Test 29 Flashcards
first line drug for trigeminal neuralgia
you can also use baclofen and VA but they’re not first line choices
tonic clonic seizures
1st line epilepsy drug in neonates
treats schizophrenia, acute psychoses, acute mania and tourettes
migraine prophylaxis and redution of portal venous pressure to prevent variceal belled
gives rise to the collecting tubules, ducts, major and minor calyces, renal pelvisa nd ureters
ureteric bud
gives rise to the: glomeruli Bowman's space proximal tubules loop of Henle DCT
metanephric mesoderm
linkage disequilibrium
pair of alleles are inherited together in the same gamete more or less often than would be expected by random chance
measured in a POPULATION
*can occur even if genes are on different chromosomes
presence of mitochondrial disease is related to the proportion of abnormal to normal mitochondria in a pt’s cells
occurrence of multiple phenoytypic manifestations that result from a single gene
Changes in personality, social behavior and language that occurs over time and progresses to a more global dementia
frototermporal dementia (Pick’s)
inabijlity to form new memories (alz)
parietal cortex
integrates sensor information
gerstmann syndrome (r/L confusion, dysgraphia, dycalcula and finger agnosia
destruction of subthalamic nucleus
hemiballismus (involuntary flinging movements of extremities contralateral to the lesion)
inactivated version of influenza (shot)
induce neutralizing abs against hemagglutinin Ag
subsequent exposure of virus, Ab bind to hemaglutinin on host cell membrane and prevents viral cells from endocytosing
inactivated viral vaccines
generate a humoral immune response
RIP Always
hep A
live attenuated viral vaccines
strong cell mediated immune resopnse + provide humoral immunitygmnvf
pathogenesis of centriacinar emphysema assoc w/ chronic heavy smoking
release of proteinases (elastases) from infiltrating NEUTROPHILS and macrophages
detoxify inhaled substances by p450 mechanism
club cells
cause of dilated coronary sinus
coronary sinus communicates w/ the right atrium and can become dilated secondary to any factor that causes RIGHT atrial dilation
often this is pulm a. HTN which leads to elevated right heart pressures
organ that is NOT a gut derivative and forms from the mesodermal dorsal mesentery
esophagus through the second part of the duodenum
portion of pancreas
<5 mm bruise
5mm-1 cm bruise
> 1 cm bruise
small, focal permanent dilations of superficial capillaries/venules. Blanch under pressure b/c RBC are confined to vasculature.
hematocrit > 52% in men and 48% in women
polycythemia w/ normal RBC mass
Relative erythrocytosis
can be caused by aggressive diuretic therapy for heart failure exacerbation
primary erythrocytosis
low EPO disoders (caused by MPDs like PCVera)
Increased EPO levels d/t chronic hypoxia from high altitudes, somking, COPD
Secondary erythrocytosis
zona glomerulosa
synthesizes mineralcorticoids
HTN, profound muscle weakenss, HYPOkalemia an dmetabolic alkalosis w/ marked hypernatremia
excess mineralcorticoids
renin is usually low d/t hypervolemia!
hypokalemia> muscle weakeness
isolated systolic HTN in elderly
age related decrease in complilance (stiffness of aorta)
Bacillus anthracis toxin
edema factor
AC that causes massive INCREASE in intracellular cAMP>
neutrophil/macrophage dysfunction/tissue edema
organism that has a similar toxin to bacillus anthracis
AC toxin produced by bordetella pertussis (impairs phagocytosis to permit survival of microbe)
K eq if G is negative
K eq is GREATER than 1 and concentration of products is favored
K eq if G is positive
Keq is LESS than 1 and formation of SUBSTRATES is favored
how do you dx c. diff
toxins genes in the stool w/ PCR
what can reverse the toxicity of methotrexate in GI mucosa and bone marrow
Leucovorin (folinic acid)
doesn’t require DHFR for conversion to THF
N/V after chemo
inhibits 5HT3 in area posteream and solitary nucleus
G-CSF analog used to stimulate proliferatoin/differentiation of granulocytes in pts w/ neutropean
prevents HEMORRHAGIC CYSTITIS by binding acrolein
IN PTS getting cyclophosphagmide
iron chelating agent that can prevent anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity
cytoprotective free radical scaveneger used to decrease cumulative nephrotoxicity
confusion, agitation, tremor, tachycardia, hypertension, clonus, hyperthermia, diaphoresis caused by SSRI or Mao I
Serotonin syndrome
Precursor for serotonin
precursor for thyroxine, DA, Epi, NE, melanin
GABA precursor
glutamic acid
histamine precursos
precursor for syteine, carnitine, taurine, lecithin
antitdote for serotonin syndrome
benzo overdose
Drug that can cause AV block (BRADYCARDIA), ventricular tachyarrythmias and HYPERKALEMIA
inducing stimulation of AV node by vagus nerve causing slowing of conduction through AV node
common second line tx for a. fib
**hard to dose, so toxicity sxs are common
gram positive cocci that produces dextrans from glucose that helps organisms to colonize host surfaces (dental enamel and heart valves)
viridans streptococci
histological finding of A1AT def
reddish pink PAS granules of unsecreted polymerized A1AT in periportal hepatocytes
Progressive exertional dyspnea, elevated liver enzymes, and liver biopsy that shows specimen w/ PAS staining
A1AT –decreased secretion d/t abnormal protein folding
can effect lung AND liver
lead to intraalveolar septal destruction
hawthorne effect
tendency of study subjects to change behavior as a result of awareness fo being studied