Test 24- HRM Flashcards
hCG has a similar structure to what hormone
29 y/o M w/ painless scrotal mass
Sweat and heat intolerance
Enlarged non tender right testicle
Increased T3 and T4
Testicular malignancy
tumor associated w/ high hCG concentrations that can stimulate TSH receptors causing hyperthyroidism
Testicular germ cell tumors
responsible for GONADAL differentiation into testes containing sertoli and leydig cells
SRY gene on Y chromosome
cells that produce MIF that prevents devo of female INTERNAL genitalia
Secrete testosterone necessary for devo of male INTERNAL genitalia
46 XY genotype fetus has testes w/ normally functioning ley dig cells but total absence of sertoli. What phenoytypes will develop?
No sertoli–> no MIF–> Female internal genitalia
Leydig> testosterone> male internal genitalia> DHT> male external genitalia
Small and underdeveloped ovaries on gross examination. Light microscopy shows ovaries composed of CT with NO follicles
Streak Ovaries
Turner syndrome
Common cardiac comorbidity associated w/ Turners
Bicuspid aortic valve
Replacement of vaginal squamous epithelium with glandualr COLUMNAR epithelium
Vaginal adenosis
Female children of women exposed to DES during pregnancy
XX female with normal ovaries and secondary sex characteristics, presents with amenorrhea and short vagina and variable (rudimentary) uterine devleopment
Vaginal agenesis (Mullerian aplasia)
Cellular myxoid stroma that encircles and sometimes compresses epithelium lined glandular and cystic spaces
MC benign tumor of hte breast that arises in young women in their 20s-30s
fibroadenoma (can increase in size during luteal faze)
New onset genital vesicular rash with a positive Tzank smear in previously asymptomatic pt
Genital herpes HSV2
what drug can reduce recurrences of genital herpes through DAILY treatment
Reactivation of latent infections of HSV2 occurs in what ganglia
S2,3,4 dorsal root ganglia
cause of bicornuate uterus
failure of the paramesonephric ducts to fuse and form the uterine tubes, uterus, cervix and upper 1/3 of the vagina
what hormone increases following ovulation with the formation of the CL?
serous fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis
testicular hydrocele
origin of the tunica vaginalis?
derived from the peritoneum> if it remains in communication with the peritoneum you can get a communicating hydrocele
tunica albuginea
FIBROUS tissue that coveres the corpus spongiosum and corpora cavernosa of the penis
What is a choriocarcinoma composed of histologically?
abnormal proliferation of both cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts
NO villi present
Postpartum female presents with shortness of breath, hemoptysis, hematogenous spread to hte lungs and an increase in BhCG
MC causes of PID
N. gon
Treatment of gonococcal genital tract infections should always include treatment for what…
Ceftriaxone + (azithromyacin/doxycycline**)
Injury to what part of the urethra is associated with pelvic fractures?
posterior urethra
what part of the urethra is MC damaged in straddle injuries
anterior urethra (bulbous urethral segment)
falling on a crossbar or a top of a fence
Inability to void w/ a full bladder sensation, high ridding boggy prostate, blood at the urethral meatus in the presence of a pelvic fx
urethral injury
nerves and vessels supplying the ovary are in what ligament
Anti progestin agent that can be used to terminate an early pregnancy
Competitive inhibitor of progestins at progesteronereceptors
**endometrial lining won’t build up and beocome habitable, and will instead slough off
Prostaglandin E1 analogue often used in combination with mifepristone
Causes uterine contraction and cerical dilation
Clues that point toward psychogenic impotence
Sudden onset
presence of morning erections
MC medications that cause imotence
SSRIs SNS blockers (clonidine, methyldopa, betablockers)
Obesity, hyperandrogenism, oligomenorrhea, infertility and ENLARGED ovaries w/ cysts
How do you commonly tx pts w/ PCOS?
weight loss regimens
*clomiphene is often used in women who desire to become pregnant and want to induce ovulation
Selective estrogen receptor modulator that prevents NFB inhibition on the hypothalamus by circulating estrogen leading to increased FSH/LH and ovulation