Chapter 32a Latin to English Flashcards
- Prīmō illī trēs rīdiculī nē mediocria quidem perīcula fortiter ferre poterant et ūllum auxilium offerre nōlēbant.
- At first those three jokers were not able to endure even moderate dangers and were not willing to offer any assistance.
- Maximē rogāvimus quantum auxilium septem fēminae adferrent et utrum dubitārent an nōs mox adiūtūrae essent.
- We asked very much how much assistance the seven women were bringing and whether they doubted that they would soon help us.
- Dēnique armīs collātīs, imperator prōmīsit decem mīlia mīlitum celerrimē discessūra esse, dummodo satis cōpiārum reciperent.
- Finally, after the weapons had been collected, the general promised that ten thousand (of) soldiers would depart most quickly, as long as they received enough (of) supplies.
- Paria beneficia, igitur, in omnēs dignōs cōnferre māvultis.
- You prefer to bestow equal benefits, therefore, on all the worthy (people).
- Haec mala melius expōnant nē dīvitiās minuant aut honōrēs suōs āmittant.
- Let them explain these evils better so that they don’t reduce (their) riches or lose their (own) honors.
- At volumus cognōscere cūr sīc invīderit et cūr verba eius tam dūra fuerint.
- But we want to find out why he/she hated thus and why his/her words were so hard.
- Cum cēterī hās īnsidiās cognōverint, vult in exsilium fūrtim ac quam celerrimē sē cōnferre ut rūmōrēs et invidiam vītet.
- Since the rest (the others) know (have found out about) these plots, he/she wants to take him/herself as quickly as possible into exile in order to avoid rumors and envy.
- Multīne discipulī tantum studium usque praestant ut hās sententiās facillimē ūnō annō legere possint?
- Are many students [male] continuously supplying so much enthusiasm that they can very easily read these opinions in one year?
- Cum dīvitiās āmīsisset et ūnum assem nōn habēret, tamen omnēs cīvēs ingenium mōrēsque eius maximē laudābant.
- Although he/she had lost (his/her) riches and did not have one penny, nevertheless all the citizens wereo very much praising his/her innate talent and character.
- Plūra meliōraque lēgibus aequīs quam ferrō certē faciēmus.
- We will certainly make more and better (things) with fair laws than with the sword.
- Oculī tuī sunt pulchriōrēs sīderibus caelī, mea puella;
- Your [sg.] eyes are more beautiful than the stars of the sky, my girl;
11b. es gracilis et bella, ac ōscula sunt dulciōra vīnō:
11b. you [fem.] are graceful and beautiful, and (your) kisses are sweeter than wine:
11c. amēmus sub lūce lūnae!
11c. let us love under the light of the moon.
- Iste hostis, in Italiam cum multīs elephantīs veniēns, prīmō pugnāre nōluit et plūrimōs dies in montibus cōnsūmpsit.
- That (dreadful) enemy, coming into Italy with many elephants, at first did not want to fight and used up very many days in the mountains.
- Sī nepōs tē ad cēnam semel invītābit, mēnsam explēbit et tibi tantum vīnī offeret quantum vīs;
- If the grandson invites (= will invite) you [sg.]to dinner, he will fill the table and will offer you as much (of) wine as you wish;
13b. nōlī, autem, nimium bibere.
13b. Do not, however, drink too much.
- Do you [pl.] wish to live longer and better?
- Vultis vīvere longius et melius?
- He wishes to speak as wisely as possible so that they may yield to him very quickly.
- Vult dīcere quam sapientissimē ut cēdant eī quam celerrimē.
- When these plans had been learned, we asked why he had been unwilling to prepare the army with the greatest possible care.
- Cum haec cōnsilia cognita essent, rogāvimus cūr nolluisset exercitum parāre cum quam maximā cūrā.
- That man, who used to be very humble, now so keenly wishes to have wealth that he is willing to lose his two best friends.
- Ille vir, quī humillimus erat, nunc tam ācriter vult dīvitiās habēre ut velit amittere duōs optimōs amīcōs suōs.
- Occāsiō nōn facile praebētur sed facile ac repente āmittitur.
- Opportunity is not offered easily but it is easily and suddenly lost.
- Nōbīscum vīvere iam diūtius nōn potes;
- You [sg.] cannot now live with us any longer;
2b. nōlī remanēre; id nōn ferēmus.
2b. Do not [sg.] remain; we will not tolerate it.
- Vīs rēctē vīvere? Quis nōn?
- Do you [sg.] want to live right? Who (does) not?
- Plūs nōvistī quid faciendum sit.
- You [sg.] know more what has to be done.
- Mihi vērē dīxit quid vellet.
- He/she told me truly what he/she wanted.
- Parēs cum paribus facillimē congregantur.
- Like (people) gather (into a flock) with like very easily.
- Tē magis quam oculōs meōs amō.
- I love you more than (I love) my eyes.
- Hominēs libenter id crēdunt quod volunt.
- Men gladly believe (that) which they want (to believe).
- Multa ēveniunt hominibus quae volunt et quae nōlunt.
- Many (things) happen to people which they want, and (many things happen) which they don’t want.
- Cōnsiliō melius contendere atque vincere possumus quam īrā.
- We are able to struggle and win with purpose better than with anger.
- Optimus quisque facere māvult quam dīcere.
- Each [male] one (who is) best prefers to do rather do than to say.
- Omnēs sapientēs fēlīciter, perfectē, fortūnātē vīvunt.
- Wise people live happily, completely, fortunately.
- Maximē eum laudant quī pecūniā nōn movētur.
- They praise very much him who is not moved by money.
- Sī vīs scīre quam nihil malī in paupertāte sit, confer pauperem et dīvitem:
- If you [sg.] want to know how (there) is nothing evil in poverty, compare a pauper and a rich (person);
14b pauper saepius et fidēlius rīdet.
14b. the pauper laughs more often and more faithfully.
- Magistrī puerīs crūstula dant ut prīma elementa discere velint.
- Teachers [male] give (their) boys cookies so that they will want to learn the first elements [= letters of the alphabet].
- Sī vīs mē flēre, dolendum est prīmum ipsī tibi.
- If you [sg.] want me to weep, it is first necessary for you yourself to be sorrowful. [this is a new construction: the impersonal passive periphrastic.]
- Cimōn celeriter ad summōs honorēs pervēnit.
- Cimon quickly arrived at the highest (public) offices.
- Habēbat enim satis eloquentiae, summam līberālitātem, magnam scientiam lēgum et reī mīlitāris, quod cum patre ā puerō in exercitibus fuerat.
- For he had enough eloquence, the highest liberality, a great knowledge of the laws and of military science (lit. “military thing”), because he had been in the armies with his father as a boy.
- Itaque hic populum urbānum in suā potestāte facillimē tenuit et apud exercitum valuit plūrimum auctōritāte.
- And so this man held the city population in his power and had power with the army, very much, in respect to his authority.
- Cum ille occidisset, Athēniēnsēs dē eō diū doluērunt;
- When he (had) died, the Athenians for a long time grieved over him;
- nōn sōlum in bellō, autem, sed etiam in pāce eum graviter dēsīderāvērunt.
- the desired him seriously not only war, however, but also in peace.
- Fuit enim vir tantae līberālitātis ut, cum multōs hortōs habēret, numquam in hīs custōdiās pōneret;
- For he was a man of so much liberality that, although he had many gardens, he never placed guards in them;
- nam hortōs līberrimē patēre voluit nē populus ab hīs frūctibus prohibērētur.
- for he wanted his gardens to be open most freely, so that the people would not be kept form his fruit.
- Saepe autem, cum aliquem minus bene vestītum vidēret, eī suum amiculum dedit.
- Often, however, when he saw someone clothed less well, he gave him his cloak.
- Multōs locuplētāvit; multōs pauperēs vīvōs iūvit atque mortuōs suō sūmptū extulit.
- He enriched many people; he assisted many poor people and buried the dead at his own expense.
- Sīc minimē mīrum est sī, propter mōrēs Cimōnis, vīta eius fuit sēcūra et mors eius fuit omnibus tam acerba quam mors cuiusdam ex familiā.
- Thus it is hardly wonderful if, because of Cimon’s character, his life was untroubled, and for everyone his death was as bitter as the death of someone from the family.
- Read aloud in meter (elegiac couplet):
Quid mihi reddat ager quaeris, Line, Nōmentānus?
Hoc mihi reddit ager: tē, Line, nōn videō!
HOC mihi REDdit agER: TĒ, Line, NŌN videŌ!
- Translate:
Quid mihi reddat ager quaeris, Line, Nōmentānus?
Hoc mihi reddit ager: tē, Line, nōn video!
Martial 2.38
Do you ask why my farm in Nomentum is so profitable, Linus?
This is why my farm is profitable: I don’t see you, Linus!
- Read aloud in meter (Elegiac couplet):
Nīl recitās et vīs, Māmerce, poēta vidērī.
Quidquid vīs estō, dummodo nīl recitēs!
NĪL recitĀS ET VĪS, mĀMERce, poĒta vidĒRĪ.
- Translate:
Nīl recitās et vīs, Māmerce, poēta vidērī.
Quidquid vīs estō, dummodo nīl recitēs!
Martial 2.88
You give no recitations, Mamercus, and you want to seem be seen as as poet.
Thou shalt be as you wish, as long as you give no recitations!