Endocrinology 19 Flashcards
How does Insulin affect the muscle tissue?
Insulin increases the uptake of glucose by muscle tissue and increases its deposition into the glycogen storage form
How does Insulin affect Adipose tissue?
It increases the uptake of glucose into fatty or adipose tissue
What can glucose be converted to in Adipose tissue?
Fatty acids or triglycerides
How does insulin affect the transport of glucose into the liver?
It doesn’t
How does insulin influence the liver?
It stimulates or inhibits various enzymes so that more glucose can be converted to glycogen
How does insulin affect amino acids and muscle?
Insulin increases the uptake of amino acids into muscle
What can happen once amino acids enter the muscle?
They can be converted into protein
How does insulin affect amino acids and the liver?
Insulin increases the uptake of amino acids into the liver
What is the overall role of insulin?
It increases the uptake of glucose into various tissues to be converted into different storage molecules
Which tissues can take up glucose in the absence of insulin?
The liver and the brain
What is glycogenesis?
Building up glycogen
What is glycogenolysis?
Breaking down glycogen
What is gluconeogensis?
The formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate substances
What kind of hormone is insulin?
A protein hormone
What is the insulin receptor made of?
2 alpha and 2 beta subunits