Chapter 26a. Latin to English Flashcards
- Ille dux nescīvit cōnsilium nūntiātum esse …
- That leader did not know that the plan had been announced …
1b. et sē imperium prōtinus susceptūrum esse.
1b. and that he would immediately undertake supreme command.
- “Quīdam,” inquit, “imperium quondam petēbant …
- “Some (people),” he/she says, “were once seeking the supreme command …
2b. et līberōs virōs opprimere cupiēbant.”
2b and wanted to oppress free men.”
- Eōdem diē decem mīlia hostium ab duce fidēlissimō āversa ac pulsa sunt;
- On the same day ten thousand (of the) enemies were turned away and driven out by the most loyal leader;
3b. multī mīlitēs vulnera recēperant et in agrīs iacēbant.
3b. many soldiers had received wounds and were lying in the fields.
- Morte tyrannī ferōcis nūntiātā,
- Since the death of the fierce tyrant has been announced, [ablative absolute]
4b. quisque sē ad ōrātōrem potentissimum magnā spē vertit.
4b. each (person) changes himself/herself with great hope into a most powerful speaker.
- Rīdēns, scrīptor illīus fābulae sapiēns aliquid iūcundius dehinc nārrāvit.
- Laughing, the wise writer of that story next told (about) something more pleasant.
- Hīs rēbus audītīs,
- Now that these affairs have been heard, [ablative absolute],
6b. adulēscentēs geminī propter pecūniae cupiditātem studium litterārum relinquent.
6b. the twin young men will leave the study of literature for the sake of money [propter + acc.].
- Rēgīna fortissima Carthāginis posteā ostendit fidem semper esse sibi cāriōrem dīvitiīs.
- The bravest queen of Carthage afterwards showed [could also be present] that fidelity was always more dear to her than riches. [ablative of comparison]
- Negāvit sē umquam vīdisse servam fidēliōrem quam hanc.
- He/she denied that he/she had ever seen a more faithful slave [female] than this one.
- Iūcundior modus vītae hominibus nunc quaerendus est.
- Humans should look now for a a more pleasant way of life [passive periphrastic].
- Crēdimus illōs vīgintī līberōs virōs fēmināsque vītam quam iūcundissimam agere.
- We believe that those twenty free men and women are leading the most pleasant life possible.
- Imperātor centum mīlitēs fortissimōs prae sē heri mīsit.
- Yesterday the general sent a hundred extremely brave soldiers ahead of him(self).
- Lūx in illā casā nōn fuit clārissima,
- The light in that house was not the brightest,
12b. quod familia paucās fenestrās patefēcerat.
12b. because the family had opened few windows.
- Amīcōs tristēs excēpit, ad mēnsam invītāvit,
- He/she received the sad friends [male], invited them to the table,
13b et eīs perfugium ac sōlācium hīc dedit.
13b. and gave them a refuge and consolation here.
- What is sweeter than a pleasant life? (use quam)
- Quid est dulcius quam vīta iūcunda?
- Certain men, however, say that death is sweeter than life (use ablative of comparison).
- Quīdam virī, autem, dīcunt mortem dulciōrem vītā.
- When these three very sure signs had been reported, [ablative absolute]
- Hīs tribus certīs signīs nūntiātīs,
16b. we sought advice and comfort from the most powerful leader.
16b. cōnsilium et sōlācium quaesīvimus dē duce potentissimō.
- In that story the author says that all men seek as happy lives as possible.
- In illā fābula auctor āit omnēs virōs quaerere vītās quam fēlicissimās.
- This light is always brighter than the other. [use quam]
- Haec lūx semper clārior est quam alia.