Test 34 Flashcards
CN5- chew masticatin masseter medial mylohyoid
first aortic arch
CN7- smile
second aortic arch
CN9- swallow stylishly
3rd aortic arch
CN10- simple swallow
superior laryngeal branch, pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid
4th arch
CN 10- speak
recurrent laryngeal branch
intrinsic mmuscles of larynx
6th arch
early diastolic murmur d/t dilation or vicuspid aortic valve
aortic regurgitaiton
t (14;18) translocation
Bcl-2 overexpression
follicluar lympohoma
bcr-abl hybrid
necessary cofactor in syntehsis of delta ALA
elevated in cases of lead poisoning
delta ALA
antifungals that bind ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane
ampho B and nystatin
NMDA blocker that blocks actions of glutamate and decresaes morphoine tolerance
modified POSTganglioinc SNS neurons that release chatecholamines into the blood stream in response to ACh released by PRE-gang SNS neurons
medulllary chromaffin cells
myasthenia gravis
decrease in fxnal ACh receptors on postsynaptic terminal of NMJ> decrease end plate potential and prevents formation of APs
cholinesterase inhibitor commonly used to treat myasthenia gravis
can lead to excessive cholinergic stimulation of the gut
selective muscarinic ACh antagoinist that reduces the effect of cholinserase inhibiotrs (where there are muscarinic receptors)
toxic megalon
ulcerative colitis
abdominal pain and distension
signs of shock
plain abdominal X ray
5HT agonists associated used for abortive therapy and acute migraine
*postynaptic 5HT receptor stimulation
more than 10% increase is urine osmolarity following ADH administration
central DI
> 50% complete central DI
inhibit the production and release of renin from renin JG cells by antagonizing B1 recepors
Beta blockers- metoprolol
downward and laterally deviated eye, impaired pupils
CN III lesion
opoid analgesics> RUQ pain
contraction of sm muscles in sphincter of oddi>
increased pressure in bile duct/GB>
biliary collic
purine analgo that ahieves high intracellular concentrations b/c its resistant to degradation by ADA
drug of choice for hair cell
contact dermatitis
granulomatous inflammation
TB test
DTH mediated by Th1 lymphoicytes
ion pump failure d/t ATP def during cardiac ischemia leads to intracellular accumulation of…
draws free water into the cell>
mitochrondrial swelling
cause of tissue damage and abscess formation
lysosomal enzyme release form neutrophils and mphages
sustained muscle contraction (myotonia) weakness and atrophy cataracts frontal balding gonadal atrophy
myotonic dystrophy (AD) d/t increased number of tri repeasts on myotonia protein kinase gene
childhood to late adult hood