Test 26 Flashcards
Swallow and swish agent that treats oropharyngeal candidiasis in pts w/ advanced immunodeficiency
drug that binds ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane leading to the formation of PORES and leakage of fungal cell contents
Nystatin (same as amphotericin B–SYSTEMIC MYCOSES, administered IV, never used for simple mucocutaneous infections d/t toxic SE)
Antiviral drug effective aginst HSV1/2 and VZV
Nucleoside analog that is converted into acyclo GTP in infected cells which INHIBITS viral DNA polymerase
Inhibits fungal cell mitosis at METAPHASE
Used for dermatophytes (tinea, ringworm)
Inhibits fungal enzyme squalene epoxidase
antifungal that acccumulates in the skin, nails and adipose and is used to treat dermatophytes (especially fungal infections of the finger/toe nails)
photosensitivie skin rash
why can pts with SLE have a paradoxical aPTT prolongation and a FALSE positive RPR/VDRL?
Antiphospholipid Abs (commonly seen w/ SLE in 10-30% of pts)
These pts often have a history of thrombosis and spontaenous abortion
anticardiolipin antibodies
used to test the association between 2 categorical variables
chi squared test
CHI-tegorical: often looks at percentages or proportions
compares two group means
two sample t test
compares differences between means of 3 or more groups
bacterial vaginosis
trichomonas vaginalis
treponema pallidum
genital herpes
chronic, localized infection of firm dome shaped, umbilicated papules on the skin
molluscum contagiosum
cause of PID leading to ectopic pregnancy
N. gonn
population that commonly has B12 deficiency
elderly w/ chronic anemia
how do you tx an elderly person w/ chronic anemia?
B12 parenteral administration
Type III rxn to nonhuman proteins (rituximab, infliximab, venom antitoxins) characterized by vasculitis d/t tissue deposition of circulating immune complexes
Serum sickness
pruritis skin rash
low serum C3 C4
Serum sickness
Serum sickness
IC disease in which Abs to foreign proteins are produced (takes 5 days). IC form and are deposited in membranes where htey fix complement and lead to tissue damage.
Mainstay therapy for acute mania
mood stabilizing agent:
carbamazepine + an atypical antipsychotic (olanzapine)
effective in 60% of pts
Lorazepama nd chlordizepoxide
Mediuma nd long half life benzodiazepines
SSRI–inhibits 5HT reuptake
flashbacks )(fuloxetine)
senior (sertriline) citizens (citalopram)
Mixed DA/NE reuptake inhibiotr
Depressiona dn smoking addiction
What does PCR require?
primers that are complementary to regions of DNA flanking segment to be amplified
when is a cricothyrotomy indicated
when emergency airway is required/orotracheal/nasotracheal intubation has fialed or is contraindicated
Cricothyrotomy requires incision through which structures?
- Skin
- superficial cervical fascia
- investing petracheal fascia
- cricothyroid membrane
what carries the most highly oxygenated blood in the fetus?
umbilical vein (empties directly into IVC via DUCTUS VENOSUS)
What causes hypoxia induced lactic acidosis
low acitivity of PDH (phosphorylation pathway) and high LDH activity
pyruvate kinase
converts PEP to pyruvate
converts 2 phosphoglycerate to PEP
these two bacteria secrete toxins that act by ribosylating and inactivating EF-2>
inhibits host cell protein synthesis>
cell death
Diptheria toxin
pseudomonal exotoin A
double vision, ptosis, difficulty swallowing, nausea, dry mouth after eating “ethnic food”
inhibits cholinergic nerves
blocks the presynaptic exocytosis of ACH
botulinum toxin
prevent the degradation of ACh in the synaptic cleft
cyclic breathing in which apnea is followed by gradually inceasing tidal volumes then gradually decreasing tidal volumes in next apneic period
Cheyne strokes respirations
Cycles of hyperventilation and apnea
What type of respirations are seen w/ advanced heart failure?
cheyne stokes
Deletion/insertion of a single nucleotide
causes a fRAMESHIFT mutation> production of entirely different protein
Fatigue, conjunctiva pallor, dysphagia, disfigured nails (spoon nails)
dysphagia is caused by formation of esophageal webs
What does NADPH oxidase help kill
microbes w/in neutrophil and macrophage phagolysosomes
Pts w/ CGD (defective NADPH oxidase) develop recurrent bacterial and fungal ifnections caused by what 5 organisms?
5 catalse +:
CATS Need PLACESS to hide
Nocardia Pseudomonas Listeria Aspergillus Candida Cepacia (burkholderia) E. Coli Staph. Aureus Serratia
Why do we give the H. influenzae vaccine
reduces incidence of meningitis, pneumonia, epitlottis
haEMOPhilius: Epiglottis Meningitis Otitsi media Pneumonia
Normal tracheal PO2 and normal alveolar pO2
tracheal- 150
alveolar- 104
Diffusion limited sates
pulmonary fibrosis
exercise> high pulmonary blood flow
Common SE of streptokinase
thrombolytic agent taht converts plasminogen to plasmin
how do you treat hypovolemic shock?
Identify/eliminate source of bleeding
Rapid infusion of blood products and normal saline
How does IV fluid affect CO?
increases preload leading to increased ventricular myocardial sarcomere length> increased SV and CO
In the final step of insulin syntehsis, teh pancreatic beta cell cleaves away a portion of the proinsulin polpypeptide chain forming insulin. What happens to the removed prtion?
The C peptide is formed from proinsulin in the GA and packaged along w/ insulin in islet cell secretory granuloes and secreted in equimolar concentrations w/ insulin