Chapter 24b. English to Latin Flashcards
1a. With the fire having been seen,
1a. Igne vīsō,
1b. all the men and (their) wives were frightened,
1b. omnēs virī et uxōrēs territī sunt …
1c. and they sailed beyond the city to the shore of an island,
1c. et ultrā urbem ad lītus īnsulae nāvigāvērunt,
1b. where shelter was found.
1d. ubi perfugium inventum est.
2a. With the people having been overwhelmed with fear,
2a. Populō metū oppressō,
2b. That general (of yours) must be expelled by us from the city.
2b. iste imperātor nōbīs ex urbe pellendus est.
3a. The orator, the sign having been given by the priest, returned on that day …
3a. Ōrātor, signō a sacerdōte datō, eō diē revēnit …
3b. and now the entire Latin people is rejoicing.
3b. et nunc tōtus populus Latīnus gaudet.
- The Roman race once received the verses of that writer with great praise.
- Gēns Rōmāna versūs illīus scrīptōris magnā laude quondam recēpit.
- Praises and gifts of this kind were desired by orators.
- Laudēs atque dōna huius modī ab ōrātōribus dēsīderābantur.
6a. With (supreme) authority having been received,
6a. Imperiō accepto,
6b. the just and great-hearted leader showed his (own) loyalty to the commonwealth.
6b. dux aequus magnanimusque fidem suam reī pūblicae ostendit.
- Someone had afterwards ordered those five horses to be snatched from the fire.
- Aliquis eōs quīnque equōs ex igne ēripī posteā iusserat.
- Do you [sg.] ever perceive all (the things) that must be learned by you?
- Cernisne umquam omnia quae tibi scienda sunt?
9a. That man, being about to return from the citadel of the city,
9a. Ille, ab arce urbis reventūrus,
9b. began to be pressed (hard) by those (dreadful) men.
9b. ab istīs hominibus premī coepit.
10a. I wish to touch the hand of that soldier …
10a. Cupiō tangere manum illīus mīlitis …
10b. who lacked fear …
10b. quī metū caruit
10c. and (also) suppressed the serious crimes against the commonwealth.
10c. atque gravia scelera contrā rem pūblicam oppressit.
11a. That leader (of yours) was immediately expelled,
11a. Iste dux prōtinus expulsus est,
11b. while he was receiving (supreme) power.
11b. ut imperium excipiēbat.
- Those slaves [female], however, were seeking refuge and consolation from (their) friends.
- Illae servae, autem, perfugium sōllaciumque ab amīcīs quaerēbant.
13a. The horn having been heard,
13a. Cornū audītō,
13b. that soldier, incertain about [lit. “of”] (his) plan, turned the troops to the middle (of the) island.
13b. ille mīles, incertus cōnsilii, cōpiās ad mediam īnsulam vertit.
14a. Nostrō perīculō commūnī aversō,
14a. When the common danger had been averted [ablative absolute],
14b. duō ē fīliīs nostrīs atque omnēs fīliae ex Asiā rēvēnērunt.
14b. two of our sons and all our daughters came back from Asia.
- Spēs nostrae illīs tribus virīs malīs nōn tollendae sunt.
- Our hopes must not be destroyed [use tollō] by those three evil men.
- Populīs omnium gentium pācem petentibus,
- Since people of all nations are seeking peace [ablative absolute],
16b. cupiditās imperiī omnibus dūcibus vincenda est.
16b. all leaders must conquer the passion for [= of] power [passive periphrastic].
17a. Dux, et hominibus līberīs et servīs expulsus,
- The leader, having been driven out by both the free men and the slaves, [perfect participle]
17b. nōn poterat suum imperium recipere.
- could not regain his command.
- Carthage must be destroyed.
- Carthāgō dēlenda est.
2a. Asia having been conquered….
2a. Asiā victā,
2b. the lucky Roman leader sent many slaves to Italy.
2b. dux Rōmānus fēlix multōs servōs in Italiam mīsit.
3a. With everyone [= “all”] having been frightened by the soldier’s sword,
3a. Omnibus ferrō mīlitis perterritīs,
3b. each (person) wanted to save him/herself.
3b. quisque sē servāre cupiēbat.
- Whatever is to be said, I will say it freely.
- Quidquid dīcendum est, liberē dīcam.
- All these wounds of war are now to be healed by you [sg.].
- Haec omnia vulnera bellī tibi nunc sānanda sunt.
- I will fear neither the uprising nor the soldier’s spear nor violent death.
- Nec tumultum nec hastam mīlitis nec mortem violentem timēbō.
7a. With Tarquin having been expelled,
7a. Tarquiniō expulsō,
7b. the Roman people was not able to hear the name of king.
7b. nōmen rēgis audīre nōn poterat populus Rōmānus.
- All plans and deeds should be directed by us at [= to] the utility of life.
- Ad ūtilitātem vītae omnia cōnsilia factaque nōbīs regenda sunt.
- By Caesar all (things) were to be done at one time.
- Caesarī omnia ūnō tempore erant agenda.
- A stupid man says “O citizens,”
- Homō stultus, “Ō cīvēs,” inquit,
- money is to be sought before all (things);
- “pecūnia ante omnia quaerenda est;
- virtue and honesty (are) behind money”
- virtūs et probitās post pecūniam.”
- The desire for money, however, is to be fled.
- Pecūniae autem cupiditās fugienda est.
- And also to be fled is the desire for [= of] glory;
- Fugienda etiam est cupiditās glōriae;
- for it takes (away) freedom.
- ēripit enim lībertātem.
- (Supreme) powers should neither be sought always nor always accepted;
- Neque imperia semper petenda sunt neque semper accipienda;
- (they) should even be laid aside sometimes [= not never].
- etiam dēponenda nōn numquam.
- Having been received by the sky on account of virtue, Hercules greeted many gods;
- Caelō receptus propter virtūtem, Herculēs multōs deōs salūtāvit;
- But when Pluto came [= with Pluto coming], who is the son of Fortune, he averted his eyes.
- sed Plūtō veniente, quī Fortūnae est fīlius, āvertit oculōs.
- Then, when questioned about the reason [= with the cause having been enquired (into)]
- Tum, causā quaesītā,
- He said, “I hate that (one),
- “Ōdī,” inquit, “illum,
- because he is a friend to bad (men)
- quod malīs amīcus est
- and corrupts all (things) because of profit.
- atque omnia corrumpit lucrī causā.
- Laughing(ly) I will run through my satires, and why not?
- Rīdēns saturās meās percurram, et cūr nōn?
- What forbids me to me to speak the truth laughing(ly).
- Quid vetat mē rīdentem dīcere vērum,
- (just) as teachers [male] often give cookies to the boys who are to be educated?
- ut puerīs ēducandīs saepe dant crūstula magistri?
- I inquire into serious matters with pleasant play …
- Quaerō rēs gravēs iūcundō lūdō …
- and, with the names having been invented, I tell about many faults and crimes.
- et, nōminibus fictīs, dē multīs culpīs vitiīsque narrō.
- But why are you laughing?
- Sed quid rīdēs?
- If the names were changed [= with the names having been changed]
- Mūtātō nōmine,
- the story is told about you!
- dē tē fabula narrātur!