammation w/ scattered noncaseating granulomas
Crohn disease
MASSIVE infiltration of LP w/ atypical lymphocytes
GI lymphomas
Clinical tests to assess attention/concentration
counting down from 100 by intervals of 3/7
reciting mos of year in reverse order
spelling world backwards
following a multistep comma]nd
ask about details of significant life events
remote events
What happens to mixed venous blood, arterial blood gas and arterial pH during AEROBIC exercise?
incresaed skeletal muscle CO2 production increases the PCO2 of mixed venous blood
homeostatic mechanisms maintain arterial blood gas levels and arterial pH near resting values
*arterial pH is norm in mod exercise but can decrease during strenuous d/t lactic acidosis
decrease in vision in R eye that is narrowrer than left and directed more towards right
right nasal hemianopia
calcification or aneurysm of internal carotid artery impinging on uncrossed lateral retinal fibers
Monocular scotoma
Macular degeneration
optic neuritis
right anopia
retinal A or central retinal vein occlusion
bitemporal hemianopia
pressure exerted by a pituitary tumor, craniopharyngioma, aneurysm of ACA
left homonymous hemianopia
occlusion of anterior choroidal artery
occlusion of MCA or lesion invovling posterior limb of internal capsule
homonymous superior quadrantanopia
pie in the sky
meyers loop
honoymous inferior quadrantanopia
protein released by eosinophils to kill helminths that can also contribute to bronchial epithelial damage in pts w/ atopic asthma
major basic protein
eosinophils= bilobed nuclei w/ large eosinophilic granules of univform size
Nasty SE of Ampo B
severe hypOkalemia and hypO magnesemia are commonly seen during therapy and require daily supplementation
what type of calcification affects an aging aortic valve
*hallmark of cell injury/death that occurs in all types of necrosis in teh setting of NORMAL Ca levels
intracellular hemosiderin accmulation
occurs in pts w/ hemolytic anemia or who undergo frequent blood transfusions
occurs in OLD lung cavities (from TB, emyphysema, sarcoidosis) and does not invade lung tissue but forms FUNGUS BALL
Colonizing aspergillus fumigatus
pelvic girdle paina nd morning stiffness
tachycardia soon after administration of B lactam antibiotics
Anaphylactic shock
tx w/ epinephrine
cystic tumor in cerebellum of CHILD
composed of SPINDLE cells
Pilocytic astrocytoma
Homer wright rossettes
trabecular thinning w/ fewer interconnections
subperiosteal resorption w/ cystic degeneration
increases osteoclastic activity> bone resorption
taking Ca out of bone
excessive unmineralized osteoid > low minearl density
vit D def
Needed for bone MINERALIZATION!
don’t have vit C to mineralize osteoid
persistance of primary unimineralized spongiosa in medullary canals
mosaic pattern of lamellar bone
osteoCLAST followed by osteo BLAST leads to focal formation of abnormal bone
reid index
ratio of thickness of mucous gland layer in bronchial wall submucosa to thickness of bronchial wall bewtreen respiratory epithelium and bronchial cartilage
ABOVE 40% tell you the severity of chronic bronchitis
delayed AV conduction
PR prolongation
T wave
ventricular repolarization
ischemia can cause inversion
ventricular depolarization
ST elevation
noted in MI
Antiarrhtymics associated w/ ACQUIRED long QT
intranuclear inclusions
tx for AML
all trans retinoic acid> stimulates differentiation of myeloblasts into mature granulocytes and induces remission in about 90% of pts
ulders in proximal duodenum associated w/ severe trauma/burns
curling ulcers
ulcers in esophagus, stomach, duodneum in pts w/ high ICP are prone to perforation
Cushing ulcers
coarce erythrocyte basophilic stippling and microcytic hypochromic anemia
lead poisoning
ACE inhibition kidneys
efferent arteriole dilation
recurrent thrombosis in pt under 50
often inherited
factor V leiden mutation causes Va resistance to inactivation by acticated protein C
most impt environmental risk factor for PANCREATIC CANCER
palpable but nontender GB (Courvoisier sign), weight loss, osbstructive jaundice (dark urine/pale stools)
adenocarcinoma in head of hte pancreas