Test 61 Flashcards
elevated creatinine following acyclovir tx
acyclovir nephrotoxicity d/t crystalline nephropathy
requires HYDRATION
low AFP and estriol
HIGH BhCG and inhibin A
Down Syndrome
elevated AFP
multiple gestations, open NTD and abdominal wall defects
best way to prevent neonatal tetanus
PREGNANT women have been vaccinated w/ tetanus toxoid so protective IgG Abs can cross placenta to fetus
Preoccupation w/ unexplained medical sxs and excessive health care
somatic symptom disorder
management for somatic sx disorder
regularly scheduled vsiits that focus on goal of funcitonal improvement w/ same provider
Coarse along hte posterior aspect of the humerus and are harmed in MIDSHAFT fractures and
DEEP brachial artery and radial nerve
surgical neck fx
axillary nerve and anteiror circulmflexhumoral artery
supracondylar fractures
brachial artery
Neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes (paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration)
autoimmune phenomenon
Delta agents can cause hepatitis w/ direct HBV assistance in what capacity?
HBsAg of hepatatis B virus must COAT the HDAg of hepatitis D virus before it can infect hepatocytes and multiply
AD disroder that leads to accelerated atherosclerosis and earlyl onset CAD
Familial hypercholesterolemia
hetero/homo LDL receptor mutations> hepatocyte under-expression of functional LDL receptorse
used to compare the exposure of ppl w/ disease (cases) to exposure of people w/out disease (controls)
Case Control
measure of association is exposure odds ratio
seen among heavy cigg smokers w/ onset
Buerger’s disease (THromboangiitis obliterans)
Buergers disease-type of vasculitis?
segmental thrombosing vasculitis that extends into contiguous veins/nerves and encases htem w/ fibrous tissue
Immunity against URI, meningitis and meningococcemia
Abs against their polysaccharide capsules
Meningococal vaccine contains capsular polysaccharides from major serotypes and induces production of protective anticapsular abs
Plethoric face adn splenomegaly
peptic ulcer
gouty arthritis
Polycythemica vera
clonal myeloproliferative disease of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells
Mutation seen in polycythemia vera
mutation in JAK2, non-receptor TK associated w/ erythropoietin receptor (type I cytokine receptor)
Dehydration affects on RPF, GFR
compensatory activation of RAAS in response to hpyotension>
constriciotn of efferent arteriole to maintain GFR
FF INCREASES as RPF drops more than GFR
monoclonal Ab directed against CD20 antigen
lymphoma w/ CD20 B cell marker
inhibit neuronal high frequency firing by reducing abilibty of Na channels to recover from inactivation
valproic acid
Ethosuximide mechanims
blocks T type Ca channels in thalamic neurons
“water shed areas”
lie between perfusion of major arteries
splenic flexure
distal sigmoid colon
Neurotoxin from pufferfish
blocks VG Na channels in nerve cell membranes
blocks L type Ca channels
blocks VG Na channels
Class II
blocks passive transport of K
Squatting in TOF
increases SVR and decreases R-> L shunting> increased pulmonary blood flow
Fever cutaneous flushing dry oral mucosa dilated poorly reactive pupils confusion
anticholinergic toxicity
can mimic antimuscarinic SE
TCAs (amitrpytiline)
G6PD inheritance
**can be triggered by antimalarial drugs (HEINZ bodies)
Hereditary spherocytosis
AD (JAY!!)
structural bnormalities
AD usually
enzymem def
AR usually
superifical dermal edema and lymphatic channel dilation
CNS disorder
episodes of demyelinationa nd subsequent remyelination
demylenination w/ relative preservation of axons> reduced saltatory conduction
lesion in the optic tract
contralateral homonymous hemianopia
relative afferent pupillary defect
Lacunar infarct
small ischemic infarcts